Pop-up window created by clicking on quickset link does not show toolbars
- Article Type: General
- Product: MetaLib
- Product Version: 4
Using FIREFOX, we connected to our /V interface with the IP defined as within our institution
When I Click on any quickset link to see the database list and then click on individual database link within this list
It goes to the native interface of the database, but the tab or window does not contain any browser toolbars.
This makes it hard for user to navigate within native interface.
The display of the browser toolbar in the QuickSet popup window is controlled by the /exlibris/metalib/m4_2/insxx/js/scripts.js file.
In that file is the following section:
function winPop(event, url, isModal, width, height)
var wWidth=width; // window width
var wHeight=height; // window height
var iMyWidth;
var iMyHeight;
//half the screen width minus half the new window width (plus 5 pixel borders).
iMyWidth = (window.screen.width/2) - (wWidth/2 + 10);
//half the screen height minus half the new window height (plus title and status bars).
iMyHeight = (window.screen.height/2) - (wHeight/2 + 50);
//Give the parent window a name we know (to reference it from the child)
window.self.name = parentWindowName;
//Open the window.
var win2 = window.open(url,"Window2","status=no,height="+ wHeight +",width="+ wWidth +",resizable=yes,left=" + iMyWidth + ",top=" + iMyHeight + ",screenX=" + iMyWidth + ",screenY=" + iMyHeight + ",toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no");
In the “var win2 =” line, if you change “toolbar=no” to “toolbar=yes” then the browser toolbar will display.
You can do this specifically for your campus if the other campuses prefer to not display it.
Please run a start_w after making the change.
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013