Intota Assessment: Access to Books In Print
- Product: Intota
To what extent does Intota Assessment provide access to Books In Print (
Intota Assessment provides its users with full access to Books In Print:
- ISBN's in Intota Assessment reports link out to title details in Books In Print. When you click on a link you will be automatically logged into Books In Print if you are coming from an approved IP address (Intota Assessment customers have IP-authentication set up for Books In Print).
- Full access to Books In Print is also available by going to Books In Print from an approved IP address.
- Not familiar with all the functionality available in Books In Print? See this overview on the ProQuest website.
- Note that administrative access to areas such as Usage Statistic Reports and New Search Templates requires a Books In Print admin access name and password. Every institution has an admin login; if you are interested in such access please contact your institution's primary Books In Print user.
- Date Created: 26-Mar-2015
- Last Edited Date: 10-Dec-2015
- Old Article Number: 12541