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    2024 Alma CKB Release Notes: January - March

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    Click here for information on RSS feeds. Note that you should update your RSS to include this new 2024 page.

    Dates for collections' removal

    For daily updated providers, date may vary. See list of providers:

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 12, March 25th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of March 15th through March 21st:

    • Number of records updated: 204

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 12, March 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Wiley Online Library Wiley Online Library Hemotology Backfiles 611000000000001396 Duplicate of Wiley Online Library Hematology Backfiles 614910000000001610
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Beck Publishing 2014 612560000000000686 Per provider's request    
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online 1: Playtexts and Scholarly Works 613830000000000049 Per provider's request    
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections Film And Media Studies Complete 614930000000000016 Per provider's request    

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 13

    Week 12, March 25th

    Interface E-Collection Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Cyberlibris Scholarvox Université métiers - Couperin 614110000000000271 Duplicate of: ScholarVox Université Emploi métiers et formation 614920000000003778
    Cyberlibris ScholarVox Université Sciences de l' Education ESPE 614110000000000270 Duplicate of: ScholarVox Université Sciences de l'Éducation INSPE 614920000000003783
    Cyberlibris Scholarvox Université Sciences Humaines et Sociales 614110000000000266 No longer distributed by the provider    

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 16

    Week 12, March 25th

    Interface E-Collection Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Bacon Bacon Taylor And Francis France Licence Nationale Istex Ebooks Plateforme Istex $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-PFISTEX 615490000000001406 Replaced by TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-SCIENCEPOLITIQUE-PFISTEX Bacon Taylor And Francis France Licence Nationale Istex Ebooks Science Politique Plateforme Istex $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-SCIENCEPOLITIQUE-PFISTEX 614920000000005765
    Bacon Bacon Taylor And Francis France Licence Nationale Istex Ebooks Plateforme Editeur $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-PFEDITEUR 615400000000000015 Replaced by TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-SCIENCEPOLITIQUE-PFEDITEUR Bacon Taylor And Francis France Licence Nationale Istex Ebooks Science Politique Plateforme Editeur $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-SCIENCEPOLITIQUE-PFEDITEUR 614920000000005766
    Bacon Bacon Cairn Couperin Ecosocpol $CAIRN_COUPERIN_ECOSOCPOL 613780000000000293 Replaced by CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-ECOSOCPOL Bacon Cairn Couperin Revues Ecosocpol $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-ECOSOCPOL 614920000000005767
    Bacon Bacon Cairn Couperin General $CAIRN_COUPERIN_GENERAL 613780000000000294 Replaced by CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-GENERAL Bacon Cairn Couperin Revues General $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-GENERAL 614920000000005768
    Bacon Bacon Cairn Couperin Humanites $CAIRN_COUPERIN_HUMANITES 613780000000000295 Replaced by CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-HUMANITES Bacon Cairn Couperin Revues Humanities $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-HUMANITES 614920000000005769
    Bacon Bacon Cairn Couperin Psychologie $CAIRN_COUPERIN_PSYCHOLOGIE 613780000000000296 Replaced by CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-PSYCHOLOGIE Bacon Cairn Couperin Revues Psychologie $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-PSYCHOLOGIE 614920000000005770
    Bacon Bacon Openedition Global Ebooks Editions Ehess Re Impressions $OPENEDITION_GLOBAL_EBOOKS-EDITIONS-EHESS-RE-IMPRESSIONS 614920000000001634 Package available on page:    
    Bacon Bacon Brill Couperin Allebooks $BRILL_COUPERIN_ALLEBOOKS 615300000000001212 Obsolete. To see: BRILL_GLOBAL_ALLEBOOKS Bacon Brill Global Allebooks $BRILL_GLOBAL_ALLEBOOKS 615470000000000016
    Bacon Bacon Royal Society Of Chemistry Couperin Gold Including Archive $RSC_COUPERIN_GOLD-INCLUDING-ARCHIVE 615490000000001380 Obsolete     
    Bacon Bacon Wolters Kluwer Global Oa Journals $WOLTERSKLUWER_GLOBAL_OA-JOURNALS 615400000000000026 Duplicate with WOLTERSKLUWER_GLOBAL_MEDKNOW Bacon Wolters Kluwer Global Medknow $WOLTERSKLUWER_GLOBAL_MEDKNOW 614920000000001821
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Global History Collection $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_HISTORY-COLLECTION 615490000000001766 Replaced by  PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_HISTORY Bacon Project Muse Couperin History $PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_HISTORY 614920000000001815
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Global Humanities Collection $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_HUMANITIES-COLLECTION 615490000000001768 Replaced by  PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_HUMANITIES Bacon Project Muse Couperin Humanities $PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_HUMANITIES 614340000000000852
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Global Literature Expanded Collection $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_LITERATURE-EXPANDED-COLLECTION 615490000000001769 Replaced by PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_LITERATURE-EXPANDED Bacon Project Muse Couperin Literature Expanded $PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_LITERATURE-EXPANDED 614920000000001817
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Global Philosophy Religion Collection $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_PHILOSOPHY-RELIGION-COLLECTION 615490000000001770 Replaced by PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_PHILOSOPHY-AND-RELIGION Bacon Project Muse Couperin Philosophy And Religion $PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_PHILOSOPHY-AND-RELIGION 614920000000001818
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Global 2022 Psychology $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_2022-PSYCHOLOGY 615490000000001767 Replaced by  PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_PSYCHOLOGY BACON Project Muse Global Psychology $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_PSYCHOLOGY 614920000000005809
    Bacon Bacon Harmattan Global Harmatheque Ebooks Sciences Politiques Et Sociales $HARMATTAN_GLOBAL_HARMATHEQUE-EBOOKS-SCIENCES-POLITIQUES-ET-SOCIALES 615400000000000096 Replaced by  HARMATTAN_GLOBAL_HARMATHEQUE-EBOOKS-SCIENCES-POLITIQUES Bacon Harmattan Global Harmatheque Ebooks Sciences Politiques $HARMATTAN_GLOBAL_HARMATHEQUE-EBOOKS-SCIENCES-POLITIQUES 614960000000000531
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Couperin Alljournals $PROJECTMUSE_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS 615490000000001663 Obsolete     
    Royal Society of Chemistry NESLi2 Royal Society of Chemistry Gold Journals 611000000000001838 The collection is no longer available on the provider's platform    

    E-collections Become zero-title databases as announced in week 8

    Week 12, March 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2019 615410000000000040 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2020-2021 615450000000000191 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection  614950000000000528 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 613810000000000355 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 Collection 615490000000001677 Per provider's request No Replacement  
    Wiley-Blackwell Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 613790000000001156 Per provider's request    
    Internet Archive Internet Archive 613780000000001264 At this time provider has no way to supply the up-to-date metadata    

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 12, March 25th

    Old E-Collection Name E-Collection ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    ScholarVox Université Sciences de l'Ingenieur 614110000000000267 ScholarVox Université Sciences To better match the collection's name
    ScholarVox Université Sciences Eco Gestion 614110000000000268 ScholarVox Université Economie Gestion To better match the collection's name
    ScholarVox Université Sciences Politiques 614920000000003799 ScholarVox Université Sciences Politiques et juridiques To better match the collection's name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Literature 2020 615410000000002532 Routledge Handbooks collection of Literature 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Civil Engineering 2020 615410000000002520 Routledge Handbooks collection of Civil Engineering 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Archaeology & Classics 2020 615410000000002516 Routledge Handbooks collection of Archaeology & Classics 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Tourism Hospitality and Events Management 2020 615410000000002542 Routledge Handbooks collection of Tourism Hospitality and Events Management 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Psychology 2020 615410000000002537 Routledge Handbooks collection of Psychology 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks Annual Collection 2020 615410000000002513 Routledge Handbooks Annual Collection 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Geography 2020 615410000000002527 Routledge Handbooks collection of Geography 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Built Environment 2020 615410000000002518 Routledge Handbooks collection of Built Environment 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Foreign Languages 2020 615410000000002525 Routledge Handbooks collection of Foreign Languages 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Linguistics 2020 615410000000002531 Routledge Handbooks collection of Linguistics 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Anthropology 2020 615410000000002515 Routledge Handbooks collection of Anthropology 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Asian Studies 2020 615410000000002517 Routledge Handbooks collection of Asian Studies 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Gender Studies 2020 615410000000002526 Routledge Handbooks collection of Gender Studies 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Sport & Leisure 2020 615410000000002541 Routledge Handbooks collection of Sport & Leisure 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Health & Social Care 2020 615410000000002528 Routledge Handbooks collection of Health & Social Care 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of African Studies 2020 615410000000002514 Routledge Handbooks collection of African Studies 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Politics 2020 615410000000002536 Routledge Handbooks collection of Politics 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Security Studies 2020 615410000000002539 Routledge Handbooks collection of Security Studies 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Religion 2020 615410000000002538 Routledge Handbooks collection of Religion 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Environment & Sustainability 2020 615410000000002524 Routledge Handbooks collection of Environment & Sustainability 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Development Studies 2020 615410000000002522 Routledge Handbooks collection of Development Studies 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Law 2020 615410000000002530 Routledge Handbooks collection of Law 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Education 2020 615410000000002523 Routledge Handbooks collection of Education 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of History 2020 615410000000002529 Routledge Handbooks collection of History 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Criminal Justice & Criminology 2020 615410000000002521 Routledge Handbooks collection of Criminal Justice & Criminology 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Middle East Studies 2020 615410000000002533 Routledge Handbooks collection of Middle East Studies 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Sociology 2020 615410000000002540 Routledge Handbooks collection of Sociology 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Philosophy 2020 615410000000002535 Routledge Handbooks collection of Philosophy 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Business & Economics 2020 615410000000002519 Routledge Handbooks collection of Business & Economics 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Music 2020 615410000000002534 Routledge Handbooks collection of Music 2020 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Anthropology 2019 615410000000002511 Routledge Handbooks collection of Anthropology 2019 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Literature 2019 615410000000002461 Routledge Handbooks collection of Literature 2019 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Religion 2019 615410000000002462 Routledge Handbooks collection of Religion 2019 Correct misspelling in Target Name
    Routledge Handbooks collection of Gender Studies 2019 615410000000002460 Routledge Handbooks collection of Gender Studies 2019 Correct misspelling in Target Name

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 12, March 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Coherent Digital Africa Commons: Black South African Magazines 615410000000003366 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Coherent Digital Africa Commons: Southern African Films and Documentaries 615410000000003348 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Coherent Digital Africa Commons: The Hilary Ngweno Archive 615410000000003365 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Alexander Street Forensic Nursing in Video: A Symptom Media Collection 614940000000000408 Full Text BOOK  
    Galegroup Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: Oliveira Lima Library Monographs 615450000000005491 Full Text BOOK  
    East View Global Press Archive Daily Observer Digital Archive 614920000000005813 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Donetsk and Luhansk Newspaper Collection 614920000000005814 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Izvestiia Digital Archive 614920000000005815 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Literaturnaia Gazeta Digital Archive 614920000000005816 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Local and Independent Ukrainian Newspapers 614920000000005812 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Moscow News Digital Archive 614920000000005817 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Pravda Digital Archive 614920000000005818 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Slovo Kyrgyzstana Digital Archive 614920000000005811 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive South Asian open access newspapers 614920000000005821 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Sovetskaia Kul’tura Digital Archive 614920000000005819 Full Text JOURNAL  
    East View Global Press Archive Za Vozvrashchenie na Rodinu Digital Archive 614920000000005820 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Gale International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887-2013 614900000000001783 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW High Impact Collection 2024 (LHIM-24-N24) 615490000000002130 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW High Impact Collection 2024 - Renewal Only (LHIM-24-LGC) 615490000000002138 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Physicians Assistant & Registered Nurse Journal Collection with Ovid Emcare & 1 Emcare Lic (OENU-CS-N24) 615490000000002133 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Nursing & Health Professions Premier Collection with one Ovid Emcare user license 2024 (Renewal Only) (OENH-CS-I24) 615490000000002140 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Nursing & Health Professions Premier Collection with one Ovid Emcare user license (OENH-CS-N24) 615490000000002132 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Physicians Assistant & Registered Nurse Journal Collection with Ovid Emcare 1 User License 2024 (Renewal Only) (OENU-CS-I24) 615490000000002141 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2023 Revised version minus Neurology 2015-present (LTOA-Y1-R23) 615490000000002126 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2023 Revised version minus Neurology (LTOA-23-RY1) 615490000000002134 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2023 Revised version with Neurology 2015-present (LTOT-Y1-R23) 615490000000002127 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2023 Revised version with Neurology (LTOT-23-RY1) 615490000000002135 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2024 version minus Neurology 2015-present (LTOA-Y1-N24) 615490000000002128 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2024 version minus Neurology (LTOA-24-YR1) 615490000000002136 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2024 version with Neurology 2015-present (LTOT-Y1-N24) 615490000000002129 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW Total Access Collection 2024 version with Neurology (LTOT-24-YR1) 615490000000002137 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW UpToDate Reviewed Journals Collection 2024 Legacy (LURJ-CS-I24) 615490000000002139 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Ovid Journals@Ovid LWW UpToDate Reviewed Journals Collection 2024 (LURJ-CS-N24) 615490000000002131 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Mintel International Group Ltd. MAUSGPE00000-USA: eCommerce 616180000000000300 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Economics 2024 615490000000002158 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Fire Protection 2024 615490000000002160 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary History 2024 615490000000002166 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Law/Administration 2024 615490000000002159 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Medizin 2024 615490000000002162 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Pädagogik/Soziologie 2024 615490000000002164 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Pflege 2024 615490000000002161 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Psychology 2024 615490000000002163 Full Text BOOK  
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Theology/Cultural Studies 2024 615490000000002165 Full Text BOOK  
    Royal Society of Chemistry Popular Science Collection 2024 614970000000000791 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry eBook Collection 2024 614970000000000789 Full Text BOOK  
    Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Free Journals plus Gold OA Content 2024 614970000000000796 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI  
    Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Gold Collection excluding archive 2024 New Customers 614970000000000798 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI  
    Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Gold Collection including archive (1841-2007) 2024 New Customers 614970000000000797 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI  
    Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society Of Chemistry Hybrid Journals 2024 614970000000000799 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI For more information:
    Royal Society of Chemistry RSC eTextbook collection 2023 614970000000000790 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge EBA KNCCBR24 Complete Books and Reference Collection 2024 615410000000003346 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KNCCCS24 Complete Books and Reference Collection Supplement 2024 615410000000003347 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Biomedical and Life Sciences eBooks 2021 614900000000002812 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Business Economics and Social Sciences eBooks 2023 614900000000002813 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Chemistry Materials and Physics eBooks 2023 614900000000002814 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Computer Science and Engineering eBooks 2021 614900000000002815 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Earth Environmental Sciences eBooks 2023 614900000000002816 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Education eBooks 2023 614900000000002817 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Humanities and Social Sciences eBooks 2021 614900000000002818 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Reference Module Humanities eBooks 2023 614900000000002819 Full Text BOOK For more information see:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks BWL/VWL 2024-1 615490000000002142 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Geschichte 2024-1 615490000000002143 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Kultur 2024-1 615490000000002144 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Medien 2024-1 615490000000002145 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Naturwissenschaften 2024-1 615490000000002146 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Paedagogik 2024-1 615490000000002147 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Philosophie 2024-1 615490000000002148 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Politik 2024-1 615490000000002149 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Psychologie 2024-1 615490000000002150 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Recht 2024-1 615490000000002151 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Schluesselkompetenzen 2024-1 615490000000002152 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Schulpaedagogik 2024-1 615490000000002153 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Soziale Arbeit 2024-1 615490000000002154 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Soziologie 2024-1 615490000000002155 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Sprachwissenschaft 2024-1 615490000000002157 Full Text BOOK  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Theologie 2024-1 615490000000002156 Full Text BOOK  
    Very Short Introductions 2024 Very Short Introductions 2024 615460000000001291 Full Text BOOK  
    World Scientific Publishing World Scientific All Subjects eBooks 2024 616180000000000803 Full Text BOOK  
    World Scientific Publishing World Scientific Mathematics eBooks 1981-2024 616180000000000804 Full Text BOOK  
    World Scientific Publishing World Scientific Mathematics eBooks 2024 616180000000000805 Full Text BOOK  
    World Scientific Publishing World Scientific Physics Nonlinear Science eBooks Chaos & Dynamical Systems 2024 616180000000000807 Full Text BOOK  

    Databases removed as announced in week 08

    Week 12, March 25th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Natural Medicines 6114038010000041 Duplicate of Natural Medicines DBID CZI NatMed Pro 6114011890000041

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 11, March 18th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of March 8th through March 14th:

    • Number of records updated: 62

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 11, March 18th

    Interface public name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor & Francis COGENT OA 614330000000001274 Content can be found in Taylor & Francis Open Access 613410000000000015

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 12

    Week 11, March 18th

    Interface public name E-Collection Name Target ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace Target ID
    Wiley Online Library Wiley Online Library Hemotology Backfiles 611000000000001396 Duplicate of Wiley Online Library Hematology Backfiles 614910000000001610
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Beck Publishing 2014 612560000000000686 Per provider's request    
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online 1: Playtexts and Scholarly Works 613830000000000049 Per provider's request    
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections Film And Media Studies Complete 614930000000000016 Per provider's request    

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 15

    Week 11, March 18th

    Interface public name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Gale World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean Portal 613810000000000335 Content can be found in Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History Sixteenth to Twentieth Century 61541000000000318

    E-collections Become Zero-Title Databases in week 12

    Week 11, March 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2019 615410000000000040 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2020-2021 615450000000000191 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection  614950000000000528 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 613810000000000355 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 Collection 615490000000001677 Per provider's request No Replacement  
    Wiley-Blackwell Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 613790000000001156 Per provider's request    
    Internet Archive Internet Archive 613780000000001264 At this time provider has no way to supply the up-to-date metadata    

