Leganto Release Notes - February 2020
Main Enhancements
Student View Error Message for Blackboard
February 2020 Leganto URM-120366
When using Blackboard, some functionality provided within reading lists may not be accessible if instructors have enabled the LMS's student view. To make sure that instructors are aware of this, they will now receive the following message when they access a reading list while the LMS's Student View is enabled:
When using Blackboard, some functionality provided within reading lists may not be accessible if instructors have enabled the LMS's student view. To make sure that instructors are aware of this, they will now receive the following message when they access a reading list while the LMS's Student View is enabled:
While using your learning management system’s student view, some functionality may not be supported in the reading list. Please exit the student view and then open the reading list’s student view (Reading List’s main menu > View list as a student).
Enabling the Leganto reading list's student view gives instructors student permissions. To gain Leganto reading lists student permissions, instructors will need to disable the LMS's student view, log in to Leganto, and select View list as student, as shown below:

Enabling Student View in Leganto
Removing Instructor Highlights
February 2020 Leganto URM-120257
Leganto no longer displays the instructor highlights.
Leganto no longer displays the instructor highlights.
Hiding Button Name and Displaying the Icon Only
February 2020 Leganto URM-119078
When a user clicks the arrow button that collapses the left menu, the text below each button is hidden. This provides the user with a wider work area in the center of the screen.
When a user clicks the arrow button that collapses the left menu, the text below each button is hidden. This provides the user with a wider work area in the center of the screen.

Hiding Reading List Button Name
Exporting to PDF from Leganto
February 2020 Leganto URM-118640
Citation lists exported to PDF now display the course name, course code, and year in the first three lines of the PDF. If the citation is tagged, the text of the tag is now displayed in the correct language on the PDF. In addition, the fields on the PDF are separated by a space instead of a semi-colon.
Citation lists exported to PDF now display the course name, course code, and year in the first three lines of the PDF. If the citation is tagged, the text of the tag is now displayed in the correct language on the PDF. In addition, the fields on the PDF are separated by a space instead of a semi-colon.
Moving Rollover Flag to List Menu Configuration
February 2020 Leganto
The roll_over_list flag could previously be configured from the features list menu in Leganto and the configuration section in the Leganto List Menu configuration in Alma. Now the roll_over_list can only be configured from the Leganto List Menu configuration section in Alma (Alma Configuration > Leganto > UI > List Menu).
For users for whom the roll over list feature is disabled in the List Menu, it is automatically set to No in the Leganto List Menu configuration section.

Leganto List Menu Configuration Section
Enabling Hiding the Collaborators Panel
February 2020 Leganto URM-118640
The display_collaborators flag (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) has been added in Leganto to hide the Collaborators panel on a Citation page.
The display_collaborators flag (Configuration Menu > Leganto > Features > Leganto Features) has been added in Leganto to hide the Collaborators panel on a Citation page.

display_collaborators Flag
Performing Citation Bulk Updates
February 2020 Leganto URM-118640
Alma now supports performing citation bulk updates (Admin > Run a Job).

Performing Changes to All Members in a Citation List in Bulk
To run a job on a citation set:
- From the Run a job page, from the Type list, select Citations.
Select Reading List Citation Update Task and click Next.
- From the Content Type list, select Citations.
- Select a set and click Next.
- Enter the task parameters and click Next.
The following changes can be made in bulk to all members in a citation list:
- Deleting citations
- Setting the citation status
- Setting a due date
- Removing and adding tags
- Removing alerts
- Deleting a public note
- Detaching a citation from the repository
- Removing files
For more information on synchronizing changes made to bibliography records with citations with the repository, see Synchronizing Changes in Bibliographical Records with Citations.
Exporting Reading Lists to PDF in Bulk
February 2020 Leganto URM-118640
Leganto now supports exporting reading lists in bulk to PDF when running update jobs (Admin > Run a Job) and sending them to the selected client FTP.

