How to change thumbnail size in Digitool
Thumbnails of image and PDF files are displayed on the resource discovery results page in Brief & Full view. It is possible to change the size of the thumbnail image as displayed on the results page (default 109x109 pixels), or the actual resolution of the jpg thumbnail file (default 150x150 pixels)
In Resource Discovery Brief/Full View
The display size of thumbnails in Resource Discovery is set in dtl_start
At the terminal type:
>dtle (aliased to cd $dtle_root)
>vi dtl_start
Edit this section with the desired values:
# general thumbnail settings
setenv www_thumbnail_height 109
setenv www_thumbnail_width 109
This sets the Maximum width/height of the pixels on the web page. (109x109 pixels by default).
To enable changes run Reload Repository Configuration. (Please be sure to make a backup copy of the file before editing)
To change the size of the actual thumbnail jpg files
This is set in repository_stream_handler.xml
At the terminal type:
>j_conf (aliased to cd $jdtlh_conf)
>vi repository_stream_handler.xml
In section: <stream_handler_utils>
<stream_handler_util name="jpg_thumbnail" type="external_program" worker="run_jpg_thumbnail" script="true" params_pattern="-resize 150x150 '$1' '$2'">
<event_details event_type="Thumbnail Creation" event_details="Making a thumbnail from an image file" software_used="JMagick" />
<stream_handler_util name="tiff_thumbnail" type="external_program" worker="run_jpg_thumbnail" script="true" params_pattern="-resize 150x150 '$1[0]' '$2'">
<event_details event_type="Thumbnail Creation" event_details="Making a thumbnail from an tiff file" software_used="JMagick" />
For JP2
<stream_handler_util name="jp2_thumbnail" type="external_program" worker="run_j2kdriver_thmb" script="true" params_pattern="'$1' -resize 150x150 '$2'">
<event_details event_type="Thumbnail Creation" event_details="Making a thumbnail from jp2 file" software_used="J2k-thumbnailserver" />
<stream_handler_util name="pdf_thumbnail" type="external_program" worker="run_pdf_thumbnail" script="true" params_pattern="-resize 150x150 '$1[0]' '$2'">
<event_details event_type="Thumbnail Creation" event_details="Making a thumbnail from a pdf file" software_used="convert" />
Change the -resize parameter to the desired value (default 150x150 pixels).
Run "Reload Repository Configuration" to make the changes come into effect.
The thumbnail generation preserves the aspect ratio of the original image.
If the image is wider than taller, then the width of the thumbnail will be 150 pixels.
If the image is taller than wider, then the height of the thumbnail will be 150 pixels.