Clarivate Trademark Terms and Conditions
Clarivate expressly grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use the Clarivate name as well as download and use the Clarivate design mark (“Clarivate Trademarks”), accessed via this website, in accordance with the following terms:
- You will use the Clarivate Trademarks only for the purposes permitted by your agreement with Clarivate or as otherwise described by Clarivate in writing, including in these terms and conditions.
- You will use the Clarivate Trademarks in a truthful manner and discontinue use immediately if the basis for the trademark use no longer applies. For example, if using a Clarivate product logo, you will discontinue use once you are no longer a Clarivate customer.
- You acknowledge that the Clarivate Trademarks are the property of Clarivate and that Clarivate owns all rights, title, and interest in and to the Clarivate Trademarks and all associated trademark registrations and applications thereof. Additionally, you agree not to use or register any trademark or domain name related or confusingly similar to Clarivate Trademarks even if for Clarivate’s use.
- You agree that you have no right to use the Clarivate Trademarks or any other trademark owned by Clarivate, except as expressly permitted by Clarivate and in accordance with these terms and conditions. In addition, any use of the Clarivate Trademarks shall inure to the benefit of Clarivate and its respective companies.
- Clarivate may terminate this license for any reason, or for no reason, upon notice to you. Once notified, you will discontinue use of the Clarivate Trademarks immediately.
- You will comply with instructions and guidelines received from Clarivate for the use of the Clarivate Trademarks which may be updated from time to time. Clarivate reserves the right to confirm such compliance.