Removing Files and Synchronzing Citations in Bulk
To export a reading list to PDF in bulk:
- From the Run a job page, from the Type list, select Reading Lists.
Select Reading List Bulk Update and click Next.
- Select a set and click Next.
- Select Export to PDF and click Next.
Selecting the Export to PDF checkbox displays the S/FTP Connection Type and Input file path fields. The user must select an FTP location from the S/FTP Connection Type dropdown menu and define the file path from the Input file path field.
Define S/FTP Connection Type and Output Directory Path
Cite It! Automatically Populates Fields Based on PDF Metadata
February 2020 Leganto URM-114403
Cite It! now automatically populates fields based on the PDF's metadata when the records are Open Access. When the records are Restricted, and the full text is only available when logging in, Cite It! populates incorrect metadata for PDFs.
Cite It! now automatically populates fields based on the PDF's metadata when the records are Open Access. When the records are Restricted, and the full text is only available when logging in, Cite It! populates incorrect metadata for PDFs.
Synchronizing Changes in Bibliographical Records with Citations
February 2020 Leganto URM-111924
When running the Citation bulk update job, Leganto now supports synchronizing changes made to bibliographical records with citations (Admin > Run a Job).
When running the Citation bulk update job, Leganto now supports synchronizing changes made to bibliographical records with citations (Admin > Run a Job).

Performing Changes to All Members in a Citation List in Bulk
To synchronize changes in bibliographical records with citations:
- From the Run a job page, from the Type list, select Citations.
Select Reading List Citation Update Task and click Next.
- From the Content Type list, select Citations.
- Select a set and click Next.
- From Synchronize Citations with Repository, make one of the following selections and click Next:
- Report Mode - Runs a report on all citations whose bibliographical record has been modified.
- When Bibliographical Record Modified Update Citation Metadata - Updates the citation's metadata when its bibliographical record has been modified. Updates are performed according to existing system configurations (Merge or Overlay).
- When Bibliographical Record Deleted:
- Delete Citation - Deletes the citation associated with the bibliographic record.
- Detach Citation - Detaches the citation from the bibliographic record. This requires associating the citation with another bibliographic record.
Supports Electronic Sources when Moving the Source URL
February 2020 Leganto URM-108765
The move_source_url_on_locate parameter key has been renamed move_source_url, and the resolving parameter value has been added. When using Cite It! with an electronic source that already exists in Leganto, the resolving parameter URL is displayed in the Resource Notes field instead of in the Source field.
The move_source_url_on_locate parameter key has been renamed move_source_url, and the resolving parameter value has been added. When using Cite It! with an electronic source that already exists in Leganto, the resolving parameter URL is displayed in the Resource Notes field instead of in the Source field.

Source URL on Locate Moved to Resource Notes Field
When the Source field is empty, the source URL is also removed from the Links & Availability section on the citation list.
Source URL Removed from Links & Availability Section
Additional Enhancements
- February 2020 Leganto URM-117874
A filter was added to show all citations that have alerts regardless of the alert type.Resolved Issues
- February 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00665112 URM-108823
Analytics data does not include owners added using the set_instructors_as_owners flag. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00755172 URM-121052
Mendeley integration was not working for some customers. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto URM-120662
The reading list start and end dates and the number of sections and citations were added when exporting a PDF. -
(February 2020 Leganto SF: 00753451 URM-119958
Alma course searches returned irrelevant results in some cases. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00732263 00783586URM-119552
In Leganto in list, searches made against the chapter author did not work. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00731337URM-11411917985
In the Analytics field, the Citation Material Type was fixed to omit null values. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00744161URM-118893
Emerald is not longer supported by Cite It!. -
February 2020 Leganto URM-118888
Course loader triggers the Submit By Date notification. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto URM-118645
The More and Details labels were not translatable. Three labels were added to customize the translation for the View Citation window. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00720639URM-117534
In Leganto, tags on empty sections were not working. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00712047URM-115337
Reading List visibility dates were not working in some time zones. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00652674URM-114513
Permalinks did not always redirect users to the login screen when required. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00663191 00712384 00719720 00735750URM-113594
In some cases, after logging in to Leganto, users were redirected to the home page instead of to the previously viewed page. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00524234URM-105590
Cite It! did not capture metadata from Scopus. This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00729314URM-118000
Users that added the auto-instructor role when arriving via LTI were not searchable in Leganto in "manage collaborators". This was fixed. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00702995URM-115376
When a cancel request is not associated to a citation, the approval is deleted. -
February 2020 Leganto SF: 00724946URM-120905
The numerically titled reading lists sorting was not working properly on the Find Lists page. This was fixed.
- February 2020 Fulfillment - Course Reserves SF: 00665112 URM-108823