    Jisc E-collections with no activations removed

    Week 11, March 18th

    The JISC collections in the attached list are expired and are no longer available on the provider’s platform. They were therefore removed from the knowledgebase as well. These collections did not have any activations: SFX-ALMA to withdraw- with NO activations- for RN (1).xlsx

    E-collections - Jisc Name Change

    Week 11, March 18th

    As part of the JISC provider alignment, we've change the names of some JISC collections: SFX-Alma batch1 - for RN (2).xlsx

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 11, March 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For more information
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: C.H. Beck · Hart · Nomos 2022 616180000000000784 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: C.H. Beck · Hart · Nomos 2023 616180000000000785 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Linguistics 2024 616180000000000786 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Oberon Books Collection 2 - South Africa 616180000000000787 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Oberon Books Collection 2 - US/CAN 616180000000000788 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Human Kinetics Library: Strength and Conditioning 616180000000000789 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Theology and Religion Online: Eerdmans Biblical Commentaries - Old Testament 616180000000000790 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Bloomsbury Architecture Library Core Collection - Annual Update 2023 616180000000000791 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Academic Studies Press Complete eBook-Package 2023 616180000000000796 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Academic Studies Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 616180000000000795 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2024 eBook Package 616180000000000797 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Central European University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 616180000000000793 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing EBA Package: EBA Embargo Frontlist EBA_EMB 616180000000000792 Full Text BOOK  
    Institute of Physics IOP eBooks 2024 Collection 616200000000000044 Full Text BOOK  
    National Library of Israel Lamda 615450000000005490 Full Text BOOK  
    BECK LSW eLibrary Beck Politik Wirtschaft/Gesellschaft 2024 II 616180000000000801 Full Text BOOK  
    Docuseek2 The Pragda Complete Film Collection Life of File 614920000000005810 Full Text BOOK  
    vLex vLex Australia Journals 614950000000001746 Full Text JOURNAL  
    vLex vLex Ireland Journals 614950000000001750 Full Text JOURNAL  
    vLex vLex New Zealand Journals 614950000000001747 Full Text JOURNAL  
    vLex vLex UK Journals 614950000000001749 Full Text JOURNAL  
    vLex vLex US Journals 614950000000001748 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist All English Titles 2024 616180000000000773 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Math & Statistics 2024 616180000000000780 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Business 2024 616180000000000775 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Chemistry 2024 616180000000000776 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist German Titles 2024 616180000000000774 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Health Sciences 2024 616180000000000777 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Humanities 2024 616180000000000778 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Life & Earth Sciences 2024 616180000000000779 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Physical Sciences & Engineering 2024 616180000000000781 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Social Sciences and Psychology 2024 616180000000000782 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Online Library Frontlist Veterinary Science 2024 616180000000000783 Full Text BOOK For more information:

    Changed KB Software

    Week 11, March 18th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser PubMed::selected with pmid linking syntax
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser OUP::Books with Oxford Public International Law book chapter syntax

    Databases to be removed in week 12

    Week 11, March 18th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative E-Collection Name Alternative E-Collection ID
    Natural Medicines 6114038010000041 Duplicate of Natural Medicines DBID CZI NatMed Pro 6114011890000041

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 10, March 11th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of March 1st through March 7th:

    • Number of records updated:
    • Number of records added: 2
    The following are the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) updates for the period of March 1st through March 7th:
    • Number of records added: 1
    The following are the Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings updates for the period of March 1st through March 7th:
    • Number of records updated: 7

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 11

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor & Francis COGENT OA 4330000000001274 Content can be found in Taylor & Francis Open Access 613410000000000015

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 14

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor and Francis Online Taylor & Francis FORENSICnetBASE LawENFORCEMENTnetBASE AVAILABLE DRM FREE 4950000000001554 Content can be found in Taylor & Francis Forensicnetbase Lawenforcementnetbase 615450000000000664

    450 JISC collections- file attached: General explanation you can add to release notes: JISC are migrating to a new platform and have expired collections, which are no longer available on the provider’s platform. Additional information regarding the migration can be found here:

    E-collections become Zero-Title Databases in week 14

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name Public Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Faulkner Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies (FAITS) 613790000000000931 Ex LIBRIS is not getting updates from Faulkner on individual title content within FAITS.

    Interface Name Change

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name Interface ID Was changed to Reason
    Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס 615400000000000300 Name: Magnes Press - The Hebrew University As provider request

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 10, March 11th

    Old E-Collectio Name E-Collection ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    HeinOnline Law Academy collection 614930000000000281 HeinOnline Law Academy Project To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    SAGE Knowledge EBA KNCCBR23 Complete Books and Reference Collection 2023 615450000000005139 SAGE Knowledge EBA KNCCBR23 Complete Books and Reference Collection 2023 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Public Policy and Environmental Management eJournal Collection 612560000000000051 Emerald Public Policy and Environmental Management eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Tourism and Hospitality eJournal Collection 612560000000000052 Emerald Tourism and Hospitality eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Health and Social Care eJournal Collection 613450000000000106 Emerald Health and Social Care eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection 611000000000002118 Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Operations and Logistics and Quality eJournal Collection 613720000000001715 Emerald Operations and Logistics and Quality eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Library Studies eJournal Collection 613720000000001716 Emerald Library Studies eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Accounting and Finance eJournal Collection 612560000000000045 Emerald Accounting Finance and Economics eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Business Management and Strategy eJournal Collection 612560000000000046 Emerald Business Management and Strategy eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald HR Learning and Organization Studies eJournal Collection 612560000000000047 Emerald HR Learning and Organization Studies eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Information and Knowledge Management eJournal Collection 612560000000000048 Emerald Information and Knowledge Management eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Marketing eJournal Collection 612560000000000049 Emerald Marketing eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Property Management & Built Environment eJournal Collection 612560000000000050 Emerald Property Management & Built Environment eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald Education eJournal Collection 612560000000000053 Emerald Education eJournal Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Emerald eJournals Premier 613720000000001714 Emerald eJournal Premier Collection - All backfiles To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Victorian Popular Culture: Spiritualism Sensation and Magic 6121679400000041 Victorian Popular Culture Module I: Spiritualism Sensation and Magic To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Victorian Popular Culture: Circuses Sideshows and Freaks 6121679410000041 Victorian Popular Culture Module II: Circuses Sideshows and Freaks To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Victorian Popular Culture: Music Hall Theatre and Popular Entertainment 6121679420000041 Victorian Popular Culture Module III: Music Hall Theatre and Popular Entertainment To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Victorian Popular Culture: Moving Pictures Optical Entertainments and the Advent of Cinema 6122239030000041 Victorian Popular Culture Module IV: Moving Pictures Optical Entertainment and Cinema To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Colonial America Module 4: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies 6122459520000041 Colonial America Module IV: Legislation and Politics in the Colonies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Colonial America Module 3: The American Revolution 6122459530000041 Colonial America Module III: The American Revolution To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Colonial America Module 2: Towards Revolution 6122459650000041 Colonial America Module II: Towards Revolution To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Migration to New Worlds Module 2: The Modern Era 6122459660000041 Migration to New Worlds Module II: The Modern Era To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Defining Gender 1450-1910 612460000000000022 Defining Gender 1450-1910 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    The Grand Tour 613230000000000080 Grand Tour To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Literary Manuscripts from the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library 613780000000001387 Literary Manuscripts Berg: Victorian Manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection New York Public Library To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Literary Manuscripts from the Brotherton Library 613780000000001491 Literary Manuscripts Leeds: Sources from The Brotherton Library University of Leeds To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Apartheid South Africa 1948-1966 613790000000000869 Apartheid South Africa 1948-1980: 1948-1966 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Jewish Life in America c1654-1954: Sources from the American Jewish Historical Society New York 613790000000000948 Jewish Life in America 1654-1954: Sources from the American Jewish Historical Society New York To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Church Missionary Society Periodicals: Module I Global Missions and Contemporary Encounters 1804-2009 613790000000000953 Church Missionary Society Periodicals: Module I To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    American Indian Histories and Cultures 613790000000001138 Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Mass Observation Online 613850000000000400 Mass Observation Online (Original) To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Church Missionary Society Periodicals Module 2: Medical Journals Asian Missions and The Historical Record 1816-1986 614910000000002210 Church Missionary Society Periodicals: Module II To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Colonial America Module 1: Early Settlement Expansion and Rivalries 614910000000002211 Colonial America Module I: Early Settlement Expansion and Rivalries To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Apartheid South Africa 1967-1975 614910000000002218 Apartheid South Africa 1948-1980: 1967-1975 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Apartheid South Africa 1976-1980 614910000000002219 Apartheid South Africa 1948-1980: 1976-1980 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Ethnomusicology 614910000000002221 Ethnomusicology: Global Field Recordings To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Service Newspapers of World War Two Module II 614910000000002249 Service Newspapers of World War 2: Module II To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source- Business Economics and Labour 614910000000002251 AM Scholar: Business Economic and Labour History To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source: Empire Studies 614910000000002252 AM Scholar: Empire Studies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source- Womens Studies 614910000000002253 AM Scholar: Women's Studies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source- World War Two Studies 614910000000002254 AM Scholar: World War Two Studies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Central Asia Persia and Afghanistan 1834-1922 614920000000003039 Central Asia Persia and Afghanistan 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet Rule To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Colonial Caribbean Module I : Settlement Slavery and Empire 1624-1832 614920000000003040 Colonial Caribbean Module I: Settlement Slavery and Empire 1624-1832 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Interwar Culture Module I: 1920s 614920000000003595 Interwar Culture Module I: the 1920s To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    The Gilded Age and Progressive Era 614920000000003596 Gilded Age and Progressive Era To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    East India Company Records II 615280000000000115 East India Company Module II: Factory Records for South Asia and South East Asia To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    East India Company Records III 615280000000000116 East India Company Module III: India Office Records G: Factory Records for China Japan and the Middle East 1596 - 1870 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Slavery Abolition and Social Justice 615280000000000118 Slavery Abolition and Social Justice 1490-2007 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    American Indian Newspapers 615280000000000119 Indigenous Newspapers in North America To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    J. Walter Thompson: Advertising Archive 615280000000000126 J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Literary Print Culture: The Stationer's Company Archive 615280000000000128 Literary Print Culture: The Stationer's Company Archives To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Worlds Fairs 615280000000000136 World's Fairs To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source: Area Studies China and Southeast Asia 615280000000000137 AM Scholar: Area Studies China and Southeast Asia To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source: Area Studies Japan 615280000000000138 AM Scholar: Area Studies Japan To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source: Area Studies India 615280000000000139 AM Scholar: Area Studies India To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source: Church Missionary Society 615280000000000140 AM Scholar: Church Missionary Society To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source: Literary Studies 615280000000000141 AM Scholar: Literary Studies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source- Medieval and Early Modern Studies 615280000000000142 AM Scholar: Medieval and Early Modern Studies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Research Source- Missionary Studies 615280000000000143 AM Scholar: Missionary Studies To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Colonial America Module 5: Growth Trade and Development 615300000000000059 Colonial America Module V: Growth Trade and Development To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Interwar Culture Module II: 1930-1939 615470000000001176 Interwar Culture Module II: the 1930s To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection id Service Linking Level For More Information
    Begell House Begell Digital Portal 614970000000000773 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Fashion Central: Bloomsbury Dress and Costume Library 614920000000005745 Full Text BOOK  
    Credo Reference Credo United States History Collection v4 6114016900000041 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Amsterdam University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003493 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Berghahn Books Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003494 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Boydell and Brewer Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003495 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Bristol UP/Policy Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003496 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Channel View Publications eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003497 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Columbia University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003498 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Cornell University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003499 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter DG Plus PP Package 2024 Part 2 614910000000003500 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Duke University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003501 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Edinburgh University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003502 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter EDP Sciences Frontlist eBook Package 2024 614910000000003503 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Fordham University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003504 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Harvard University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003505 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Lynne Rienner Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003506 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter MultiLingual Matters Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003507 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter New York University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003508 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Penn State University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003509 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Princeton University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003510 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Rutgers University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003511 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Stanford University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003512 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript Complete eBook Package 2024 614910000000003513 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter University of California Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003514 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter University of Chicago Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003515 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter University of Hawaii Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003516 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter University of Pennsylvania Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003517 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter University of Texas Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003518 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter University of Toronto Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003519 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Yale University Press Complete eBook-Package 2024 614910000000003520 Full Text BOOK  
    Grao Epremium Libros 614970000000000778 Full Text BOOK  
    Future Science Future Medicine Open Access 615280000000001217 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Future Science Future Science Open Access 615280000000001218 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Galegroup Gale Research Complete eBooks (GRC B) 616180000000000287 Full Text BOOK  
    Galegroup Gale Research Complete eBooks (GRC E) 616180000000000288 Full Text BOOK  
    Galegroup Gale Research Complete eBooks (GRC G) 616180000000000289 Full Text BOOK  
    Galegroup Gale Research Complete eBooks (LatAm) 616180000000000286 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library OBGYN 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000772 Full Text BOOK  
    Mit_Press MIT Press Direct to Open 2024 Complete Monographs 614970000000000780 Full Text BOOK  
    Mit_Press MIT Press Direct to Open 2024 HSS Monographs 614970000000000781 Full Text BOOK  
    Mit_Press MIT Press Direct to Open 2024 STEAM Monographs 614970000000000783 Full Text BOOK  
    Mit_Press MIT Press Direct to Open 2024 Trade Books Collection 614970000000000782 Full Text BOOK  
    Brill Muslims in Russia 614900000000001781 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Project Muse Project Muse 2024 Native American and Indigenous Studies 615420000000000554 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Project Muse Project Muse 2024 Russian and East European Studies 615420000000000555 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Project Muse Project Muse 2024 US Regional Studies New England and Mid Atlantic 615420000000000553 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Project Muse Project Muse CEUP East Meets West 615420000000000556 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE Sage Business Cases 2024 Annual Collection M724 615510000000000324 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - BIBSAM TA 615510000000000333 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - CSIC-CRUE 615510000000000331 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - HHS TA 615510000000000328 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - LYRASIS TA 615510000000000327 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - MALMAD Nature 615510000000000326 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - MALMAD TA 615510000000000325 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - NERL 615510000000000329 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - NERL Legacy 615510000000000330 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - OhioLINK TA 615510000000000332 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Psychoanalysis ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000067 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Psychotherapy ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000068 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Religion ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000069 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Schools Schooling And Teacher Education ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000070 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Security Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000071 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Social Psychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000072 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Socio Legal Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000073 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Sociology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000074 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Statistics and Probability ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000075 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Theatre and Performance Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000076 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Tourism ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000077 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Thieme Connect Thieme MedOne Ophthalmology 616160000000000032 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Brill U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East 1945-2009 6122238890000041 Full Text BOOK  

    Changed KB Software

    Week 10, March 11th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma Update the parser Gale::ECONOMIST to improve the article level links

    Databases removed as annonunced

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative E-Collection Name Alternative E-Collection ID
    Dicle Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv Dicle Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv   We do not keep the Institutional Repository of the clients who canceled our services unless it was requested by other customers.    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Bibliographies Online : Biblical Studies 6113914440000041 Duplicate of: Oxford Bibliographies Online : Biblical Studies 6113914340000041

    Databases to be removed in week 14

    Week 10, March 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/replacement Interface Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Chadwyck-Healey Queen Victoria's Journals 6113966300000041 This product has migrated to the ProQuest platform. Dual access ended January 17 2024. ProQuest Queen Victoria's Journals 614940000000000343
    Chadwyck-Healey Queen Victoria’s Journals - Open Access version for UK and selected Commonwealth countries 6114068440000041 This product has migrated to the ProQuest platform. Dual access ended January 17 2024. ProQuest Queen Victoria's Journals 614940000000000343

    Databases Name Change

    Week 10, March 11th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    Wiley Digital Archives : Environmental Science and Society 615400000000000436 Wiley Digital Archives: Environmental Science and History To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider


    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 9, March 4th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of February 23rd through February 29th:

    • Number of records updated: 194
    • Number of records added: 4
    The following are the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) updates for the period of February 23rd through February 29th:
    • Number of records added: 4
    • Number of records updated: 5
    The following are the Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings updates for the period of February 23rd through February 29th:
    • Number of records updated: 31
    • Number of records added: 19
    • Number of records deleted: 46

    New external resources

    Week 9, March 4th

    Sistema de bibliotecas de la Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano - SUBSCRIPTION.

    New vocabulary added to Alma Community Zone

    Week 9, March 4th

    Finnish Work and Expression Authorities Authority vocabulary was added to Alma Community Zone with 15,354 records.

