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    Get Esploro Research Asset URL by ID

    • Product: Esploro



    For wherever we'll need to update and maintain mappings to Esploro research assets, including our own local Permalink service and DOIs minted by OSTI, we'll need to know the research assets' persistent URLs.
    How do we find this out, ideally by supplying local identifiers?
    Perhaps we can use the "Retrieve Assets" API and provide the "user_primary_id".
    If that's correct, which of the fields in REST Esploro Records data model is appropriate?
    Either provide the record page URL for a given asset or allow us to infer it?


    Here's the URL using MMS ID:  https://library-researchmanagement.e.../outputs/MMSID
    Example: https://library-researchmanagement.e...16304719403761

    Please confirm it works with your customer Esploro domain.
    Custom domain example: https://<>/esploro/outputs/report/9916302949803761


    • Article last edited: 26-July-2021