Harvest hangs
- Article Type: General
- Product: DigiTool
The harvest is stuck with following message in the log:
"Library is locked for harvesting. I'll sleep 10 seconds and try again."
The procedure to clear the lock appears below.
Additional related FAQs:
[Q]: Is there a way to script the harvest lock check and fix?
[A]: We do not have such script
[Q]: For what reasons does it get locked and is this very common for this to happen?
[A]: There are some jobs, like the harvest and gen01_optimize_z91_context_index , that locks the option to run harvest during the time they are running.
If for some reason the job is not finished properly the harvest-lock-status remains locked(=1) and it causes the issue described above.
Usually it is not common but it is always a good idea to check it from time to time with util-g-2
[Q]: Does the harvest only run at particularly times of the year ?
[A]: No, the harvest runs according to what is configured in /exlibris/dtl/u3_1/dtle/tab/job_list and job_list.conf
[Q]: Is there anything we can do to help prevent the locks?
[A]: Make sure you don't shutdown the application while a harvest is running. Wait that it will be finished.
Additional Information
Procedure to Clear Harvest Lock
Check that there is NO other job running, like gen01_optimize_z91_context_index
Use util > c > 1 to check running processes.
You would expect to see these two processes, any additional ones are running processes:
*** util_c_01 - check GEN01 batch queue ***
3059 ? S 1:35 /exlibris/dtl/d3_1/dtl/exe/lib_batch GEN01
27488 ? S 0:00 /exlibris/dtl/d3_1/dtl/exe/rts32 ue_01_a GEN01.d3_1
Run the following to check the harvest-lock-status:
dlib gen01
util > g > 2
If it is '1' AND NO OTHER JOB IS RUNNING , then change it to '0'.
Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix
-------------------- --------- -------- ---- --------
1. change-file-name 0 y S gen01-sv
2. collection-reload 0 S
3. harvest-lock-status 1 S
To make the change select "3" as the option:Enter sequence number to update,
or return to continue, or NEW to create new sequence, or 0 to exit: 3
Sequence harvest-lock-status
Enter operation (U)pdate/(D)elete [U]: u
Current value is: 1
Enter new value : 0
All other options can be left as they are:Recheck with util > g > 2 - If it looks like this then you can now run harvest:
Sequence Name Value Suppress Type Prefix
-------------------- --------- -------- ---- --------
1. change-file-name 0 y S gen01-sv
2. collection-reload 0 S
3. harvest-lock-status 0 n S
4. last-001-number 0 y S
5. last-acc-number 0 y S
6. last-doc-number 7404 y S
7. last-file-number 4148 y S gen01
8. last-harvesting-date 20150323
9. last-harvesting-time 2353
10. last-long-acc-number 0 y S
11. last-media-number 0 y S
12. last-temp-file 0 y S gen01-tmp
13. last-z405-number 0 y S
14. library-lock-status 0 y S
- Article last edited: 11/20/2013