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    Full Text Graphic Does Not Display in MetaLib

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib
    • Product Version: 4

    In MetaLib, I can’t get the SFX API to display whether Full Text exists in the full display. I have our SFX button displaying, but not the little “fulltext” graphic.

    This requires some cron jobs to be running on the SFX side. SFX must be running the JSI (Journal Subscription Index) and the V2 AZ index regularly.

    In order for this MetaLib fulltext button functionality to work, it is essential that the JSI be created (and updated regularly) within SFX using the following process:

    1. Run the Version 2 A-Z index
    2. Run the Journal Subscription Index (server_admin_util option 11.1)
    3. Run the Version 3 A-Z index (server_admin_util option 7.1)
    4. Scheduled these 3 processes to run periodically in order to keep the index up to date. An upcoming SFX Monthly Revision will move the required elements of the Version 2 A-Z list into the Version 3A-Z list (and, then, the Version 2 A-Z will no longer be needed.)

    In order to display the fulltext (FT) icon on the results list in MetaLib, MetaLib quickly checks the SFX JSI for all of the citations in the displayed result set.
    If the JSI returns "Yes", the FT icon is displayed and leads to a full text services request to SFX.
    If the JSI returns "No", the FT icon is not displayed.

    The JSI check is based on the ISSN of the journal and not a full openURL call to SFX which would take much longer to resolve. Because of this, it is subject to both false negatives and false positives. False negatives are usually caused by a lack of ISSNs in the original vendor data. False positives are usually caused by embargoes on your fulltext holdings.

    Clicking the SFX icon itself, initiates a full openURL call to all of your SFX services and is generally more accurate than the FT icon.

    For more information about the Journal Subscription Index see the SFX User Guide Part 2, section 10.3.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013