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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Leganto Known Issues

Known Issues Resolved in an Upcoming Release

See Leganto New UI Known Issues for a list of known issues specific to the new UI.

SF Case Issue Description Planned Release Notes
In some cases, moving an item did not work as expected. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07159637 Previously, student usage was not recorded in Leganto Usage reports and Alma Analytics. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07252621 When two banners were displayed, the last citation was cut off. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07224595 Previously, the copyright clearance form was only displayed for the first citation added in a session. This was fixed. 2024-09  
  Previously, the preview image for the dark blue color scheme (Configuration > Leganto > UI > Branding) displayed the wrong color. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07228079 Previously, guest users were unable to see Authentication Notes in the new UI. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07224633 Previously, when the display language was set to German, the Cite It! header Add this to my list was displayed in English. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07215739 Previously, the Reading List Without Usage report included lists with usage. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07193716 Previously, Public notes from Alma portfolio links were not visible in Student view in the new UI. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07219187 Previously, adding questions and answers to a citation did not always work as expected. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07184165 Previously, the list status was always in English no matter which language was selected. This was fixed. 2024-09  
Previously, there was a lag when selecting the Publish/Unpublish list button until the button was disabled. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07167320 In some cases, when adding new citations to a published list with the auto_send_list_updates flag set to false, the citation was set to Ready For Processing instead of Being Prepared. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07155247 Previously, an item menu appeared on Note citations in student view. This was fixed. 2024-09  
Previously, citation statuses were not copied when duplicating a reading list in the new UI and selecting to copy Item status. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07140652 Previously, when adding a citation using Cite It!, custom tags could be added manually without generating an error. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07118390 Previously, some fields were missing from the Leganto Mark as Broken Resolved letter. This was fixed. 2024-09  
Previously, when force_login (Configuration > Leganto > General > Settings) was set to true, shareable links to a Predefined Find Lists Search were directed to All My Lists instead of the results of the find lists pre-defined search. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07031929 Previously, when searching to add references from Zotero, attachments were displayed as separate citations. This was fixed. 2024-09  
07184139 Previously, when adding a JSTOR citation using Cite It!, the citation was not compiled accurately. This was fixed. 2024-09  

Other Known Issues

The following issues are known to Ex Libris, but there are currently no plans to fix them in an upcoming release.

Other Issues (Not Planned to be Supported) Notes
Usage statistics are missing from Alma analytics for the following dates: March 5, 2023 - March 17, 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur because of this issue.  
In Internet Explorer, Cite It! does not work on a website specified as a Local Intranet, Trusted Site, or Restricted Site (Internet Options > Security > Sites) unless the option Enable Protected Mode is enabled for that class of sites.  
In Internet Explorer, the Accessibility menu does not work.  
Cite It! does not work for PDFs.  
Leganto users working with Firefox cannot view embedded citations.  
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