Using the Common => DC Fields in the Web Management Module to add DC fields
- Article Type: General
- Product: DigiTool
- Product Version: 3
I noticed that when I use the Common => DC Fields in the Web Management Module to add/update DC fields - it corrupts dtle/tab/tab12 and it doesn't successfully create the new field.
It looks like the tab11_word, tab00.eng, and rep_editor_conf_eng.xml files were not updated so it's not searchable in Resource Discovery.
For example, I just updated dcterms:isRequiredBy [I added "TEST!!!" in the help field] then I clicked the "Update Fields & Meditor Package" button.
When I do a search in the RD several hours later (after the update harvest runs) - the www_server_4881.log shows:
Error [dc_xml_to_docx] after call 'tab12_get_dc' with local.isRequiredBy
Error [dc_xml_to_docx] after call 'tab12_get_dc' with local.isRequiredBy
Please advise and indicate if this will be fixed.
newlarry-d3(1) GEN01-DTL>>grep -i 'err' www_server_4881.log
Error [dc_xml_to_docx] after call 'tab12_get_dc' with local.isRequiredBy
Error [dc_xml_to_docx] after call 'tab12_get_dc' with local.isRequiredBy
The "dc_fields2" show all of the fields in the Meditor that the customer wants to display in RD as a result of updating Common => DC Fields in the Web Management Module.
Please investigate why tab12 is being corrupted by this process. [ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
[ <Laura Pierson > ]
There is a bug in the 'Add DC Fields" job.
It updates the harvesting_schema.xml in wrong way, in your case:
<field index_enabled="true" search_enabled="true" ui_code="M113E_A" index_code="M113E_A" ui_default_text="doc-113E_A" normalizing_profiles_ref="empty">
<location type="md" md_name="descriptive" md_type="dc" path="//dcterms:isRequiredBy[@xsi:type='dcterms:URI']"/>
instead of:
<field index_enabled="true" search_enabled="true" ui_code="M113EA" index_code="M113EA" ui_default_text="doc-113EA" normalizing_profiles_ref="empty">
<location type="md" md_name="descriptive" md_type="dc" path="//dcterms:isRequiredBy[@xsi:type='dcterms:URI']"/>
(the difference is at M113E_A instead of M113EA)
This should be fixed in SP25.
In the meantime, you can still use the Common => DC Fields in the Web Management Module to add/update DC fields - it will update teh tab01.eng, harvesting_schema.xml, and www_r_silo_conf.xml configurations.
But as you mentioned, you’ll still need to make additional manual updates to the tab11_word, tab00.eng, and rep_editor_conf_eng.xml files.
Additional Information
Common, tab12, Web Management Module, add DC Fields, Update Fields & Meditor
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013