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 9, March 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Medical Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_MEDICAL-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000751 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Medical Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_MEDICAL-FRONTLIST 614340000000000752 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Ssh Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_SSH-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000753 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Ssh Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_SSH-FRONTLIST 614340000000000754 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin St Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_ST-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000755 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin St Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_ST-FRONTLIST 614340000000000756 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    AIP Publishing Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Frontlist $AIP_COUPERIN_FRONTLIST 613780000000000885 Replaced by: BACON_AIP_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Alljournals 615410000000002808
    AIP Publishing Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Societies Titles $AIP_COUPERIN_SOCIETIES-TITLES 614340000000000763 Replaced by: BACON_AIP_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Alljournals 615410000000002808

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 13

    Week 9, March 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Cyberlibris Scholarvox Université métiers - Couperin 614110000000000271 Duplicate of: ScholarVox Université Emploi métiers et formation 614920000000003778
    Cyberlibris ScholarVox Université Sciences de l' Education ESPE 614110000000000270 Duplicate of: ScholarVox Université Sciences de l'Éducation INSPE 614920000000003783
    Cyberlibris Scholarvox Université Sciences Humaines et Sociales 614110000000000266 No longer distributed by the provider    

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 9, March 4th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID was changed to Reason
    EZB-NALIW-01954 Deutsches Nationalkonsortium: Sage Journals Online Publish & Read 615490000000001851 EZB-NALIW-01954 Sage Journals Online [Komplett] / Upgrade 2023 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Historical Newspapers in Washington 614340000000001367 Washington Digital Newspapers (WDN)  To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 9, March 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues Education $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-EDUCATION 614920000000005807 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Global Collectifs Generalshs $CAIRN_GLOBAL_COLLECTIFS-GENERALSHS 614920000000005806 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Global Ouvrages Affaires Publiques $CAIRN_GLOBAL_OUVRAGES-AFFAIRES-PUBLIQUES 614920000000005804 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Global Ouvrages Afrique $CAIRN_GLOBAL_OUVRAGES-AFRIQUE 614920000000005803 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Global Ouvrages Sciences et Techniques $CAIRN_GLOBAL_OUVRAGES-SCIENCES-ET-TECHNIQUES 614920000000005808 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Global Revues Theologieetetudesreligieuses $CAIRN_GLOBAL_REVUES-THEOLOGIEETETUDESRELIGIEUSES 614920000000005805 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Project Muse Global Psychology $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_PSYCHOLOGY 614920000000005809 Full Text BOOK  
    Begell House Begell Biomedical Research Collection 614970000000000774 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI  
    Begell House Begell Engineering Research Collection 614970000000000775 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Begell House Begell ICHMT Digital Library 614970000000000776 Full Text BOOK  
    Begell House Begell IHTC Digital Library 614970000000000772 Full Text BOOK  
    Begell House Begell Multimedia Collection 614970000000000771 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Begell House Begell Series in Thermal & Fluid Physics & Engineering (eBooks) 614970000000000777 Full Text BOOK  
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Rawlinsons Australian Construction Handbook & Cost Guide Subscription 614940000000000406 Full Text BOOK  
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Rawlinsons Australian Construction Handbook Subscription 614940000000000405 Full Text BOOK  
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Rawlinsons Construction Cost Guide Subscription 614940000000000404 Full Text BOOK  
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Business 2024 616180000000000556 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Access and Select English International eBooks 2024 615510000000000322 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Access and Select German Language eBooks 2024 615510000000000323 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer HSS (R0) eBook Collection 2024 615510000000000304 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000305 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Law and Criminology (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000306 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Literature Cultural and Media Studies (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000307 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Mathematics and Statistics (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000308 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Medicine (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000309 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Philosophy and Religion (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000310 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Physics and Astronomy (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000311 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Political Science and International Studies (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000312 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Professional and Applied Computing (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000313 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Reference Module Computer Science and Engineering eBooks 2024 615510000000000319 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Reference Module Humanities and Social Sciences eBooks 2024 615510000000000320 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Reference Module Physical and Materials Science eBooks 2024 615510000000000321 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Reference Modules - Full Set 2024 615510000000000318 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Social Sciences (R0) eBooks 2024 English International 615510000000000314 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer STM and HSS (R0) eBook Collection 2024 615510000000000316 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer STM (R0) eBook Collection 2024 615510000000000315 Full Text BOOK  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Synthesis Collection of Technology (R0) eBook Collection 2024 615510000000000317 Full Text BOOK  

    Changed KB Software

    Week 9, March 4th

    Type of Change Component Description
    New SFX/Alma Update parser NCTE::NCTE with the new NCTE platform syntax
    Correction SFX/Alma Update collection BIOONE_ESA_EBOOK_COLLECTION with book chapter linking

    Databases to be removed in week 10

    Week 9, March 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative E-Collection Name Alternative E-Collection ID
    Dicle Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv Dicle Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv   We do not keep the Institutional Repository of the clients who canceled our services unless it was requested by other customers.    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Bibliographies Online : Biblical Studies 616113914440000041 Duplicate of: Oxford Bibliographies Online : Biblical Studies 616113914340000041

    Databases Name Change

    Week 9, March 4th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID was changed to Reason
    Zephyr 6113929730000041 Orbis M&A To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Cyberlibris Scholarvox Université métiers - Couperin 614110000000000271 Duplicate of: ScholarVox Université Emploi métiers et formation 614920000000003778
    Cyberlibris ScholarVox Université Sciences de l' Education ESPE 614110000000000270 Duplicate of: ScholarVox Université Sciences de l'Éducation INSPE 614920000000003783
    Cyberlibris Scholarvox Université Sciences Humaines et Sociales 614110000000000266 No longer distributed by the provider    

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 14

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor and Francis Online Taylor & Francis FORENSICnetBASE LawENFORCEMENTnetBASE AVAILABLE DRM FREE 614950000000001554 Content can be found in Taylor & Francis Forensicnetbase Lawenforcementnetbase 615450000000000664

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 17

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Core Update 2023 - CAN ROW 614920000000005336 Content can be found in Bloomsbury Drama Online Core Collection Annual Update 2023 (CAN-ROW) 616180000000000223  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Core Update 2023 - UK CW EU 614920000000005337 Content can be found in Bloomsbury Drama Online Core Collection Annual Update 2023 (UK-CW-EU) 616180000000000224  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Core Update 2023 - USA 614920000000005338 Content can be found in Bloomsbury Drama Online Core Collection Annual Update 2023 (USA) 616180000000000225  
    SpringerNature SpringerNature MCLS Complete eBooks 2018 614930000000000010 Content can be found in SpringerNature MCLS Legacy eBooks 2018 - and - SpringerNature MCLS 2022 614930000000000011 And 615460000000001272  

    E-collections Become Zero-Title Databases

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Faulkner Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies (FAITS) 613790000000000931 Ex LIBRIS is not getting updates from Faulkner on individual title content within FAITS.

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 8, February 25th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID was changed to Reason
    Cyberlibris Université Sciences de l'ingénieur - Couperin 614330000000000904 Cyberlibris Université Sciences - Couperin As provider request
    Cyberlibris Université Economie et gestion - Couperin 614330000000000902 Cyberlibris Université Economie Gestion - Couperin As provider request

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Agriculture Collection 2024 614970000000000804 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Biomedical Collection 2024 614970000000000803 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Complete 2024 614970000000000800 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Economics Collection 2024 614970000000000807 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Life Sciences Collection 2024 614970000000000802 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Physical Sciences Collection 2024 614970000000000805 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Sciences Collection 2024 614970000000000801 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Social Sciences Collection 2024 614970000000000806 getFullTxt JOURNAL Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Bloomsbury Professional Law 2024 616180000000000817 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Bloomsbury Professional UK Tax 2024 616180000000000818 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Osprey Series WWII 2024 616180000000000819 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Food Library: Annual Update 2024 616180000000000822 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Food Library: Global Food Cultures 616180000000000821 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: BFI Film Classics - Annual Update 2024 616180000000000823 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: BFI Film Studies - Annual Update 2024 616180000000000824 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Theology and Religion Online: T&T Clark Jesus Library - Annual Update 2024 616180000000000820 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Packt Game Development and Animation 616180000000000825 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Ezb EZB-BAYK8-00271 Elsevier BSB Archivtitel KP 615410000000003382 getFullTxt JOURNAL For more information:
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Anesthesiology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000809 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Anesthesiology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000810 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Cardiology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000811 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Cardiology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000812 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Critical Care - Health Library Perpetual Access 2020 614970000000000813 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Critical Care - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000814 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Critical Care - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000815 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Emergency Medicine - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000816 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Emergency Medicine - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000817 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Family Medicine - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000818 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Internal Medicine - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000819 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Internal Medicine - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000820 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Made Incredibly Easy - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000821 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Neurology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2020 614970000000000823 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Neurology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000824 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Neurology-Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000822 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Oncology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000825 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Oncology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000826 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ophthalmology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000827 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Orthopaedic Surgery - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000828 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Orthopaedic Surgery - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000829 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pathology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2020 614970000000000830 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pathology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000831 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pathology - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000832 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pediatrics - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000833 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Pediatrics - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000834 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Psychiatry - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000835 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Psychiatry - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000836 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Surgery - Health Library Perpetual Access 2019 614970000000000837 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Surgery - Health Library Perpetual Access 2020 614970000000000838 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Surgery - Health Library Perpetual Access 2021 614970000000000839 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Surgery - Health Library Perpetual Access 2022 614970000000000840 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Kohlhammer Paket eLibrary Krankenhaus 2024 615410000000003381 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    University of Michigan Press University of Michigan Press Ebook Collection 2024 614970000000000808 getFullTxt BOOK Full Text
    Library Wiley Advanced eText Collection - Humanities 616170000000000014 getFullTxt BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Advanced eText Collection - Psychology 616170000000000015 getFullTxt BOOK For more information:
    Library Wiley Advanced eText Collection - Social Sciences 616170000000000016 getFullTxt BOOK For more information:

    Changed KB Software

    Week 8, February 25th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser ELSEVIER::SCIENCE_DIRECT_BOOKS to fix book series issue
    Correction SFX/Alma Update collection PRESELECT_ALL_EJOURNALS with article level linking
    Correction Configuration File Add doi prefix 10.3197 to SAGE::Journals doi_allowed config
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser NCTE::NCTE with WAYFless authentication syntax

    Databases to be removed in week 14

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/replacement Interface Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Chadwyck-Healey Queen Victoria's Journals 6113966300000041 This product has migrated to the ProQuest platform. Dual access ended January 17 2024. ProQuest Queen Victoria's Journals 614940000000000343
    Chadwyck-Healey Queen Victoria’s Journals - Open Access version for UK and selected Commonwealth countries 6114068440000041 This product has migrated to the ProQuest platform. Dual access ended January 17 2024. ProQuest Queen Victoria's Journals 614940000000000343

    Databases to be removed in week 17

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Business Content 6121089430000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Data Sets Web Service Basic Subscription 6121088720000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Data Sets Web Service China Subscription 6121088710000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest Proquest Statistical Data Sets Web Service EASI Market Planner 6113967620000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Data Sets Web Service IMF Balance of Payments 6121088700000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Data Sets Web Service IMF Direction of Trade 6121088690000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Data Sets Web Service IMF Government Finance Statistics 6121088680000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Data Sets Web Service IMF International Finance Statistics 6121088670000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical DataSets 6114003640000041 This product is no longer available on the provider's platform.
    ProQuest ProQuest Statistical Insight 6113913370000041 This parent-level product does not provide accurate data for customers. Users should activate individual ProQuest Statistical Insight modules for their institution.

    Databases Name Change

    Week 8, February 25th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID was changed to Reason
    Foundation Directory Online 6113938950000041 Foundation Directory To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Lexicomp 6113988700000041 UpToDate® Lexidrug™ To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 8, February 26th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of February 16th through February 22nd:

    • Number of records updated: 6

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    101 Communications 101communications Publications 614330000000001259 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Ciencia y Tecnologia (ICYT) 614330000000001322 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 9

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Medical Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_MEDICAL-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000751 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Medical Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_MEDICAL-FRONTLIST 614340000000000752 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Ssh Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_SSH-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000753 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Ssh Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_SSH-FRONTLIST 614340000000000754 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin St Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_ST-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000755 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin St Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_ST-FRONTLIST 614340000000000756 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    AIP Publishing Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Frontlist $AIP_COUPERIN_FRONTLIST 613780000000000885 Replaced by: BACON_AIP_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Alljournals 615410000000002808
    AIP Publishing Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Societies Titles $AIP_COUPERIN_SOCIETIES-TITLES 614340000000000763 Replaced by: BACON_AIP_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Alljournals 615410000000002808

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 12

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Wiley Online Library Wiley Online Library Hemotology Backfiles 611000000000001396 Duplicate of Wiley Online Library Hematology Backfiles 614910000000001610
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Beck Publishing 2014 612560000000000686 Per provider's request    
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online 1: Playtexts and Scholarly Works 613830000000000049 Per provider's request    
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections Film And Media Studies Complete 614930000000000016 Per provider's request    

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name Old E-Collection Name E-Collection ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    Gale Nuremburg Laws and Nazi Annulment of German Jewish Nationality 6113914570000041 Nuremberg Laws and Nazi Annulment of German Jewish Nationality correction in spelling of Nuremberg
    Sage SAGE Video Psychology Full Collection 2021 615450000000001106 SAGE Knowledge Video: Psychology Full Collection 2021 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Sage SAGE KnowledgeVideo: Psychology 2021 Update 615450000000001105 SAGE Knowledge Video: Psychology 2021 Update To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Sage SAGE Video Sociology 2021 Update 615450000000001107 SAGE Knowledge Video: Sociology 2021 Update To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Sage SAGE Video Sociology Full Collection 2021 615450000000001108 SAGE Knowledge Video: Sociology Full Collection 2021 To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider
    Washington Secretary of State Historical Newspapers in Washington 614340000000001367 Washington Digital Newspapers (WDN)  To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    E-collections Become Zero-Titles databases as announced in week 4

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Gale International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887-2013 614900000000001783 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collections Become Zero-Titles databases in week 12

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2019 615410000000000040 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2020-2021 615450000000000191 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection  614950000000000528 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Law Trove 613810000000000355 Per provider's request Oxford University Press Law Trove 2021-2022 Collection 614950000000000528
            Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 collection 615490000000001677
            Oxford University Press Law Trove 2023 Collection 615400000000000547 
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Law Trove 2022-2023 Collection 615490000000001677 Per provider's request No Replacement  
    Wiley-Blackwell Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 613790000000001156 Per provider's request    
    Internet Archive Internet Archive 613780000000001264 At this time provider has no way to supply the up-to-date metadata    

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 8, February 25th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Companions Online: 2024 Philosophy and Religion 616210000000000060 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Anthropology 616210000000000063 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Physics and Astronomy 616210000000000062 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Statistics and Probability 616210000000000066 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Anthropology 616210000000000064 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Physics And Astronomy 616210000000000061 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Statistics and Probability 616210000000000065 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Diversity Equity and Inclusion 2024 616180000000000585 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Economics 2024 616180000000000557 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Climate Change 2024 616180000000000563 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibilty 2024 616180000000000564 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Entrepreneurship 2024 616180000000000565 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Environmental Economics 2024 616180000000000566 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Environmental Law 2024 616180000000000567 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Environmental Policy 2024 616180000000000568 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in European Law 2024 616180000000000569 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Heterodox Economics 2024 616180000000000570 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Human Geography 2024 616180000000000571 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Human Rights 2024 616180000000000572 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Innovation 2024 616180000000000573 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Intellectual Property 2024 616180000000000574 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in International Business 2024 616180000000000575 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in International Law 2024 616180000000000576 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Money & Finance 2024 616180000000000577 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Organizational Behavior & HRM 2024 616180000000000578 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Public Administration & Public Policy 2024 616180000000000579 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Regional & Urban Studies 2024 616180000000000580 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Responsible Business 2024 616180000000000581 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Social Policy 2024 616180000000000582 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in Transport 2024 616180000000000562 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Geography Planning & Tourism 2024 616180000000000558 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Law 2024 616180000000000559 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar MBA Essentials 2024 616180000000000584 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Political Science & Public Policy 2024 616180000000000560 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Sociology Social Policy & Education 2024 616180000000000561 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs 2024 616180000000000586 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Edward Elgar Publishing Edward Elgar Essentials in UN Sustainable Development Goals 2024 616180000000000583 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    AM (Adam Matthew) Empire Online (DFG Nationallizenzen) 6121679390000041 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE-Wiley eBooks 2024 (IEEE Xplore) 615410000000003272 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore Manning eBooks Library 615410000000003279 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks 2024 615410000000003273 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Computer Science Collection 2024 615410000000003274 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore Now Publishers Foundations and Trends Technology eBooks Library Engineering Collection 2024 615410000000003275 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore Princeton University Press eBooks 2024 615410000000003277 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore River Publishers eBooks 2024 615410000000003276 Full Text BOOK  
    IEEE Xplore IEEE Xplore Wiley Data and Cybersecurity eBooks 2024 615410000000003278 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Arbeitsrecht 2024 615490000000002100 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Bürgerliches Recht 2024 615490000000002101 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Europapolitik 2023 615490000000002118 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Europapolitik 2024 615490000000002102 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Geschichte 2023 615490000000002114 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Geschichte 2024 615490000000002103 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Jura Grundlagen 2024 615490000000002104 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Kunstwissenschaft/-geschichte 2024 615490000000002105 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 2023 615490000000002116 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Pädagogik 2023 615490000000002122 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Philosophie 2023 615490000000002119 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Philosophie 2024 615490000000002106 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Politikwissenschaft 2023 615490000000002113 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Politikwissenschaft 2024 615490000000002107 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2023 615490000000002123 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Religion 2024 615490000000002108 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Soziale Arbeit Sozialwirtschaft 2023 615490000000002120 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Soziologie 2023 615490000000002117 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Soziologie 2024 615490000000002109 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Sprach-/Literaturwissenschaft 2024 615490000000002110 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 2023 615490000000002121 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Strafrecht 2024 615490000000002111 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Studienliteratur Jura Grundlagen SoSe 2023 615490000000002124 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Studienliteratur Jura Grundlagen WS 2022/2023 615490000000002125 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Wirtschaft 2023 615490000000002115 Full Text BOOK  
    Nomos Nomos Wirtschaftsrecht 2024 615490000000002112 Full Text BOOK  
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    Project Muse Project Muse 2024 complete 615400000000000586 Full Text BOOK For more information:
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    SAGE Sage Journals BHSS07 Deep Backfile HSS 2007 616180000000000757 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BSTM07 Deep Backfile STM 2007 616180000000000756 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSC14 Deep Backfile Health Sciences Upgrade 2014 616180000000000753 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSC15 Deep Backfile Health Sciences Upgrade 2015 616180000000000754 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSC16 Deep Backfile Health Sciences Upgrade 2016 616180000000000755 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSS08 Deep Backfile HSS Upgrade 2008 616180000000000748 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSS09 Deep Backfile HSS Upgrade 2009 616180000000000749 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSS10 Deep Backfile HSS Upgrade 2010 616180000000000750 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSS11 Deep Backfile HSS Upgrade 2011 616180000000000751 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSS12 Deep Backfile HSS Upgrade 2012 616180000000000752 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUST08 Deep Backfile STM Upgrade 2008 616180000000000743 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUST09 Deep Backfile STM Upgrade 2009 616180000000000744 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUST10 Deep Backfile STM Upgrade 2010 616180000000000745 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUST11 Deep Backfile STM Upgrade 2011 616180000000000746 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUST12 Deep Backfile STM Upgrade 2012 616180000000000747 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2007 616180000000000703 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2008 616180000000000704 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2009 616180000000000705 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2010 616180000000000706 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2011 616180000000000707 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2012 616180000000000708 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2013 616180000000000709 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2014 616180000000000710 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2015 616180000000000711 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2016 616180000000000712 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2017 616180000000000713 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2018 616180000000000714 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2019 616180000000000715 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2020 616180000000000716 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2021 616180000000000727 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Clinical Medicine Package Read And Publish 2022 616180000000000728 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D014RSMS 2014 RSM Shallow Backfile 2014 616180000000000742 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D1052BDP IMechE Shallow Backfile 22024 616180000000000741 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DCLMS2B Clinical Medicine Shallow Backfile 2023 616180000000000735 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DCLMSBP Clinical Medicine Shallow Backfile 2024 616180000000000736 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DFG Health Sciences without RSM Package Collection Read and Publish 2020 616180000000000630 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
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    SAGE Sage Journals DFG STM Without RSM Package Collection Read and Publish 2020 616180000000000600 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DFG STM Without RSM Package Collection Read and Publish 2021 616180000000000601 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DFG STM Without RSM Package Collection Read and Publish 2024 616180000000000602 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DFG2014 Materials in Collectio nRead and Publish 2014 616180000000000606 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
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    SAGE Sage Journals DSTMS2B Shallow Backfile 2023 616180000000000734 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
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    SAGE Sage Journals Health Sciences Package Read And Publish 2008 616180000000000688 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Health Sciences Package Read And Publish 2009 616180000000000689 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Health Sciences Package Read And Publish 2010 616180000000000690 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Health Sciences Package Read And Publish 2011 616180000000000691 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
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    vLex vLex Ireland Core 615400000000000579 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:

