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    MetaLib Service Pack installation fails with error message "Segmentation Fault"

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib

    Problem Symptoms:
    After starting the download of the MetaLib Service Pack with the utility util_sp_2 one receives an e-mail with the following text:

    Dear Customer,
    The METALIB Service Pack download failed
    [...] METALIB 4 copy 1
    Please see ftp logs in /exlibris/metalib/m4_1/alephm/scratch/sp

    Error message is:
    Extracting SP package...
    Segmentation Fault
    Error extracting SP files: Some files were not extracted or may be corrupt Please check sp.extract.log

    The file $alephm_scratch/sp/sp_check.stat includes the second part of the e-mail text above with the actual error message (Segmentation Fault).

    When tying to extract the MetaLib Service Pack manually as UNIX user metalib one receives the same error message:

    $ tar xzf METALIB-4.5.5-ServicePackItem-1-818.tar.gz
    Segmentation fault

    When one enters the command "tar" as UNIX user metalib, the file $metalib_dev/product/bin/tar is executed.
    This file is actually a symbolic link to the file /exlibris/product/bin/tar
    which in turn is a symbolic link to the executable file /exlibris/product/util/tar.

    The executable file /exlibris/product/util/tar has version GNU tar 1.26.
    This file seems to have a bug which causes the error "Segmentation fault".

    Use GNU tar 1.15.1 instead of GNU tar 1.26.

    Change the target of the symbolic link /exlibris/product/bin/tar



    Verify that the command "tar" uses GNU tar 1.15.1:

    $ tar --version
    tar (GNU tar) 1.15.1

    Start the installation of the MetaLib Service Pack again.

    Category: Installation & Upgrades (ML) - MetaLib

    Subject: Service Pack (ML) - MetaLib

    • Article last edited: 7/16/2014