SFX KB: A New OverDrive Ebooks and Audiobooks Collection
SFX KB: A New OverDrive Ebooks and Audiobooks Collection Released Early November 2024
Ex Libris and OverDrive have partnered to allow OverDrive ebooks and audiobooks titles to be included in the SFX Knowledgebase. OverDrive offers digital reading platform with industry's largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks and other digital media to a growing network of 92,000 libraries and schools in 115 countries.
A new OverDrive Ebooks and Audiobooks collection (Target ID: 499649300000041) was released on November 3rd, 2024.
You can manually activate your subscribed titles in this collection.
How do I make sure my collection is up to date?
In case you are unable to locate some/all of your OverDrive books and audiobooks content in the "OverDrive Ebooks and Audiobooks" SFX collection, please reach out to your account team at OverDrive and ask them to include your titles in the feed of MARC records supplied to Ex Libris.
OverDrive expects customized URLs for each subscribing institution. A linking URL should include your institution's Website ID.
The value of your Website ID can be found in The OverDrive Portal and provided to customers upon request.
Is Kanopy content included?
No, Kanopy content is available in the dedicated Kanopy PDA collections (see https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/...ailable_in_SFX)
- Article last edited: 24-JAN-2025