    Changed KB Software

    Week 8, February 25th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser EBSCO_HOST::Journals to fix journal level issues

    Databases to be removed in week 12

    Week 8, February 25th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Natural Medicines 6114038010000041 Duplicate of Natural Medicines  DBID CZI NatMed Pro 6114011890000041

    Databases Name Change

    Week 8, February 25th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID New Public Name Reason
    Natural Medicines 6114011890000041 NatMed Pro To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 7, February 18th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of February 9th through February 15th:

    • Number of records updated: 6
    The following are the Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings updates for the period of February 9th through February 15th:
    • Number of records updated: 3
    • Number of records added: 1

    Update to bibliographic records 035 MARC fields

    Week 7, February 18th

    We will be adding 035$a (CKB) IDs to any CZ records where they are missing, starting on February 26, 2023. Please note that this includes Contributed records, including those part of Contributed collections. In addition, some records currently contain the CKB ID as part of the 090 field. Once the missing 035$a (CKB) ID is added, we also plan to remove the 090 field from the CZ record.

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 8

    Week 7, February 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    101 Communications 101communications Publications 614330000000001259 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Ciencia y Tecnologia (ICYT) 614330000000001322 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collections to be Removed in week 11

    Week 7, February 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor & Francis COGENT OA 614330000000001274 Content can be found in Taylor & Francis Open Access 613410000000000015

    E-collections will become Zero-Title Database in week 8

    Week 7, February 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Gale International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887-2013 614900000000001783 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collection's Interface Change

    Week 7, February 18th

    E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Old Interface Name Interface was changed to Reason
    LLMC-Digital 613780000000001251 Scholarly Publishing Office LLMC Digital Request of the provider to better match provider with product

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 7, February 18th

    Interface Name Old E-Collection Name E-Collection ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    Editions ENI Bibliothèque Numérique ENI 6122519690000041 Bibliothèque Numérique to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Arts $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_ARTS 61615410000000002998 Cyberlibris Université Arts - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Economie Gestion Droit $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_ECONOMIE-GESTION-DROIT 61614330000000000902 Cyberlibris Université Economie et gestion - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Emploi Metiers Formation $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_EMPLOI-METIERS-FORMATION 61614330000000000907 Cyberlibris Université Emplois métiers et formations - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Geographie $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_GEOGRAPHIE 61615490000000001668 Cyberlibris Université Géographie - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Histoire $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_HISTOIRE 61615410000000002999 Cyberlibris Université Histoire - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Informatique $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_INFORMATIQUE 61614920000000001771 Cyberlibris Université Informatique - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Lettres $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_LETTRES 61614920000000001772 Cyberlibris Université Lettres - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Loisirs $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_LOISIRS 61614920000000001773 Cyberlibris Université Lectures loisirs - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Philosophie $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_PHILOSOPHIE 61615400000000000339 Cyberlibris Université Philosophie - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Psychologie Sociologie $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_PSYCHOLOGIE-SOCIOLOGIE 61615400000000000340 Cyberlibris Université Psychologie et sociologie - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sante Sciences De La Vie Medecine $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_SANTE-SCIENCES-DE-LA-VIE-MEDECINE 61614330000000000903 Cyberlibris Université Santé sciences de la vie et médecine - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sciences De L Education Espe $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_SCIENCES-DE-L-EDUCATION-ESPE 61614330000000000908 Cyberlibris Université Sciences de l'éducation INSPE - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sciences De L Ingenieur $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_SCIENCES-DE-L-INGENIEUR 61614330000000000904 Cyberlibris Université Sciences de l'ingénieur - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sciences Politiques $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_SCIENCES-POLITIQUES 61614920000000001774 Cyberlibris Université Sciences politiques et juridiques - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Sciences Religieuses $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_SCIENCES-RELIGIEUSES 61615400000000000338 Cyberlibris Université Sciences religieuses - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Couperin Staps $CYBERLIBRIS_COUPERIN_STAPS 61614920000000001775 Cyberlibris Université STAPS - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Global Allebooks $CYBERLIBRIS_GLOBAL_ALLEBOOKS 61614330000000000909 Cyberlibris Université All ebooks - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Global Alljournals $CYBERLIBRIS_GLOBAL_ALLJOURNALS 61614330000000000910 Cyberlibris Université All journals - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Bacon Bacon Cyberlibris Global Alltitles $CYBERLIBRIS_GLOBAL_ALLTITLES 61614330000000000906 Cyberlibris Université All titles - Couperin to better match the collection’s name
    Cyberlibris ScholarVox Université Documentation hospitalière - Couperin 615470000000001179 ScholarVox Université Documentation hospitalière to better match the collection’s name
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Journals Digital Archive 611000000000000719 Oxford University Press Journals Digital Archive legacy to better match the collection’s name
    EBSCOhost Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center 613800000000000618 Hobbies & Crafts Source to better match the collection’s name
    EBSCOhost Home Improvement Reference Center 613800000000000619 Home Improvement Source to better match the collection’s name
    EBSCOhost EBSCOhost Legal Information Reference Center 613680000000000032 Legal Information Source to better match the collection’s name
    EBSCOhost EBSCOhost Small Business Reference Center 613170000000000079 Small Business Source to better match the collection’s name
    EBSCOhost Small Engine Repair Reference Center 614330000000001317 Small Engine Repair Source to better match the collection’s name

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 7, February 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Bacon Bacon Project Muse Global Single Title Ebooks $PROJECTMUSE_GLOBAL_SINGLE-TITLE-EBOOKS 614920000000005802 Full Text BOOK  
    BMJ Publishing Group Ltd BMJ Journals - STZ 2024 614970000000000770 Full Text JOURNAL  
    American Mathematical Society Contemporary Mathematics - 2024 616180000000000503 Full Text BOOK  
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books African American African and Black Diaspora Studies Collection Collection 2024 615450000000005482 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Anthropology Collection 2024 615450000000005483 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Art and Art History Collection 2024 615450000000005484 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Asian Studies Collection 2024 615450000000005485 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Gender Studies Collection 2024 615450000000005486 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Latin American History Collection 2024 615450000000005487 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Music and Sound Studies Collection 2024 615450000000005488 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Religious Studies Collection 2024 615450000000005489 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection 2024 615450000000005479 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collections: Expanded 2024 615450000000005480 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Duke University Press e-Duke Journals Scholarly Collections: Standard 2024 615450000000005481 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    eCampus Ontario eCampus Ontario OER collection 614920000000005801 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Elsevier ScienceDirect Elsevier SD Complete Freedom Collection 2023 616180000000000505 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect Elsevier SD Freedom Collection Journals 2023 616180000000000504 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. Erich Schmidt Verlag Journals 615490000000000762 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    GeoScienceWorld GeoScienceWorld (GSW) eBooks Collection 2024 615410000000003267 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2007 Frontlist 615420000000000542 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2008 Frontlist 615420000000000543 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2009 Frontlist 615420000000000544 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2010 Frontlist 615420000000000545 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2011 Frontlist 615420000000000546 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2012 Frontlist 615420000000000547 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2016 Frontlist 615420000000000548 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2017 Frontlist 615420000000000549 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2018 Frontlist 615420000000000550 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2019 Frontlist 615420000000000551 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IET Digital Library IET 2020 Frontlist 615420000000000552 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Gale Making of Modern Law: Landmark Records and Briefs of the U.S. Courts of Appeals 1851-1950 615410000000003268 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Thieme Connect MedOne Education- Anatomy 616180000000000269 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 All Titles 615490000000002078 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Archive Collection 615490000000002080 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Clinical Medicine 615490000000002087 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Community Colleges 615490000000002088 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Economics 615490000000002089 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 HSS 615490000000002090 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Humanities 615490000000002091 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Humanities Archive 615490000000002081 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Law 615490000000002092 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Law Archive 615490000000002082 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Life Sciences 615490000000002093 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Mathematics & Physical Sciences 615490000000002094 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Medicine 615490000000002095 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Medicine Archive 615490000000002083 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 NEAR Archive 615490000000002086 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Policy 615490000000002096 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Religion 615490000000002097 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Science Archive 615490000000002084 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Social Sciences Archive 615490000000002085 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 Social Sciences Collection 615490000000002098 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals 2024 STM 615490000000002099 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford Journals Archive 2024 All Titles 615490000000002079 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Journals Clinical Medicine - STZ 2024 614970000000000769 Full Text JOURNAL  
    SAGE Sage Journals AKTU 2024 616180000000000506 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals AKTU Read And Publish 2024 616180000000000507 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCMD24 Deep Backfile Clinical Medicine 2024 616180000000000508 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0124 Communication Subject Backfile 2024 616180000000000509 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0224 Criminology Subject Backfile 2024 616180000000000510 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0324 Politics And International Relations Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000511 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0424 Sociology Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000512 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0524 Education Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000513 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0624 Psychology Subject Collection Backfile 2317 2024 616180000000000514 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0724 Nursing And Public Health Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000515 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0824 Management And Organization Studies Subject Collect Backfile 2024 616180000000000516 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL0924 Materials Science Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000517 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1024 Urban Studies And Planning Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000518 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1124 Theology Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000519 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1324 Pharmacology And Biomedical Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000520 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1424 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine Subject Collect Backfile 2024 616180000000000521 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1524 Palliative Medicine And Chronic Care Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000522 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1624 Oncology Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000523 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1724 Pediatrics Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000524 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1824 Orthopaedics And Sports Medicine Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000525 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL1924 Mental Health Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000526 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2024 Neurology Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000527 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2124 Medico Legal Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000528 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2224 Health Practice And Services Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000529 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2324 RSM Package Backfile 2024 616180000000000530 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2424 HR Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000531 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2524 Research Methods Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000532 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2624 Public Libraries Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000533 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL2724 Community College Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000534 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BCOL3124 Surgery Subject Collection Backfile 2024 616180000000000535 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BHSC24 Deep Backfile Health Sciences 2024 616180000000000536 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BHSS24 Deep Backfile HSS 2024 616180000000000537 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BSTM24 Deep Backfile STM 2024 616180000000000538 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUPG24 Deep Backfile Upgrade 2024 616180000000000539 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSC24 Deep Backfile Health Sciences Upgrade 2024 616180000000000540 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUSS24 Deep Backfile HSS Upgrade 2024 616180000000000541 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals BUST24 Deep Backfile STM Upgrade 2024 616180000000000542 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals CSUC Package 2024 616180000000000543 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D024TBDL Shallow Backfile 2024 616180000000000545 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D024UPDL Shallow Backfile Upgrade 2024 616180000000000546 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D2242TBDL Shallow Backfile 2024 616180000000000548 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D224RSMS RSM Shallow Backfile 2 Upgrade 2024 616180000000000547 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals D224UPDL Shallow Backfile 2 2024 616180000000000549 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DFG IMECHE Collection Read and Publish 2024 616180000000000551 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals DFG Shallow Backfile 2024 616180000000000550 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals LEAPCMD24 Clinical Medicine Package 2024 616180000000000552 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals LEAPHSC24 Health Sciences Package 2024 616180000000000553 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals LEAPHSS24 HSS Package2024 616180000000000554 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Premier 2024 Lease 2024 616180000000000555 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE Sage Journals Shallow Backfile Upgrade 2024 616180000000000544 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SpringerNature Springer journals STZ- 2024-2026 614970000000000767 Full Text JOURNAL  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Academic Journals on All 615510000000000235 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Adis Journals All 615510000000000236 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Adis Journals Archive Collection 615510000000000241 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Nature Advance 615510000000000237 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Nature Journals All 615510000000000238 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Palgrave Macmillan Journals All 615510000000000239 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Palgrave Macmillan Journals Archive Collection 615510000000000242 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals All 615510000000000240 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection 615510000000000244 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Humanities Social Sciences and Law 615510000000000252 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Behavioral Science 615510000000000245 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Biomedical and Life Sciences 615510000000000246 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Business and Economics 615510000000000247 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Chemistry and Materials Science 615510000000000248 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Computer Science 615510000000000249 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Earth and Environmental Science 615510000000000250 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Engineering 615510000000000251 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Mathematics and Statistics 615510000000000253 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Medicine 615510000000000254 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - Springer Journals Archive Collection - Springer Physics and Astronomy 615510000000000255 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature - SpringerLink Journals - Fully Open Access 615510000000000243 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis African Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000011 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Anthropology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000012 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Applied Psychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000013 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Architecture ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000014 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Art And Visual Culture ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000015 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Asian Politics ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000016 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Asian Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000017 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Business Management and Accounting ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000018 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Classical Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000019 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Cognitive Psychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000020 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Comparative Politics ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000021 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Counseling and School Psychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000022 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Cultural Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000023 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Development Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000024 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Developmental Psychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000025 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Early Childhood Education Inclusion and Special Education ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000026 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Economics ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000027 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Education Research Methods CPD and Study Skills ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000028 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Educational Foundations and Education Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000029 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis European Politics ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000030 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Family Therapy ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000031 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Finance ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000032 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Gender Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000033 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Government ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000034 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Health and Society ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000035 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Higher Education Educational Leadership and Post 16 Education ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000036 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis History ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000037 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Human Geography collection 2024 616210000000000038 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Industry and Industrial Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000040 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis International Law ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000041 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis International Political Economy ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000042 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis International Politics ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000043 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis International Relations ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000044 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Introductory Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000045 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Jurisprudence and General Issues ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000046 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Language and Linguistics ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000047 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Language Teaching and Learning ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000049 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Learning Sciences ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000048 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Literature ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000050 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Media and Film Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000051 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Middle East Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000052 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Military and Strategic Studies ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000053 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Neuropsychology ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000054 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Philosophy ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000055 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Planning ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000056 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Political Behavior and Participation ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000058 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Political Philosophy ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000057 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Political Theory ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000059 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis Rights Law and Civil Liberties ebooks collection 2024 616210000000000039 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Gale Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive 1910-2000 615410000000003269 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Liverpool University Press White Horse Press Collection 614950000000001743 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Wiley-Blackwell Wiley M&N Journals - STZ 2024 614970000000000768 Full Text ARTICLE  

    Changed KB Software

    Week 7, February 18th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction Configuration File Add doi prefix 10.1186 to TAYFRA::journal doi_allowed config
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser CQ::Researcher for platform change
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser PERSEE::persee to improve the issue linking syntax

    Databases to be removed as announced before

    Week 7, February 18th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name Reason E-Collection ID Alternative/replacement E-Collection name Alternative/replacement E-Collection ID
    ProQuest Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2019 duplicate - content can be found in 614940000000000185 ProQuest Legislative Insight 2019 6121088890000041
    State of Washington Access Washington The provider doesn't have the database URL 6113993610000041    

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 6, February 11th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of February 2nd through February 8th:

    • Number of records updated: 40
    • Number of records added: 178
    • Number of records deleted: 5
    The following are the Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings updates for the period of February 2nd through February 8th:
    • Number of records updated: 1

    Contributed E-collections to be Removed in Week 7

    Week 6, February 11th

    • NFB/ONF - National Film Board of Canada (OCUL) (E-Collection id: 61392445060005151) will be removed per contriuter's request.

