How to create a ‘Report a Problem’ button below the ViewIt iframe
To create a button that can be used for patrons to report issues with accessing e-resources in Primo then the prmFullViewServiceContainerAfter directive can be used.
app.component('prmFullViewServiceContainerAfter', {
bindings: {parentCtrl: '<'},
controller: function($scope){
var vm = this;
var vn = this;
vm.targeturl = '';
vn.availability = '';
vn.availability =;
//check that record is full text
if ((vn.availability === 'not_restricted')||(vn.availability === 'fulltext')){
//get value of full text open url
vm.targeturl =[1].linkURL;
//vm.targeturl =;
//trim off first 15 characters in dev env as address is localhost,
//this might not be necessary to in production
vm.targeturl = vm.targeturl.substring(15);
vm.targeturl = ''+vm.targeturl;
vm.targeturl = encodeURIComponent(vm.targeturl);
template : '<div ng-if="$ctrl.targeturl"><getit-link-service><button class="help-button md-button md-primoExplore-theme md-ink-ripple" type="button" data-ng-click="buttonPressed($event)" aria-label="Report a Problem" aria-hidden="false"><a ng-href="{$ctrl.targeturl}}" target="_blank">Report a Problem</a></button></getit-link-service></div>'
Then to prevent the button displaying in multiple places there’s a piece of CSS which controls where the tag ‘getit-link-service’ (defined in the component template) is displayed :
/*styling for e-resource help button outside iframe */
div > getit-link-service {
display: none;
#getit_link1_0 div > getit-link-service {
display: inline !important;
.help-button {
background-color : #c60c30;
color: #ffffff;
text-transform: capitalize;
.help-button a {
color : #ffffff;
text-decoration: none !important;
background-color: transparent !important;
.help-button a: hover {
background-color : #c60c30;
text-decoration: none !important;
box-shadow:none !important;
See, for example: Search Engine&tab=all&query=any,contains,risk&sortby=rank&offset=0