Intota: Fiscal or Calendar Year
- Product: Intota
How do we set our Fiscal or Calendar Year for Counter Usage/Cost Reporting?
When setting up Intota you may want to select the month in which your cost-cycle begins. This calendar works alongside the subscription costs you add to your resources and the usage statistics that are pushed into the consolidated reports system. Intota takes one month as the start date of all the costs cycles for your resources, so that the cost-per-use may be compared using the same "calendar."
- For example, if January is used, then the cost basis of your subscriptions will run from January to December. Therefore the cost-per-use will be calculated upon one subscription price, and in the consolidated reports in Intota Assessment you will see one constant Cost Per Use value from January to December.
You can see which month your library has selected for this cost calendar in Intota by viewing your Library Settings (accessible by clicking Admin on the Intota menu bar). You will see the Counter Reporting Year Begins setting:

Only our staff members can change the month for this setting, so if you need a change made, contact us using the Support Portal option menu near the top of this page.
For example, if your Fiscal or Calendar Year is set to January, then the cost basis of your subscriptions will run from January to December; thus, the cost-per-use will be calculated upon one subscription price, split evenly amongst the months and divided by the number of uses:

Intota Assessment lets you choose whether to view the Ebook Report (BR1,2,5), Ejournal Report (JR1) and Dbase Report (DB1) in Fiscal or Calendar Year by using the drop-down menu that displays above the report:

If in your Intota profile, if your Fiscal or Calendar Year is set to a month in the middle of the year, that cost calculation will run from that month to the end of the twelve month period in the following calendar year.
For example, if your Fiscal or Calendar Year is set to July:

... then the cost cycle will be represented as July to June of the following year. If the cost of the subscription increases from one fiscal year to the next, you will see a different basis for cost-per-use starting in July:

- Date Created: 13-Jun-2014
- Last Edited Date: 27-Jul-2015
- Old Article Number: 10913