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 6, February 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Gale Group Indiana History Online 613800000000000621 As per provider's request Indiana History 615490000000001702
    IG Publishing iG Publishing: SIAM 615490000000000334 duplicate of  IG Publishing SIAM 612430000000000025

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 6, February 11th

    Old E-collection Name Target ID Was Changed to Reason
    Lithuanian OA journals 6180000000000294 Vilnius University Press Open Access Journals To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 6, February 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: University of Chicago Press 2024 614970000000000762 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Duke 2024 614970000000000763 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: IET 2023 614970000000000764 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: British Academy (UPSO) 2023 616180000000000256 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Cornell University Press (UPSO) 2023 615510000000000229 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Edinburgh University Press (UPSO) 2023 615510000000000233 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Fordham University Press (UPSO) 2023 615510000000000232 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Hong Kong University Press (UPSO) 2023 615510000000000230 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Liverpool University Press (UPSO) 2023 615510000000000234 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Manchester University Press (UPSO) 2023 615510000000000231 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: New York University Press (UPSO) 2023 615450000000005474 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Policy Press (UPSO) 2023 616160000000000027 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Princeton University Press (UPSO) 2023 616160000000000028 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Stanford University Press (UPSO) 2023 616160000000000029 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: The University Press of Kentucky (UPSO) 2023 616160000000000030 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: University Press of Mississippi (UPSO) 2023 616160000000000031 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: University of Chicago Press (UPSO) 2023 615450000000005475 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: University of Florida Press (UPSO) 2023 616180000000000487 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: University of Illinois Press (UPSO) 2023 616180000000000488 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: University of North Carolina Press (UPSO) 2023 616180000000000489 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Yale University Press (UPSO) 2023 616180000000000490 Full Text BOOK  
    Scholars Portal Scholars Portal Books: Oxford Scholarship Online 2023 616180000000000491 Full Text BOOK  
    American Chemical Society ACS In Focus Collection 3 616180000000000492 Full Text BOOK  
    American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Journals 616180000000000493 Full Text JOURNAL  
    American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Journals - Free to read 616180000000000494 Full Text JOURNAL  
    AM (Adam Matthew) Colonial Caribbean Module III 616180000000000495 Full Text BOOK  
    AM (Adam Matthew) Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam Cambodia and Laos (1959-1979) 616180000000000496 Full Text BOOK  
    Newsbank Newsbank single titles archive collection 616180000000000497 Full Text JOURNAL  
    JSTOR Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movements 616180000000000498 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    JSTOR Black Periodicals: From the Great Migration through Black Power 616180000000000499 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    JSTOR Documenting White Supremacy and its Opponents in the 1920s 616180000000000500 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    JSTOR HIV AIDS & the Arts 616180000000000501 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    CSIRO CSIRO Books Part A 2024 616180000000000502 Full Text BOOK For more information: and
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Emerald Subject Collections HE and FE 2024-2026 Education (reading list) 614970000000000765 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3225 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Emerald Subject Collections HE and FE 2024-2026 Engineering (reading list) 614970000000000766 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3226 Data provided by KB+
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge Video: EBA 2021 615450000000005478 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge Video: Nursing 2022 616180000000000463 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge Video: Political Science & International Relations Full Collection 2021 616180000000000464 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS14 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000465 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS15 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000466 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS16 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000467 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS17 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000468 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS18 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000469 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS22 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000479 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Knowledge KN01CS23 Books and Reference Business and Management Collection Supplement 2023 616180000000000470 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Ezb EZB-NLAFG-01900 Afghan Serials Collection NL 616180000000000471 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Beamafilm Beamafilm Worldwide Region 616180000000000472 Full Text BOOK  
    Beamafilm Beamafilm UK Region 616180000000000473 Full Text BOOK  
    Beamafilm Beamafilm US Region 616180000000000474 Full Text BOOK  
    Beamafilm Beamafilm ANZ Region 616180000000000476 Full Text BOOK  
    Beamafilm Beamafilm All Films 616180000000000475 Full Text BOOK  
    Beamafilm Beamafilm Under 15 Films 616180000000000478 Full Text BOOK  
    GOKB De Gruyter Read & Publish 2024: Bibsam 616180000000000477 Full Text JOURNAL  
    GOKB IOS Press Read & Publish 2024: Bibsam 616180000000000480 Full Text ARTICLE  
    GOKB SAGE: Journals Publish & Read 2024-2027: Bibsam 616180000000000481 Full Text ARTICLE  
    GOKB SAGE: The Royal Society of Medicine Read & Publish 2024-2027: Bibsam 616180000000000482 Full Text ARTICLE  
    GOKB Universitetsforlaget: Idunn 2024: Bibsam 616180000000000483 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Bacon Bacon Sciendo Global Oa Journals $SCIENDO_GLOBAL_OA-JOURNALS 616180000000000486 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Anesthesiology 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000484 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Anesthesiology 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000485 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Cardiology 2023 Perpetual Access 615450000000005476 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Cardiology 2024 Perpetual Access 615490000000002077 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Ciencias Basicas Subscription 615450000000005477 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Critical Care 2023 Perpetual Access 615480000000000170 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Critical Care 2024 Perpetual Access 615480000000000171 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Emergency Medicine 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000428 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Emergency Medicine 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000429 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Emergency Medicine Subscription 616180000000000430 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Family Medicine 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000431 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Family Medicine 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000432 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Family Medicine Subscription 616180000000000433 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Internal Medicine 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000434 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Internal Medicine 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000435 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library International Anatomical Sciences Subscription 616180000000000436 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library International Integrated Basic Sciences Subscription 616180000000000437 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library International Premium Basic Sciences Subscription 616180000000000438 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Made Easy 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000439 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Neurology 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000440 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Neurology 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000441 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Oncology 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000442 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Oncology 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000443 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Ophthalmology 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000444 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Ophthalmology 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000445 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Orthopaedic Surgery 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000446 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Orthopaedic Surgery 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000447 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Orthopaedic Surgery Subscription 616180000000000448 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Pathology 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000449 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Pathology 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000450 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Pediatrics 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000451 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Pediatrics 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000452 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Psychiatry 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000453 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Surgery 2023 Perpetual Access 616180000000000454 Full Text BOOK  
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Health Library Surgery 2024 Perpetual Access 616180000000000455 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire (BCI) Package 2024 616180000000000456 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Complete Journal Package 2024 616180000000000457 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Complete Journal Package 2024 in English 616180000000000458 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Complete Journal Package HSS 2024 616180000000000459 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Complete Journal Package HSS 2024 in English 616180000000000460 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Complete Journal Package STM 2024 616180000000000461 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Complete Journal Package STM 2024 in English 616180000000000462 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Biology Chemistry Geosciences 2024 615410000000003199 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Classical Studies History 2024 615490000000002069 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Law 2024 615490000000002070 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Library and Information Science Library Reference 2024 615490000000002071 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Linguistics Literature 2024 615490000000002072 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Medicine 2024 615490000000002073 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Mathematics Physics Engineering 2024 615490000000002075 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Politics Economics Sociology 2024 615490000000002076 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Journal Package Philosophy Theology Judaism Religion 2024 615490000000002061 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing HSS Konvolut A (Read & Publish) 2024 615490000000002062 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing Konvolut B (Read Only) 2024 615490000000002063 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Law by De Gruyter 2024 614920000000005782 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Medical Life Sciences by De Gruyter Package 2024 614920000000005783 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Modul WiWi 2024 614920000000005780 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter OCUL Package 2024 614920000000005784 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Research Now Package 2024 614920000000005785 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter Mouton eBook Package 2024 614920000000005786 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Architecture 2024 614920000000005781 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Biblical Studies 2024 614920000000005787 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Classical Studies & Archaeology 2024 614920000000005788 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Education 2024 614920000000005789 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Fashion 2024 614920000000005800 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Film & Media Studies 2024 614920000000005790 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Gender & Sexuality Studies 2024 614920000000005791 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Hart Publishing 2024 614920000000005792 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Health & Wellbeing 2024 614920000000005793 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: History 2024 614920000000005779 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Libraries Unlimited Library & Information Science 2024 614920000000005795 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Middle East Studies 2024 614920000000005796 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Philosophy 2024 614920000000005797 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Politics & International Relations 2024 614920000000005798 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections:Religious Studies 2024 614920000000005794 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Theology 2024 614920000000005799 Full Text BOOK  

    Databases removed as announced

    Week 6, February 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online Criminology and Criminal Justice 2020 615490000000001871 As per provider's request    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online Criminology and Criminal Justice 2019 615490000000001870 As per provider's request    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online 2015 Criminology and Criminal Justice 615410000000000520 As per provider's request    
    EBSCOhost EBSCOhost The New Scientist Archive 613300000000000004 As per provider's request    
    Henry Stewart Talks The Henry Stewart Business and Management Journals Collection 614920000000005367 As per provider's request The Henry Stewart Business and Management Journals Collection 611000000000000320
    IOP Publishing KB+ JISC Collections Institute of Physics Journal Archive 1999-2006 615280000000002365 As per provider's request    

    Databases to be removed in week 7

    Week 6, February 11th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/replacement E-Collection name Alternative/Replacement E-Collection ID
    ProQuest Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2019 614940000000000185 duplicate - content can be found in ProQuest Legislative Insight 2019 6121088890000041
    State of Washington Access Washington 6113993610000041 The provider doesn't have the database URL    

    Databases to be removed in week 10

    Week 6, February 11th

    Old E-collection Name Target ID Was Changed to Reason Alternative E-Collection Name Replacement E-Collection ID
    Lithuanian OA journals 6180000000000294 Vilnius University Press Open Access Journals To better match collection’s name as marketed by provider    
    Dicle Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv Dicle Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv   We do not keep the Institutional Repository of the clients who canceled our services unless it was requested by other customers.    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Bibliographies Online : Biblical Studies 6113914440000041 Duplicate of: Oxford Bibliographies Online : Biblical Studies 6113914340000041

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 5, February 4th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of January 26th through February 1st:

    • Number of records updated: 3
    • Number of records added: 1
    The following are the Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings updates for the period of January 26th through February 1st:
    • Number of records updated: 39
    • Number of records added: 21
    • Number of records deleted: 9

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 6

    Week 5, February 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Gale Group Indiana History Online 613800000000000621 As per provider's request Indiana History 615490000000001702
    IG Publishing iG Publishing: SIAM 615490000000000334 duplicate of  IG Publishing SIAM 612430000000000025

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 9

    Week 5, February 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Medical Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_MEDICAL-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000751 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Medical Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_MEDICAL-FRONTLIST 614340000000000752 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Ssh Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_SSH-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000753 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin Ssh Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_SSH-FRONTLIST 614340000000000754 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin St Backfiles And Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_ST-BACKFILES-AND-FRONTLIST 614340000000000755 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    Taylor and Francis Online Bacon Taylor And Francis Couperin St Frontlist $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_COUPERIN_ST-FRONTLIST 614340000000000756 No longer negotiated by Couperin and were obsolete N/A N/A
    AIP Publishing Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Frontlist $AIP_COUPERIN_FRONTLIST 613780000000000885 Replaced by: BACON_AIP_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Alljournals 615410000000002808
    AIP Publishing Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Societies Titles $AIP_COUPERIN_SOCIETIES-TITLES 614340000000000763 Replaced by: BACON_AIP_COUPERIN_ALLJOURNALS Bacon American Institute Of Physics Couperin Alljournals 615410000000002808

