Institutional Electronic Holdings File Location and Updates
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Primo, Primo Central, MetaLib+
1-4. Where is our electronic institutional holdings file placed for Primo Central?
5. When should it be updated?
1. Find site holding file current location via the Primo Central Wizard
a) use site's Primo Activation Wizard URL > Institutional holdings file URL OR
b) use the Back Office > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Institution Wizard > Edit Institution page > My Profile Link > My Client Applications > Primo [#####] > Institutional holdings file URL
2. Check the Institutional holdings file URL
3. Test the XML file location by placing it in a browser address bar (although, if the file is huge, this can freeze the browser session)
4. Alternatively, you can download institutional holdings into local XML file and browse it using your text editor that is capable to deal with hundreds MB file (e.g. Notepad++):
- create a new html file with contents
<a href="Institutional holdings file URL">right click and choose <b>Save link as ...</b> to save the file in a local folder</a>
- replace Institutional holdings file URL with the appropriate http:// link from step 2
- save the new html file and open it in your browser
- right click on the link to save local copy of your institutional holdings (please note that download time can take some minutes to be completed)
5. Thursday morning: If an updated file is placed on the Production server by Thursday morning, it should be harvested for over-the-weekend Primo Central updates.
Additional Information
* Sometimes both Sandbox and Production Primo installations point to the same Primo Central instance.
* Institutional Holdings could be in 'customized' or 'uploaded_files' directories.
Category: Primo Central - Primo
- Article last edited: 10/08/2018