Definitions of External Guest, Internal Guest, and Logged-In User?
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
What are the definitions of External Guest, Internal Guest, and Logged-In User?
Before a user logs in, MetaLib only knows one piece of data about any user: their IP address.
External Guest: Any user in MetaLib who has not logged in and is outside of the known institutional IP subnets.
Internal Guest: Any user in MetaLib who has not logged in and is operating within one of the known institutional IP subnets.
Logged-In User: Any user in MetaLib who has authenticated successfully via any of the defined authentication services and, thus, can use restricted subscription resources. This user's IP is not relevant unless the institution has a subset of resources that can ONLY be used within specific IP subnets.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013