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 5, February 4th

    Interface Name Old E-Collection Name E-Collcetion ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    JSTOR JSTOR Complete 61111034808820000 Jstor Complete Legacy to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSHS&T&Medical 2022 614930000000000177 OA Read & Publish SSH S & T & Medical to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSH & S&T 2022 614930000000000173 OA Read & Publish SSH & S & T to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSH 2022 614930000000000174 OA Read & Publish SSH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish S&T 2022 614930000000000171 OA Read & Publish S & T to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish Medical 2022 614930000000000170 OA Read & Publish Medical to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSHS&TMed&FRESH 2022 614930000000000179 OA Read & Publish SSH S & T Med & FRESH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSHS&T&FRESH 2022 614930000000000176 OA Read & Publish SSHS & T & FRESH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSH&FRESH 2022 614930000000000175 OA Read & Publish SSH & FRESH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online R&P SSHMedical&FRESH 2022 614930000000000181 R&P SSH Medical & FRESH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish S&T&FRESH 2022 614930000000000172 OA Read & Publish S & T & FRESH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish EO&ER 2022 614930000000000168 OA Read & Publish EO & ER to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish SSHS&TMED&EO 2022 614930000000000178 OA Read & Publish SSH S & T MED & EO to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor and Francis Online OA Read&Publish FRESH 2022 614930000000000169 OA Read & Publish FRESH to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Wiley Business Textbook Subscription 614940000000000373 Ebook Central Wiley Business Textbook Subscription (ANZ Only) to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Wiley Education Textbook Subscription 614940000000000376 Ebook Central Wiley Education Textbook Subscription (ANZ Only) to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Wiley Health Sciences Textbook Subscription 614940000000000375 Ebook Central Wiley Health Sciences Textbook Subscription (ANZ Only) to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Wiley Physical Science & Engineering Subscription 614940000000000378 Ebook Central Wiley Physical Science & Engineering Subscription (ANZ Only) to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Wiley Psychology Textbook Subscription 614940000000000374 Ebook Central Wiley Psychology Textbook Subscription (ANZ Only) to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Ebook Central Ebook Central Wiley Social Science & Humanities Subscription 614940000000000377 Ebook Central Wiley Social Science & Humanities Subscription (ANZ Only) to better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 5, February 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    ASME Digital Collection ASME all transactions journals 615410000000003265 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    IBISWorld Australia Industry Reports 614970000000000761 Full Text BOOK  
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Companions Online: 2024 Full Collection 616180000000000360 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Companions Online: 2024 Literature and Classics 616180000000000361 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 All eBooks 616180000000000352 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Archaeology 616180000000000362 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Classical Studies 616180000000000427 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Computer Science 616180000000000364 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Earth and Environmental Science 616180000000000365 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Economics 616180000000000366 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Engineering 616180000000000367 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 History 616180000000000368 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 HSS Collection 616180000000000353 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Humanities 616180000000000354 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Language and Linguistics 616180000000000369 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Law 616180000000000372 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Life Sciences 616180000000000370 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Literature 616180000000000371 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Management 616180000000000373 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Mathematics 616180000000000375 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Medicine 616180000000000374 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Music 616180000000000377 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Philosophy 616180000000000376 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Politics and International Relations 616180000000000378 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Psychology 616180000000000379 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Religion 616180000000000394 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Science and Engineering 616180000000000395 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Social Sciences 616180000000000355 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 Sociology 616180000000000396 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks and Partner Presses: 2024 STM Collection 616180000000000397 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 All eBooks 616180000000000356 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 All eBooks except Law 616180000000000357 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 All eBooks except Law and Medicine 616180000000000358 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Archaeology 616180000000000398 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Classical Studies 616180000000000399 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Computer Science 616180000000000400 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Earth and Environmental Science 616180000000000401 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Economics 616180000000000402 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Engineering 616180000000000403 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 History 616180000000000404 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 HSS Collection 616180000000000359 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Humanities 616180000000000405 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Language and Linguistics 616180000000000406 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Law 616180000000000407 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Life Sciences 616180000000000408 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Literature 616180000000000409 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Management 616180000000000410 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Mathematics 616180000000000411 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Medicine 616180000000000412 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Music 616180000000000413 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Philosophy 616180000000000414 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Politics and International Relations 616180000000000415 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Psychology 616180000000000416 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Religion 616180000000000417 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Science and Engineering 616180000000000418 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Social Sciences 616180000000000419 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 Sociology 616180000000000420 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge eBooks without Partner Presses: 2024 STM Collection 616180000000000421 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Elements: 2024 616180000000000422 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Histories Online: 2024 616180000000000423 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Agricultural Biological and Food Sciences 2024 615410000000003228 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology 2024 615410000000003229 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Biomedical Engineering 2024 615410000000003230 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Biomedical Science 2024 615410000000003231 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Chemical Engineering 2024 615410000000003232 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Chemistry 2024 615410000000003233 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Clinical Medicine and Surgery 2024 615410000000003245 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Earth and Planetary Sciences 2024 615410000000003234 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Energy 2024 615410000000003235 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Engineering 2024 615410000000003236 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Environmental Science 2024 615410000000003237 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Freedom Collection Books 2024 615410000000003246 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Immunology and Microbiology 2024 615410000000003238 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Materials Science 2024 615410000000003239 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Mathematics and Computing 2024 615410000000003240 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Neuroscience and Psychology 2024 615410000000003241 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Pharmacology Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 2024 615410000000003242 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Social Sciences 2024 615410000000003243 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier ScienceDirect eBook - Translational Medicine 2024 615410000000003244 Full Text BOOK  
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Cambridge University Press CUP Cambridge Prisms and Research Directions OA Pilot 2024 615480000000000167 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3221 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Elsevier for FE 2024 Freedom Collection 2024 614950000000001739 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3134 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Elsevier Read and Publish Agreement 2022-2024:Subject Collections (Computer Science) (Reading list) 614950000000001740 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code: 2795. Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Elsevier Read and Publish Agreement 2022-2024:Subject Collections (Materials Science) (Reading list) 614950000000001741 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code: 2805. Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Elsevier Read and Publish Agreement 2022-2024:Subject Collections (Psychology) (Reading list) 614950000000001742 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code: 2811. Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Emerald Subject Collections HE and FE 2024-2026:Accounting Finance & Economics (reading list) 616160000000000025 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3222 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Emerald Subject Collections HE and FE 2024-2026:Business Management & Strategy (reading list) 616160000000000026 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3223 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Emerald Subject Collections HE and FE 2024-2026:Emerald Management 120 (EM120) (reading list - existing subscribers only) 614950000000001737 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3212 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Emerald Subject Collections HE and FE 2024-2026:Emerald Premier (reading list) 614950000000001738 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3213 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Georg Thieme Verlag Thieme 2024-2025 Journals Transitional OA Agreement (SMP) Chemical Collection (reading list) 615480000000000164 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3217 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Georg Thieme Verlag Thieme 2024-2025 Journals Transitional OA Agreement (SMP) Medical Collection (reading list) 615480000000000165 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3219 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Project Muse Project MUSE Journals Agreement 2024 Literature Core Collection 615480000000000140 Full Text JOURNAL For more information: https:/ Collection code:3183 Data provided by KB+
    JSTOR JSTOR All Research Reports 616210000000000009 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    JSTOR JSTOR Public Health (Research Reports Only) 616210000000000010 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    JSTOR JSTOR Secondary Schools Collection (Research Reports Only) 616210000000000008 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Manchester University Press Manchester Film & Media Studies 2023 615450000000005470 Full Text BOOK  
    Manchester University Press Manchester Gothic 2023 615450000000005473 Full Text BOOK  
    Manchester University Press Manchester Literature Studies 2023 615450000000005472 Full Text BOOK  
    Manchester University Press Manchester Political Studies 2023 615450000000005471 Full Text BOOK  
    Manchester University Press Manchester Shakespeare 2023 615450000000005469 Full Text BOOK  
    Manchester University Press Manchester Studies in Imperialism 2023 615450000000005468 Full Text BOOK  
    Wolters Kluwer Health Ovid AASLD Collection 616180000000000424 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Wolters Kluwer Health Ovid Clinical and Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Bundle 616180000000000425 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Wolters Kluwer Health Ovid Neurology and Neurology Clinical Practice Bundle 616180000000000426 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SAE Mobilus SAE Magazines 615410000000003266 Full Text JOURNAL For more information http://www.saejour
    UTB Scholars scholars_Bauen/Planen/Architektur 2023_2 615450000000005411 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie 2023_2 615450000000005413 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Garten- & Landschaftsbau 2023_2 615450000000005457 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Garten & Pflanzen 2023_2 615450000000005458 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Germanistik 2023_2 615450000000005416 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Germanistik 2023_2 / Backlist Koenigshausen&Neumann 615450000000005464 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Geschichte 2023_2 615450000000005417 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Geschichte/Geschichtsdidaktik 2023_2 615450000000005414 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Geschichte/Kulturgeschichte 2023_2 615450000000005415 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Heilpflanzen & Gesundheit 2023_2 615450000000005459 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Hobbytierhaltung 2023_2 615450000000005460 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_journalistik 2023_2 615450000000005463 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Klass. Philologie 2023_2 615450000000005422 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Kochen & Backen 2023_2 615450000000005456 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Kunst/Kultur/Theater 2023_2 615450000000005421 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Kunst/Kultur/Theater 2023_2 / Backlist Koenigshausen&Neumann 615450000000005465 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Landwirtschaft & Tierhaltung 2023_2 615450000000005461 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Literaturwissenschaft allg./Anglistik 2023_2 615450000000005423 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Medien & Kommunikation 2023_2 615450000000005424 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Medizin/Pflege 2023_2 615450000000005425 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Medizin/Pflege 2023_2 / Backlist Koenigshausen&Neumann 615450000000005466 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Musikwissenschaft/Musikpaedagogik 2023_2 615450000000005426 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Natur/Technik 2023_2 615450000000005427 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 2023_2 615450000000005462 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik (allg.) 2023_2 615450000000005429 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Berufs- und Wirtschaftspaedagogik 2023_2 615450000000005438 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Bildungswesen 2023_2 615450000000005439 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Digitale Bildung 2023_2 615450000000005430 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Erwachsenenbildung 2023_2 615450000000005431 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Hochschule 2023_2 615450000000005412 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Inklusion 2023_2 615450000000005434 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Kindergarten und Vorschule 2023_2 615450000000005432 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Lehrerbildung 2023_2 615450000000005433 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Paedagogik/Politische Bildung 2023_2 615450000000005436 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Philosophie 2023_2 615450000000005419 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Philosophie 2023_2 / Backlist Koenigshausen&Neumann 615450000000005467 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Politikwissenschaft 2023_2 615450000000005435 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Psychologie allg. 2023_2 615450000000005441 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Psychologische Beratung & Coaching 2023_2 615450000000005410 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Psychotherapie 2023_2 615450000000005452 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Recht 2023_2 615450000000005442 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Recht 2023_2 / Oesterreichisches Recht 615450000000005428 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Religion/Theologie_Praktische Theologie 2023_2 615450000000005437 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Religion/Theologie_Religion und Gesellschaft 2023_2 615450000000005454 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Religion/Theologie_Religionswissenschaft 2023_2 615450000000005444 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Religion/Theologie_Systematische Theologie 2023_2 615450000000005449 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Romanistik/Hispanistik/Slavistik 2023_2 615450000000005443 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Schulpaedagogik 2023_2 615450000000005420 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Sonderpaedagogik 2023_2 615450000000005448 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Soziale Arbeit 2023_2 615450000000005445 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Soziologie 2023_2 615450000000005453 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Soziologie/Arbeits- und Wirtschaftssoziologie 2023_2 615450000000005451 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Soziologie/Geschlechterforschung 2023_2 615450000000005447 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Sportwissenschaft 2023_2 615450000000005440 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Sprachwissenschaft allg./Anglistik 2023_2 615450000000005418 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Sprachwissenschaft/Spracherwerb 2023_2 615450000000005446 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Sprachwissenschaft/Uebersetzungswissenschaft 2023_2 615450000000005450 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB Scholars scholars_Wirtschaft 2023_2 615450000000005455 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis AGRICULTUREnetBASE 2024 614910000000003468 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis BIOMEDICALSCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003469 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis BIOSCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003470 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis BUSINESSnetBASE MANAGEMENTnetBASE 2024 614910000000003471 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis CHEMICALENGINEERINGnetBASE 2024 614910000000003472 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis CHEMISTRYnetBASE 2024 614910000000003473 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis CHEMLIBnetBASE 2024 614910000000003474 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis CivilEngineeringnetBASE 2024 614910000000003475 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis COMPUTERSCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003476 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis ElectricalEngineeringnetBASE 2024 614910000000003477 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis ENERGYANDCLEANTECHnetBASE 2024 614910000000003478 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis ENGnetBASE 2024 614910000000003479 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis FOODnetBASE 2024 614910000000003480 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis INFORMATIONSCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003481 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis ITECHnetBASE 2024 614910000000003482 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis LIFESCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003483 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis MATERIALSnetBASE 2024 614910000000003484 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis MechanicalEngineeringnetBASE 2024 614910000000003485 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis MEDICINEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003486 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis NANOnetBASE 2024 614910000000003487 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis NEUROSCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003488 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis NUTRITIONnetBASE 2024 614910000000003489 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis PlantSCIENCEnetBASE 2024 614910000000003490 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis SCI TECHnetBASE 2024 614910000000003491 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Taylor & Francis eBooks Taylor & Francis STMnetBASE 2024 614910000000003492 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2013 615410000000003256 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2014 615410000000003257 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2014-2016 615410000000003258 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2015 615410000000003259 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2016 615410000000003260 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2020 615410000000003261 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2021 615410000000003262 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2022 615410000000003263 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter transcript: Complete eBook Package 2023 615410000000003264 Full Text BOOK For more information:

    Changed KB Software

    Week 5, February 4th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction Configuration File Add doi prefix 10.2136 to Geo::GSW and 10.1269 to OUP::OUP doi_allowed config
    Correction SFX/Alma Update the parser Springer::SPRINGER to support linkurl doi level links
    New SFX/Alma QUINTESSENZ_ONLINE_ZEITSCHRIFTEN article level linking

    Databases removed as announced in week 1

    Week 5, February 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    State Of Michigan 1870 Census 6114056030000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Auto-Graphics Inc AGent 6114001710000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    Databases to be removed in week 6

    Week 5, February 4th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online Criminology and Criminal Justice 2020 615490000000001871 As per provider's request    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online Criminology and Criminal Justice 2019 615490000000001870 As per provider's request    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online 2015 Criminology and Criminal Justice 615410000000000520 As per provider's request    
    EBSCOhost EBSCOhost The New Scientist Archive 613300000000000004 As per provider's request    
    Henry Stewart Talks The Henry Stewart Business and Management Journals Collection 614920000000005367 As per provider's request The Henry Stewart Business and Management Journals Collection 611000000000000320
    IOP Publishing KB+ JISC Collections Institute of Physics Journal Archive 1999-2006 615280000000002365 As per provider's request    

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 04, January 28th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of January 19th 1st through January 25th:

    • Number of records updated: 6
    • Number of records added: 3
    The following are the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT) updates for the period of January 19th 1st through January 25th:
    • Number of records updated: 1
    • Number of records added: 3

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 8

    Week 04, January 28th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    101 Communications 101communications Publications 614330000000001259 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Ciencia y Tecnologia (ICYT) 614330000000001322 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Gale International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887-2013 614900000000001783 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 04, January 28th

    Interface Name Old E-Collection Name E-Collection ID New E-Collection Name Reason
    Lexis Nexis Lexis 360 615300000000000160 Lexis 360 Intelligence o better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor & Francis KB+ Bibsam Taylor & Francis Medical Library 2022-2024 614110000000000923 Bibsam Taylor & Francis Medical Library 2022-2024 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor & Francis KB+ Bibsam Taylor & Francis SSH + S&T Library 2022-2024 614960000000000498 Bibsam Taylor & Francis SSH + S&T Library 2022-2024 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Brillonline KB+ Bibsam Brill Journals 2021-2023 615300000000000233 Bibsam Brill Journals 2021-2023 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Cambridge University Press KB+ BIBSAM Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Online 2022-2024 614960000000000497 BIBSAM Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Online 2022-2024 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Bloomsbury Publishing plc Bloomsbury Music and Sound: Bloomsbury Popular Music 2023 Annual Update 614920000000005759 Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts - Annual Update 2023 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider

    Springer - E-Collections Name Change

    Week 04, January 28th

    The Provider Springer has decided to have a wide alingment in all of his collection, and as a part of it, all of the collections names are being updated. We're changing the names in 3 batches, here is the second batch updated in the Excel file that is attached: Names change.xlsx

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 04, January 28th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Lived Places Publishing 2023 Lived Places Publishing Library Collection 614920000000005775 Full Text BOOK  
    Brill 2024 Brill Asian Studies Journal Collection 614970000000000750 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Life Sciences Journal Collection 614970000000000754 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Humanities & Social Science Journal Collection 614970000000000751 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill International Law & Human Rights Journal Collection 614970000000000752 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Journal Collection 614970000000000748 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Languages Linguistics & Literature Journal Collection 614970000000000753 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Middle East & Islamic Studies Journal Collection 614970000000000755 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Philosophy Journal Collection 614970000000000756 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brill Religious Studies Journal Collection 614970000000000757 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    Brill 2024 Brillonline Open Access Journals 614970000000000749 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics 2024 615410000000003218 Full Text BOOK For more information please refer :
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Currency Press Collection - AFRICA 614920000000005621 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Currency Press Collection - SOUTH AMERICA 614920000000005623 Full Text BOOK  
    BJu Tijdschriften Online Boomportaal E-journal 616180000000000302 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2011-2010 616180000000000325 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2012 616180000000000311 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2013 616180000000000310 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2014 616180000000000324 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2015 616180000000000323 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2016 616180000000000309 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2017 616180000000000308 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2018 616180000000000307 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2019 616180000000000322 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2020 616180000000000306 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2021 616180000000000305 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2022 616180000000000304 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2023 616180000000000303 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package 2024 616180000000000321 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP Complete eBook-Package Pre-2010 616180000000000312 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2011-2010 eBook Package 616180000000000350 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2012 eBook Package 616180000000000349 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2013 eBook Package 616180000000000348 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2014 eBook Package 616180000000000347 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2015 eBook Package 616180000000000346 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2016 eBook Package 616180000000000345 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2017 eBook Package 616180000000000344 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2018 eBook Package 616180000000000343 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2019 eBook Package 616180000000000342 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2020 eBook Package 616180000000000341 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2021 eBook Package 616180000000000340 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press 2022 eBook Package 616180000000000339 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter ACUP w/o University of Toronto Press pre 2010 eBook Package 616180000000000351 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    EBSCOhost Ebony Magazine Archive 614920000000003684 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Brillonline Educational Research E-Books Online Collection 2024 616180000000000295 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Brillonline Harvard University Asia Center E-Book Collection Supplement 2022 616180000000000297 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    IGI Global IGI Global Practice Progress and Proficiency in Sustainability 614920000000005778 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections British Medical Journal BMJ Resources for LMSG (with NHS Trust extension) 2024-2025 615480000000000161 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3211 Data provided by KB+
    JSTOR JSTOR Access Initiative 616210000000000007 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    Karger Karger eBooks Collection 1997-2022 614970000000000758 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI For more information see:
    Karger Karger eBooks Collection 2023 614970000000000760 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI For more information:
    Karger Karger Fast Facts Collection 2006-2015 614970000000000759 Full Text ARTICLE_DOI For more information see:
    Brillonline Late Antiquity and Medieval Studies E-Books Online Collection 2024 616180000000000296 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de GEN Saúde 615410000000003227 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de Ciências Sociais 615410000000003220 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de Exatas 615410000000003219 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de GEN Medicina 615410000000003225 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de Jurídicas 615410000000003221 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de Letras e Artes 615410000000003223 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de MB Medicina 615410000000003224 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catálogo de MB Saúde 615410000000003226 Full Text BOOK  
    Minha Bibliotecha Minha Biblioteca Catalogo de Pedagogia 615410000000003222 Full Text BOOK  
    ProQuest The W. B. Yeats Collection 614940000000000397 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2021 Biomedical Engineering 615490000000002058 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2021 Computer Science 615490000000002057 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2021 Electrical Power Engineering 615490000000002056 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2021 Life Sciences 615490000000002055 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2021 Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering 615490000000002054 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2021 Statistics 615490000000002059 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Biomedical Engineering 615490000000002053 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Chemistry 615490000000002052 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Civil Engineering 615490000000002051 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Computer Science 615490000000002050 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Electrical Power Engineering 615490000000002049 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Environmental Science Engineering 615490000000002048 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Ergonomics Human Factors 615490000000002047 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Food Nutrition 615490000000002046 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Life Sciences 615490000000002045 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering 615490000000002044 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Materials Engineering 615490000000002043 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Mathematics 615490000000002042 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2022 Physics 615490000000002041 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2023 Chemistry 615490000000002009 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2023 Electrical Power Engineering 615490000000002008 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2023 Environmental Science Engineering 615490000000002007 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2023 Ergonomics Human Factors 615490000000002006 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2023 Food Nutrition 615490000000002005 Full Text BOOK  
    Taylor & Francis eBooks CRCPress 2023 Materials Engineering 615490000000002004 Full Text BOOK  
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    Databases to be removed in week 5

    Week 04, January 28th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    State Of Michigan 1870 Census 14056030000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Auto-Graphics Inc AGent 14001710000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collections to be removed in week 4

