360 Core and Intota: Serials Solutions Client ID
- Product: 360 Core Client Center
What is a 'Client ID' and how do I find our library's Client ID?
A "Client ID" (LibHash) is a unique code assigned by ProQuest to your library. You may be asked to enter your Client ID when you're setting up your management and discovery services.
How to look up your Client ID will depend on whether your library maintains its profile in the Client Center or Intota:
Libraries Using the Client Center
Go to the Client Center.
Click the View E-Journal Portal link under Administer Your Products > 360 Core.
The URL in your internet browser will look like this:
http://[CLIENT ID].search.serialssolutions.com/where [CLIENT ID] is a mix of 10 letters and numbers.
For example, in the following E-Journal Portal URL:
http://ka9yh9gr5u.search.serialssolutions.com/... the Client ID is ka9yh9gr5u.
Libraries Using Intota
Go to Intota.
Click on Library Settings within the Admin menu.
Within the URLs section of Library Settings you will see your E-Journal Portal URL. For example, in the below E-Journal Portal URL, the Client ID is KA9YH9GR5U: