FTP login and instructions for Vivisimo license patch (January 2009)
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
Instructions on how to download and install a patch to correct a problem with an invalid Vivisimo license key from ftp.exlibris.co.il.
As noted in messages from Ex Libris Support sent on January 13, an invalid license key for the embedded Vivisimo clustering engine impacted the clustering/faceting functionality in all MetaLib version 4.0 and higher installations. We have resolved this issue with Vivisimo and agreed upon a process to ensure this problem does not reoccur in the future.
We have placed a package on the Ex Libris FTP server to address this problem. The package contains a README file and a script to replace the existing Vivisimo license key with a new license key:
Ex Libris FTP Server ftp.exlibris.co.il
The login to ftp.exlibris.co.il is:
Username: mik
Password: M0zart4
To download the patch files:
1) Login to ftp.exlibris.co.il
2) Make sure the FTP server is in binary mode and that the interactive mode is OFF
ftp> bin
ftp> prompt
ftp> cd patch
ftp> get update_vivisimo_license.csh
ftp> get update_vivisimo_license.README
ftp> quit
The script ‘update_vivisimo_license.csh’ replaces the license key of the Vivisimo engine in the ‘$metalib_dev/metalib_conf/metalib_start’ file.
To apply this change:
1) Download the script to your $TMPDIR directory
2) Execute the script by the command:
>> source update_vivisimo_license.csh
3) If you previously disabled clustering in MetaLib by changing the parameter CLUSTER_FACET in ‘$metalib_dev/metalib_conf/www_server.conf’ to N, you must now re-enable clustering in MetaLib by changing the parameter back to Y
4) Restart MetaLib servers
>> $metalib_conf/metalib_startup
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013