    Week 04, January 28th

    Interface name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason GmbH Kohlhammer Altenpflege Demenz und Palliativpflege 615450000000001489 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Bildung Erziehung und Sozialisation 615280000000001343 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Biographien 615450000000001490 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2021_1 615450000000003078 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2021_2 615450000000005259 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2022_1 615420000000000288 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2022_2 615450000000005260 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2023_1 615460000000001090 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Diakonie Praktische Theologie & Religionspädagogik 2019 615450000000001491 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Dynastien 615450000000001492 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Einführungen und allgemeine Psychologie 615280000000001344 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Entwicklungspsychologie 615280000000001345 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Europa 615450000000001493 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese 615410000000000113 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese 2016 615450000000001494 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese Kirchen-und Theologiegeschichte 615280000000001346 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese Religionspädagogik und Religionswiss 615280000000001347 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese/Religions- & Kirchengeschichte 2019 615450000000001495 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese/Religions- & Kirchengeschichte 2020 615450000000001496 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Feuerwehr 2020 615450000000001497 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte 2013/2014 615450000000001498 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte 2015/2016 615450000000001499 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2020_1 615450000000005261 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2021_1 615450000000003079 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2021_2 615450000000005262 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2022_1 615420000000000289 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2022_2 615450000000005263 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte Kultur- & Politikwissenschaft 2017 615450000000001500 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte Kultur- und Politikwissenschaften 2018 615450000000001501 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2023_1 615460000000001087 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Grundlagen Wirtschaftswissenschaften 615450000000001502 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Heil-und Sonderpädagogik 615280000000001348 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Kinder fördern 615280000000001349 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Klinische Praxis 615450000000001503 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Klinische Psychologie Kindes-und Jugendalter 615280000000001350 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 615450000000001504 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2015 615450000000001505 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2016 615450000000001506 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2017 615450000000001507 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2018 615450000000001508 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2019 615450000000001509 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2020 615450000000001510 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2021_1 615450000000003010 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2021_2 615450000000005264 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2022_1 615420000000000290 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2022_2 615450000000005265 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2023_1 615460000000001085 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2015 615450000000001511 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2016 615450000000001512 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2017 615450000000001513 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2018 615450000000001514 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2019 615450000000001515 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2020 615450000000001516 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2021_1 615450000000003009 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2021_2 615450000000005266 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2022_1 615420000000000291 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2022_2 615450000000005267 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2023_1 615460000000001084 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin: Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Psychotherapie 615450000000001518 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin: Psychiatrie & Psychotherapie 615450000000001519 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin und Ethik 615450000000001517 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Neurologie 615450000000001520 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Öffentliches Recht 615450000000001521 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2013 615410000000000114 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2014 615410000000000115 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2015 615410000000000116 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2016 615410000000000117 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2017 615410000000000118 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2018 615410000000000119 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2021_1 615450000000005268 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2022_1 615450000000003007 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer PÃdagogik 2021_2 615450000000005269 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2022_1 615420000000000292 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer PÃdagogik 2022_2 615450000000005270 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogische Psychologie 615280000000001351 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Paedagogik 2023_1 615460000000001082 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Palliativmedizin Geriatrie 615450000000001522 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflegemanagement und Recht 615450000000001530 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflegepraxis 615450000000001531 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2015 615450000000001523 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2016 615450000000001524 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2017 615450000000001525 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2018 615450000000001526 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2019 615450000000001527 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2020 615450000000001528 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2021_1 615450000000003011 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2021_2 615450000000005271 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2022_1 615420000000000293 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2022_2 615450000000005272 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2023_1 615460000000001086 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege: Aus- und Weiterbildung 615450000000001529 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Philosophie und Ethik 2017 615450000000001532 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Religionspädagogik Diakonie 615280000000001353 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Und Diakoniewissenschaft 2018 615410000000000304 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie und Diakonie 2020 615450000000001533 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 2017 615280000000001352 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 2017 615410000000000257 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychoanalyse 615450000000001534 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2013 615410000000000354 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2014 615410000000000355 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2015 615410000000000356 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2016 615410000000000357 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2017 615410000000000358 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2018 615410000000000359 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2019 615410000000000360 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2021_1 615450000000003008 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2021_2 615450000000005273 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2022_1 615420000000000294 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2022_2 615450000000005274 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2023_1 615460000000001083 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Ratgeber 615450000000001535 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2016 615450000000001536 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2017 615450000000001537 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2018 615450000000001538 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2019 615450000000001539 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2020 615450000000001540 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2021_1 615450000000003075 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2022_1 615420000000000295 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2022_2 615450000000005275 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2023_1 615460000000001081 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Religionspädagogik Philosophie/Ethik und Systematische Theologie 2020 615450000000001542 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Religions- und Kulturwissenschaft 615450000000001541 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Schulpädagogik 615280000000001354 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Sozialpädagogik 615280000000001355 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Sozial- Persönlichkeits- Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 615450000000001543 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Strafrecht 615450000000001544 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Systematik -Ethik 615280000000001356 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Systematische Theologie Philosophie & Ethik 2019 615450000000001545 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Systematische Theologie Religionsphilosophie und Ethik 2018 615450000000001546 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie 2013 615450000000001547 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie 2014 615450000000001548 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie 2015 615450000000001549 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie Basispaket 615450000000005276 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Diakonie / Praktische Theologie und Religionspadagogik) 2022_2 615450000000005279 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspadagogik / Allgemein) 2021_2 615450000000003081 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspaedagogik / Allgemein) 2023_1 615460000000001088 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspädagogik / Allgemein) 2021_1 615450000000005280 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspädagogik / Allgemein) 2022_1 615420000000000297 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2023_1 615460000000001089 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2022_1 615420000000000296 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2021_1 615450000000003080 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2021_2 615450000000005278 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel / Kirchen- Religions- Kultur- und Philosophiegeschichte) 2022_2 615450000000005277 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie Philosophie Kulturwissenschaft 2016 615450000000001550 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2016 615450000000001551 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2017 615450000000001552 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2018 615450000000001553 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2019 615450000000001554 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2020 615450000000001555 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2021_1 615450000000003076 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2021_2 615450000000005281 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2022_1 615420000000000298 As per provider's request

    E-collections to be removed in week 4

    Week 03, January 21st

    Interface name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason GmbH Kohlhammer Altenpflege Demenz und Palliativpflege 615450000000001489 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Bildung Erziehung und Sozialisation 615280000000001343 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Biographien 615450000000001490 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2021_1 615450000000003078 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2021_2 615450000000005259 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2022_1 615420000000000288 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2022_2 615450000000005260 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Brandschutz 2023_1 615460000000001090 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Diakonie Praktische Theologie & Religionspädagogik 2019 615450000000001491 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Dynastien 615450000000001492 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Einführungen und allgemeine Psychologie 615280000000001344 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Entwicklungspsychologie 615280000000001345 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Europa 615450000000001493 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese 615410000000000113 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese 2016 615450000000001494 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese Kirchen-und Theologiegeschichte 615280000000001346 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese Religionspädagogik und Religionswiss 615280000000001347 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese/Religions- & Kirchengeschichte 2019 615450000000001495 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Exegese/Religions- & Kirchengeschichte 2020 615450000000001496 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Feuerwehr 2020 615450000000001497 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte 2013/2014 615450000000001498 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte 2015/2016 615450000000001499 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2020_1 615450000000005261 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2021_1 615450000000003079 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2021_2 615450000000005262 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2022_1 615420000000000289 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2022_2 615450000000005263 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte Kultur- & Politikwissenschaft 2017 615450000000001500 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte Kultur- und Politikwissenschaften 2018 615450000000001501 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Geschichte & Politik 2023_1 615460000000001087 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Grundlagen Wirtschaftswissenschaften 615450000000001502 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Heil-und Sonderpädagogik 615280000000001348 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Kinder fördern 615280000000001349 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Klinische Praxis 615450000000001503 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Klinische Psychologie Kindes-und Jugendalter 615280000000001350 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 615450000000001504 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2015 615450000000001505 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2016 615450000000001506 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2017 615450000000001507 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2018 615450000000001508 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2019 615450000000001509 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2020 615450000000001510 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2021_1 615450000000003010 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2021_2 615450000000005264 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2022_1 615420000000000290 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2022_2 615450000000005265 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Krankenhaus 2023_1 615460000000001085 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2015 615450000000001511 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2016 615450000000001512 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2017 615450000000001513 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2018 615450000000001514 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2019 615450000000001515 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2020 615450000000001516 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2021_1 615450000000003009 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2021_2 615450000000005266 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2022_1 615420000000000291 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2022_2 615450000000005267 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin 2023_1 615460000000001084 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin: Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Psychotherapie 615450000000001518 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin: Psychiatrie & Psychotherapie 615450000000001519 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Medizin und Ethik 615450000000001517 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Neurologie 615450000000001520 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Öffentliches Recht 615450000000001521 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2013 615410000000000114 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2014 615410000000000115 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2015 615410000000000116 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2016 615410000000000117 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2017 615410000000000118 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2018 615410000000000119 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2021_1 615450000000005268 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2022_1 615450000000003007 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer PÃdagogik 2021_2 615450000000005269 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogik 2022_1 615420000000000292 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer PÃdagogik 2022_2 615450000000005270 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pädagogische Psychologie 615280000000001351 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Paedagogik 2023_1 615460000000001082 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Palliativmedizin Geriatrie 615450000000001522 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflegemanagement und Recht 615450000000001530 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflegepraxis 615450000000001531 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2015 615450000000001523 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2016 615450000000001524 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2017 615450000000001525 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2018 615450000000001526 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2019 615450000000001527 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2020 615450000000001528 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2021_1 615450000000003011 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2021_2 615450000000005271 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2022_1 615420000000000293 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2022_2 615450000000005272 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege 2023_1 615460000000001086 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Pflege: Aus- und Weiterbildung 615450000000001529 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Philosophie und Ethik 2017 615450000000001532 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Religionspädagogik Diakonie 615280000000001353 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Und Diakoniewissenschaft 2018 615410000000000304 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie und Diakonie 2020 615450000000001533 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 2017 615280000000001352 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Praktische Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 2017 615410000000000257 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychoanalyse 615450000000001534 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2013 615410000000000354 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2014 615410000000000355 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2015 615410000000000356 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2016 615410000000000357 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2017 615410000000000358 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2018 615410000000000359 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2019 615410000000000360 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2021_1 615450000000003008 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2021_2 615450000000005273 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2022_1 615420000000000294 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2022_2 615450000000005274 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Psychologie 2023_1 615460000000001083 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Ratgeber 615450000000001535 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2016 615450000000001536 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2017 615450000000001537 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2018 615450000000001538 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2019 615450000000001539 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2020 615450000000001540 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2021_1 615450000000003075 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2022_1 615420000000000295 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2022_2 615450000000005275 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Recht 2023_1 615460000000001081 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Religionspädagogik Philosophie/Ethik und Systematische Theologie 2020 615450000000001542 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Religions- und Kulturwissenschaft 615450000000001541 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Schulpädagogik 615280000000001354 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Sozialpädagogik 615280000000001355 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Sozial- Persönlichkeits- Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 615450000000001543 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Strafrecht 615450000000001544 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Systematik -Ethik 615280000000001356 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Systematische Theologie Philosophie & Ethik 2019 615450000000001545 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Systematische Theologie Religionsphilosophie und Ethik 2018 615450000000001546 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie 2013 615450000000001547 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie 2014 615450000000001548 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie 2015 615450000000001549 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie Basispaket 615450000000005276 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Diakonie / Praktische Theologie und Religionspadagogik) 2022_2 615450000000005279 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspadagogik / Allgemein) 2021_2 615450000000003081 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspaedagogik / Allgemein) 2023_1 615460000000001088 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspädagogik / Allgemein) 2021_1 615450000000005280 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie II (Praktische Theologie / Diakonie / Religionspädagogik / Allgemein) 2022_1 615420000000000297 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2023_1 615460000000001089 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2022_1 615420000000000296 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2021_1 615450000000003080 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel Kirchengeschichte Systematik/Ethik) 2021_2 615450000000005278 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie I (Bibel / Kirchen- Religions- Kultur- und Philosophiegeschichte) 2022_2 615450000000005277 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Theologie Philosophie Kulturwissenschaft 2016 615450000000001550 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2016 615450000000001551 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2017 615450000000001552 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2018 615450000000001553 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2019 615450000000001554 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2020 615450000000001555 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2021_1 615450000000003076 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwaltung 2021_2 615450000000005281 As per provider's request GmbH Kohlhammer Verwal

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 03, January 21st
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of January 12th through January 18th:

    • Number of records updated: 11

    New Authorities Vocabularies Added to Alma Community Zone

    Week 03, January 21st

    • Subjects authority Homosaurus was added to Alma CZ: 2,832 authority records were uploaded.
    • AIATSIS Topical Theasuri has been added to the Alma Community zone. The vocabulary has 2576 records.

    E-collections become Zero-Title Databases as announced in week 52

    Week 03, January 21st

    Interface public name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Elsevier Scopus Elsevier Scopus 611000000000001806 As collection is not being maintained anymore as full text

    Springer - E-Collections Name Change

    Week 03, January 21st

    The Provider Springer has decided to have a wide alignment in all of his collection, and as a part of it, all of the collections names are being updated. We're changing the names in 3 batches, here is the first batch updated in the Excel file that is attached: Alma Names Change.xlsx

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 03, January 21st

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: Religion and Law 615450000000005405 Full Text BOOK  
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Digital Archive: 2023 Top up Collection 615450000000005406 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Digital Archive: 2024 Top up Collection 615450000000005407 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Digital Archive: All to end 2024 Full Collection 615450000000005408 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Digital Archive: All to end 2024 HSS Collection 615450000000005409 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Digital Archive: All to end 2024 STM Collection 615490000000002002 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    BECK C.H.Beck LSW Religion und Theologie 2024 I Paket 616210000000000004 Full Text JOURNAL  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature NERL TA Reading 616180000000000291 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter eBooks Business and Economics 2023 English 616180000000000292 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter eBooks Education Psychology Comm 2023 English 616180000000000293 Full Text BOOK  
    Walter De Gruyter Publishing De Gruyter eBooks Law 2023 English 616210000000000005 Full Text BOOK  
    Lithuanian OA journals Lithuanian OA journals 615450000000005400 Full Text JOURNAL  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature JISC Springer TA 2024 616180000000000294 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature JISC Nature TA 2024 616210000000000002 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SpringerNature Springer Nature VIVA TA Reading 616210000000000001 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Gale China and the Modern World: Hong Kong Britain and China Part II 1965-1993 616180000000000290 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Decolonization Politics and Independence in Former Colonial and Commonwealth Territories 616210000000000003 Full Text BOOK  

    Changed KB Software

    Week 03, January 21st

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser OXFORD::Reference to improve provider ID linking
    Correction SFX/Alma Create New parser for EBSCOHOST_FINANCIAL_TIMES
    Correction SFX/Alma Update parser NATURE::NATURE with Shibboleth function

    Databases to be removed as announced in week 52

    Week 03, January 21st

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. AIAA Books 6114025260000041 As per provider's request
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. AIAA Journal Papers 6114025250000041 As per provider's request
    EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier - Book Reviews 6113971140000041 As per provider's request

    Databases to be removed in week 7

    Week 03, January 21st

    Interface public name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace Target Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    ProQuest Legislative Insight Digital Archive 2019 614940000000000185 duplicate - content can be found in PROQUEST_LEGISLATIVE_INSIGHT_2019 6121088890000041
    State of Washington Access Washington 6113993610000041 As per provider's request    

    Authorities Community Zone Updates

    Week 02,January 14th
    The following are the Library of Congress Subject authority updates for the period of January 5th through January 11th:

    • Number of records updated: 51
    The following are the Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings updates for the period of January 5th through January 11th:
    • Number of records updated: 7
    • Number of records added: 3

    IdRef MARC21 re import

    Week 02, January 14th

    To improve the holding of IdRef MARC21 vocabulary in the Alma Community Zone we will re import the full vocabulary. The import will take a week to 10 days and in that time the new updates will be delayed.

    E-collections to Be Removed in Week 6

    Week 02, January 14th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Gale Group Indiana History Online 613800000000000621 As per provider's request Indiana History 615490000000001702
    IG Publishing iG Publishing: SIAM 615490000000000334 duplicate of  IG Publishing SIAM 612430000000000025

    E-collections to Become Zero-Title Databases in Week 25

    Week 02, January 14th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Elsevier Scopus Elsevier Scopus 611000000000001806 As collection is not being maintained anymore as full text

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 02, January 14th

    Old E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Was changed to Reason
    ACS Chemical & Engineering News Archives 2013 6113987930000041 ACS Chemical & Engineering News Archives As per provider's request
    OAPEN Free 613450000000000043 OAPEN Open OAPEN collection changes per changes from the provider- OAPEN_FREE changed name to: OAPEN_OPEN. New collections: OAPEN_FREE_ OAPEN_CHAPTERS
    Henry Stewart Talks Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection 613860000000000014 Henry Stewart Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection As per provider's request

