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    Not able to access /V interface

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: MetaLib
    • Product Version: 3

    Users not able to access MetaLib /V user interface

    If you cannot access the MetaLib /V user interface, check the logs:

    1. On the server, tail www_m_server log as follows:
    cd $LOGDIR
    tail -f www_server_4331.log

    2. Access the /V interface
    Check log on server to see if there are any errors.

    Can you access /M interface? If yes, check the table ./vir00/tab/default_z312 to make sure it is set up correctly and that all the IP ranges are entered correctly.

    Also check Apache log files as follows:
    vi access_log or vi error_log

    What error message is displayed at failed login? This should provide clue as to what the problem is... In v3, you may also need to tail the pds_server.log

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013