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 02, January 14th

    Interface Name E-Collectio Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    KB+ KB+ Proquest_Jisc Collections_ProQuest Archives (access fees) Agreement 2023-2026_British Periodicals I & II 615480000000000158 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3205 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Proquest_Jisc Collections_ProQuest Archives (access fees) Agreement 2023-2026 Jisc Collections Selections 615480000000000160 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3208 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Proquest_Jisc Collections_ProQuest Archives (access fees) Agreement 2023-2026_The Vogue Archive 615480000000000157 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3206 Data provided by KB+
    American Chemical Society ACS Chemical & Engineering News Archives 6113987930000041 Full Text ARTICLE  
    Bacon BACON Classiques Garnier Numérique Global CG-HMT $CLASSIQUESGARNIER_GLOBAL_CG-HMT 614920000000005771 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Oxford University Press Global Oxford Handbooks Online Social Work and Policy $OUP_GLOBAL_OXFORD-HANDBOOKSONLINE-SOCIAL-WORK-AND-POLICY 614920000000005772 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: ABC-Clio Understanding Modern Nations 2009-2022 615450000000005387 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Cultural History: 2023-24 Collection 614970000000000729 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Fashion Central: Berg Fashion Library - Annual Update 2023 614970000000000730 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Open Collections: Backlist 615450000000005388 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - AUS 614910000000003442 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - CAN 614910000000003443 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - CHI 614910000000003444 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - DACH 614910000000003445 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - FRA/SWE/NOR/FIN/DK/JPN/MAL 614910000000003446 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - HKG/TWN 614910000000003447 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - IRE 614910000000003448 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - NZ 614910000000003449 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - ROW 614910000000003450 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - UK 614910000000003451 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (from October 2023) - US 614910000000003452 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Arts and Humanities Launch Collection (up to October 2023) - DACH 614910000000003453 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - AUS 614910000000003454 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - CAN 614910000000003455 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - CHN 614910000000003456 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - DACH 614910000000003457 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - FRA/SWE/NOR/FIN/DEN/JPN/MYS 614910000000003458 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - HKG/TWN 614910000000003459 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - IRE 614910000000003460 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - NZ 614910000000003461 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - ROW 614910000000003462 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - UK 614910000000003463 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (from October 2023) - US 614910000000003464 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: History and Culture Launch Collection (up to October 2023) - DACH 614910000000003465 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Music Launch Collection - DACH 614910000000003466 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - AUS 614910000000003384 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - CAN 614910000000003385 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - CHN 614910000000003386 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - DACH 614910000000003387 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - FRA/SWE/NOR/FIN/DK/JPN/MAL 614910000000003388 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - HKG/TWN 614910000000003389 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - IRE 614910000000003390 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - NZ 614910000000003391 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - ROW 614910000000003392 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - UK 614910000000003393 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Launch Collection - US 614910000000003394 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Arts and Humanities - Update 2023 614910000000003395 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - AUS 614910000000003396 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - CAN 614910000000003397 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - CHN/DK/FRA/FIN/JPN/MAL/NOR/SWE/IRE 614910000000003398 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - NZ 614910000000003399 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - ROW 614910000000003400 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - UK 614910000000003401 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Dance - Launch Collection - US 614910000000003402 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Launch Collection - AUS/NZ 614910000000003403 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Launch Collection - CHN/DK/FRA/FIN/JPN/MAL/NOR/SWE 614910000000003404 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Launch Collection - IRE 614910000000003405 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Launch Collection - ROW 614910000000003406 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Launch Collection - UK 614910000000003407 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Launch Collection - US/CAN 614910000000003408 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Film and Media - Update 2023 614910000000003409 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - AUS 614910000000003410 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - CAN 614910000000003411 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - CHN 614910000000003412 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - DACH 614910000000003413 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - FRA/SWE/NOR/FIN/DK/JPN/MAL 614910000000003414 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - HKG/TWN 614910000000003415 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - IRE 614910000000003416 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - NZ 614910000000003417 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - ROW 614910000000003418 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - UK 614910000000003419 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Launch Collection - US 614910000000003420 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - History and Culture - Update 2023 614910000000003421 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - AUS/NZ 614910000000003422 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - CAN 614910000000003423 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - CHN/DK/FRA/FIN/JPN/MAL/NOR/SWE/IRE/UK 614910000000003424 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - DACH 614910000000003425 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - HKG/TWN 614910000000003426 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - ROW 614910000000003427 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Launch Collection - US 614910000000003428 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Music - Update 2023 614910000000003429 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - AUS 614910000000003430 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - CAN 614910000000003431 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - CHN 614910000000003432 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - DACH 614910000000003433 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - FRA/SWE/NOR/FIN/DK/JPN/MAL 614910000000003434 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - HKG/TWN 614910000000003435 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - IRE 614910000000003436 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - NZ 614910000000003437 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - ROW 614910000000003438 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - UK 614910000000003439 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Launch Collection - US 614910000000003440 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Schools - Visual and Applied Arts - Update 2023 614910000000003441 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Video Library: Visual and Applied Arts Launch Collection - DACH 614910000000003467 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: Christianity Judaism and Other Faiths 615450000000005396 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: European Studies and Translations of the Qur’an 615450000000005397 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: Literature Grammar Language Catalogues and Periodicals 615450000000005398 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: Literature Grammar Language Catalogues and Periodicals (abridged) 615450000000005399 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: Sciences History and Geography 615450000000005401 Full Text BOOK  
    Gale Early Arabic Printed Books: Sciences History and Geography (abridged) 615450000000005402 Full Text BOOK  
    Edward Elgar Publishing Encyclopedia of Tourism and Management 615450000000005386 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Business Expert Press 2024 Digital Library 615450000000005395 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Packt Data & Machine Learning Collection 2022 615450000000005390 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Packt Data & Machine Learning Collection_2023 615450000000005394 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Packt Data & Machine Learning Collection 2024 615450000000005393 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Packt Programming Collection 2022 615450000000005392 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Packt Programming Collection 2023 615450000000005391 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    iG Publishing iG Publishing: Global Packt Programming Collection 2024 615450000000005389 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Association for Computing Machinery ACM Digital Library Journals 2024 615480000000000151 Full Text JOURNAL For more information: https:/ Collection code:3196 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Bentham Science Read and Publish Agreement 2024-2025 (reading list) 615480000000000156 Full Text JOURNAL For more information: https:/ Collection code:3202 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Publishing Journals SMP 2024 615480000000000154 Full Text ARTICLE For more information: https:/ Collection code:3199 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ JISC Collections Institution of Civil Engineers Publishing Virtual Library Archive (1836-2002)_2019-2024 615480000000000155 Full Text JOURNAL For more information: https:/ Collection code:3201 Data provided by KB+
    KB+ KB+ Jisc Collections University of Chicago Press Complete Chicago Package 2024 615480000000000152 Full Text JOURNAL For more information: https:/ Collection code:3197 Data provided by KB+
    ???????????? National Center for Philosophy and Social Science Documentation (NCPSSD) National Social Science Database (???????????????) 615470000000001209 Full Text JOURNAL  
    OAPEN Open OAPEN Chapters 614920000000005774 Full Text BOOK For more information: &
    OAPEN Open OAPEN Free 614920000000005773 Full Text BOOK For more information: &
    ProQuest ProQuest Historical Newspapers: ABC 614940000000000386 Full Text ARTICLE  
    ProQuest ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Kentucky Collection 614940000000000390 Full Text ARTICLE  
    ProQuest ProQuest Historical Newspapers: South Carolina Collection 614940000000000391 Full Text ARTICLE  
    SAGE SAGE Journals BACK23 Deep Backfile 2024 614970000000000731 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    SAGE SAGE Journals PREM24 Premier 2024 614970000000000732 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    KB+ KB+ SHEDL Association for Computing Machinery ACM Digital Library Journals 2024 615480000000000153 Full Text JOURNAL For more information: https:/ Collection code:3198 Data provided by KB+
    Galegroup Women's Studies Archive: Female Forerunners Worldwide 615470000000001165 Full Text BOOK  

    Changed KB Software

    Week 02, January 14th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma Add atitle search query condition to the ASCE::RCNI to imrove article level links
    Correction SFX/Alma Update Brill collections that were not updated after the platform migration

    Databases to be removed in week 3

    Week 02, January 14th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason COLUMN5
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. AIAA Books 6114025260000041 As per provider's request
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. AIAA Journal Papers 6114025250000041 As per provider's request
    EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier - Book Reviews 6113971140000041 As per provider's request  

    Databases to be removed in week 6

    Week 02, January 14th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online Criminology and Criminal Justice 2020 615490000000001871 As per provider's request    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online Criminology and Criminal Justice 2019 615490000000001870 As per provider's request    
    Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Online 2015 Criminology and Criminal Justice 615410000000000520 As per provider's request    
    EBSCOhost EBSCOhost The New Scientist Archive 613300000000000004 As per provider's request    
    Henry Stewart Talks The Henry Stewart Business and Management Journals Collection 614920000000005367 As per provider's request The Henry Stewart Business and Management Journals Collection 611000000000000320
    IOP Publishing KB+ JISC Collections Institute of Physics Journal Archive 1999-2006 615280000000002365 As per provider's request    

    E-collections Removed as previously announced

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason Alternative/Replace E-Collection Name Alternative/Replace E-Collection ID
    IGI Global Encyclopedia of Distance Learning 6113975750000041 As per provider's request    
    IGI Global Free and Open Source Software for E-Learning: Issues Successes and Challenges 6114011160000041 As per provider's request    
    IGI Global IGI Global Gateway 614330000000001361 As per provider's request    
    IGI Global IGI Global infosci-business and management collection 2016 613820000000000185 Duplicate of: IGI Global infosci-business 2016 613820000000000189
    IGI Global IGI Global infosci-computer science collection 2016 613820000000000198 As per provider's request    
    IGI Global IGI Global infosci-engineering collection 2016 613820000000000206 Duplicate of: IGI Global infosci-engineering 2016 613820000000000210
    IGI Global IGI Global infosci-environmental science collection 2016 613820000000000219 Duplicate of: IGI Global infosci-environmental science 2016 613820000000000216
    IGI Global IGI Global infosci-security and forensic collection 2016 613820000000000295 Duplicate of: IGI Global infosci-security and forensics 2016 613820000000000299
    IGI Global IGI Global infosci-social science 2016 613820000000000305 Duplicate of: IGI Global infosci-social sciences collection 2016 613820000000000308

    Databases to be removed in week 5

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    State Of Michigan 1870 Census 14056030000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Auto-Graphics Inc AGent 14001710000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    E-collections become Zero-Title Databases as announced in Week 50

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    National Diet Library National Diet Library Digital Collections: Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Libraries(国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 図書 図書館送信参加館配信) 615420000000000088 As per provider's request

    E-collections become Zero-Title Databases as announced in Week 51

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    Oxford University Press Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 613790000000000852 As per provider's request

    E-collections Name Change

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name Old E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Was changed to Reason
    Taylor & Francis KB+ Bibsam Taylor & Francis Medical Library 2022-2024 614110000000000923 Bibsam Taylor & Francis Medical Library 2022-2024 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Taylor & Francis KB+ Bibsam Taylor & Francis SSH + S&T Library 2022-2024 614960000000000498 Bibsam Taylor & Francis SSH + S&T Library 2022-2024 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Cambridge University Press KB+ BIBSAM Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Online 2022-2024 614960000000000497 BIBSAM Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals Online 2022-2024 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    Brillonline KB+ Bibsam Brill Journals 2021-2023 615300000000000233 Bibsam Brill Journals 2021-2023 To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider
    InfoBase Publishers Inc. Films On Demand Master Academic Video Package 6114065150000041 Films On Demand Master Academic Video Package (US) This collection's feed is for the US collection only we are working on adding other regional collections
    ProQuest History Vault: SDS Vietnam Veterans Against the War & the Anti-Vietnam War Movement 6121088840000041 History Vault: Students for a Democratic Society Vietnam Veterans Against the War & the Anti-Vietnam War Movement To better match the collection’s name as marketed by the provider

    New E-collections and Services

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name e-collection Name E-Collection ID Service Linking Level For More Information
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues Economie Gestion $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-ECONOMIE-GESTION 614920000000005763 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues Geographie Environnement $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-GEOGRAPHIE-ENVIRONNEMENT 614920000000005761 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues Ecosocpol $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-ECOSOCPOL 614920000000005767 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues General $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-GENERAL 614920000000005768 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues Humanities $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-HUMANITES 614920000000005769 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Cairn Couperin Revues Psychologie $CAIRN_COUPERIN_REVUES-PSYCHOLOGIE 614920000000005770 Full Text JOURNAL  
    Bacon BACON Taylor and Francis France Licence Nationale Collex Ebooks Europecentrale Plateforme Editeur $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-COLLEX-EBOOKS-EUROPECENTRALE-PFEDITEUR 614920000000005764 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Taylor and Francis France Licence Nationale Istex Ebooks Science Politique Plateforme Editeur $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-SCIENCEPOLITIQUE-PFEDITEUR 614920000000005766 Full Text BOOK  
    Bacon BACON Taylor and Francis France Licence Nationale Istex Ebooks Science Politique Plateforme Istex $TAYLORANDFRANCIS_FRANCE_LN-ISTEX-EBOOKS-SCIENCEPOLITIQUE-PFISTEX 614920000000005765 Full Text BOOK  
    Bioone BioOne ESA ebook collection 615410000000003198 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Art & Visual Culture 2024 614920000000005731 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Bloomsbury Professional UK Tax 2023 614920000000005732 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Design 2024 614920000000005733 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Literary Studies 2024 614920000000005734 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Music & Sound Studies 2024 614920000000005735 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Economics 2009-2016 614920000000005736 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Film & Media Studies 2009-2016 614920000000005737 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Gender & Sexuality Studies 2009-2016 614920000000005738 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Military Strategy and Warfare 2009-2016 614920000000005739 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Politics & International Relations 2009-2016 614920000000005740 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Security and Strategic Studies 2009-2016 614920000000005741 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Security International 2009-2016 614920000000005742 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Collections: Praeger Sociology 2009-2016 614920000000005743 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Drama Online: Critical Studies and Performance Practice - Annual Update 2023 614920000000005744 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Food Library: Food Sustainability and Security 614920000000005746 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Human Kinetics Library: Dance Technique - Annual Update 2023 614920000000005747 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Medieval Studies: Medieval Life and Culture 614920000000005748 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: BFI Film Classics - Annual Update 2023 614920000000005749 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: BFI Film Studies - 2023 Annual Update 614920000000005750 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: Bloomsbury and Faber Screenplays and Criticism - Annual Update 2023 - CAN 614920000000005751 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: Bloomsbury and Faber Screenplays and Criticism - Annual Update 2023 - ROW 614920000000005752 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: Bloomsbury and Faber Screenplays and Criticism - Annual Update 2023 - UK/EU/CW 614920000000005753 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Screen Studies: Bloomsbury and Faber Screenplays and Criticism - Annual Update 2023 - USA 614920000000005754 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Theology and Religion Online: Bloomsbury Religion in North America - Annual Update 2023 614920000000005755 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts 614920000000005758 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Music and Sound: Bloomsbury Popular Music 2023 Annual Update 614920000000005759 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Bloomsbury Design Library 2023 Collection 614920000000005756 Full Text BOOK  
    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bloomsbury Visual Arts: Printmaking 614920000000005757 Full Text BOOK  
    Elsevier SD Backfiles Elsevier SD Corporate Edition Backfile Collection 615400000000000572 Full Text ARTICLE For more information:
    IGI Global IGI Global Artificial Intelligence e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003373 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business and Management e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003326 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business and Management e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2023 614910000000003324 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business and Management e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2024 614910000000003325 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business and Management Research Anthologies - 2023 614910000000003327 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business and Management Research Anthologies - 2024 614910000000003374 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003328 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Business Knowledge Solutions e-Journal Collection - Copyright 2023 614910000000003329 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Computer Science and Information Technology e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003330 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Computer Science and IT Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003331 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Data Science e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003375 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Diversity Equity and Inclusion e-Book Collection - Copyright 2023 614910000000003332 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Diversity Equity and Inclusion e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003376 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003333 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global e-Cases Collection - Copyright 2023 614910000000003334 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003335 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2000-2020 614910000000003336 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2021 614910000000003337 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2022 614910000000003338 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2023 614910000000003339 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education e-Book Collection Enhanced - Copyright 2024 614910000000003340 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003341 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Education Knowledge Solutions e-Journal Collection - Copyright 2023 614910000000003342 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Environmental Agricultural and Physical Sciences e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003343 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Gold Open Access e-Journal Collection Copyright 2023 614910000000003356 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Gold Open Access e-Book Collection Copyright 2022 614910000000003354 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Gold Open Access e-Book Collection Copyright 2023 614910000000003355 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Gold Open Access e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003377 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Government and Law e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003357 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Government and Law Research Anthologies -2023 614910000000003358 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Government and Law Research Anthologies - 2024 614910000000003378 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Library and Information Science e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003359 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Marketing and Customer Relations e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003379 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Media and Communications e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003360 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Medical Healthcare and Life Sciences e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003361 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Organizational Culture and Workforce Development e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003380 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Science and Engineering e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003362 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Scientific Technical and Medical(STM) e-Book Collection (Enhanced) - Copyright 2000-2020 614910000000003363 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Scientific Technical and Medical(STM) e-Book Collection (Enhanced) - Copyright 2021 614910000000003364 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Scientific Technical and Medical(STM) e-Book Collection (Enhanced) - Copyright 2022 614910000000003365 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Scientific Technical and Medical(STM) e-Book Collection (Enhanced) - Copyright 2023 614910000000003366 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Scientific Technical and Medical(STM) e-Book Collection (Enhanced) - Copyright 2024 614910000000003367 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Security and Forensics e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003368 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Social Sciences and Humanities e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003369 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Social Sciences and Humanities Research Anthologies - 2023 614910000000003370 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Social Sciences and Humanities Research Anthologies - 2024 614910000000003381 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Social Sciences Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003371 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Sustainability e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003382 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global TAEBDC-2023 614910000000003372 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    IGI Global IGI Global Women's Studies e-Book Collection - Copyright 2024 614910000000003383 Full Text BOOK For more information-
    JSTOR JSTOR Path to Open 615490000000002000 Full Text BOOK  
    Lexis Nexis Lexis + Academic Premium Canada 615490000000002001 Full Text BOOK  
    AM (Adam Matthew) Macmillan Cabinet Papers (1957-1963) (DFG Nationallizenzen) 6121679370000041 Full Text BOOK  
    Duke University Penn State Journals 615410000000003200 Full Text JOURNAL For more information:
    SAGE Sage Books - AutoHoldings Placeholder 614920000000005760 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    SpringerNature Springer Nature Discovery Open Access Journals 2023 615410000000003197 Full Text JOURNAL  
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks BWL/VWL 2023-2 615410000000003201 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Geowissenschaft 2023-2 615410000000003202 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Geschichte 2023-2 615410000000003203 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Kultur 2023-2 615410000000003204 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Medien 2023-2 615410000000003205 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Naturwissenschaft 2023-2 615410000000003206 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Pädagogik 2023-2 615410000000003207 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Philosophie 2023-2 615410000000003208 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Politik 2023-2 615410000000003209 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Psychologie 2023-2 615410000000003210 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Recht 2023-2 615410000000003211 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Schlüsselkompetenzen 2023-2 615410000000003212 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Schulpädagogik 2023-2 615410000000003213 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Soziale Arbeit 2023-2 615410000000003214 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Soziologie 2023-2 615410000000003215 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Sprachwissenschaft 2023-2 615410000000003216 Full Text BOOK For more information:
    UTB GmbH UTB Studi eBooks Theologie 2023-2 615410000000003217 Full Text BOOK For more information:

    Changed KB Software

    Week 01, January 7th

    Type of Change Component Description
    Correction SFX/Alma DOI linking issue with Alma and Primo - enriching pii by pmid and not doi
    Correction SFX/Alma Update AEA::journals DOI linking
    Correction SFX/Alma Update INGENTA::CONNECT Intellect DOI level

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    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name E-Colletion Name E-Collection ID Reason
    KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) NARCIS 6113989090000041 As per provider's request
    KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) NARCIS:Publications 6114109880000041 As per provider's request
    KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) NARCIS: Datasets 6113989080000041 As per provider's request
    KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) Narcis: Open Access 614910000000002169 As per provider's request
    KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) NARCIS: Research 6113989050000041 As per provider's request

    Databases to be removed in week 5

    Week 01, January 7th

    Interface Name E-Collection Name E-Collection ID Reason
    State Of Michigan 1870 Census 6114056030000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform
    Auto-Graphics Inc AGent 6114001710000041 is no longer available on the provider's platform

    New External Resources

    Week 01, January 7th

    • University of Lethbridge - Free
    • Capilano University Library - Free
    • Concordia University of Edmonton - Free
    • Vancouver Island University - Free
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