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    Manually Installing the SP

    This section contains the steps needed to download, distribute, and install the SP files manually on your Primo system. Repeat the following steps for each Primo machine and copy, and run all steps as the primo user and make sure that you install the SP on the machine that contains the Back Office (BE) application first.
    • If your Primo topology includes a dedicated DB server, do not install the SP on that server.

    • After you have downloaded the installation files from the FTP server, the installer still requires access to the Ex Libris FTP server to download additional information (such as third-party updates).

    To install the SP manually:
    1. Log on to the server as the primo user.

      If your server has more than one copy of Primo, the system prompts you to select a copy.

    2. If you have not created the key token that is used to download SP files from the Primo download server, complete the following steps:
      1. Enter the following commands to create or edit the sp_customer file:
        cd /tmp
        vi sp_customer
      2. Copy and paste the following text into the sp_customer file and save your changes. If you are having issues connecting to the download server, you may need to download the RSA_Key.txt file and copy and paste its text.
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      3. Enter the following command to set the file's permissions to 600.
        chmod 600 sp_customer
    3. Enter the following command to change to the Primo software directory, where <v> is the Primo version in which Primo was first installed and <x> is the Primo copy:
      cd /exlibris/primo/p<v>_<x>
    4. Create the SP installation directory if it is not already created.
      mkdir service_pack_install
    5. Enter the following command to move to the service_pack_install directory:
      cd service_pack_install
    6. Enter the following commands to download the SP files from the FTP site, where <v> is the Primo version of the SP, <r> is the minor release, and <u> is the SP number.
      sftp -oPort=10022 -oIdentityFile=/tmp/sp_customer -o
      get PRIMO-<v>.<r>-ServicePack-<u>.tar.gz*
      • If you have multiple Primo copies on your server, you can just copy the SP files directly from your server.

      • If you receive a message to enter a passphrase, please open a Support ticket because there may be an incorrect value in the RSA key in the /tmp/sp_customer file.

    7. If the SP is split into multiple files, which is indicated by the suffix on the file name (such as _aa, _ab, and so forth), enter the following command to combine all of the files into a single gz file:
      cat PRIMO-<v>.<r>-ServicePack-<u>.tar.gz_* > PRIMO-<v>.<r>-ServicePack-<u>.tar.gz
    8. Enter the following command to extract the files from the tar file:
      gzip –dc PRIMO-<v>.<r>-ServicePack-<u>.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
    9. The Primo server supports three Primo Application Roles: BE (Back Office), SE (Search Engine), and FE (Front End). Enter the following command to determine which types are supported on this Primo server:
      echo $APP_ROLE

      Make sure that you update the server that contains BE first.

    10. Enter the following commands to stop the Primo Apache server:
      ./apachectl stop

      If the Apache server is not running, you will see and can ignore the following error message:

      ./apachectl stop: httpd (no pid file) not running
    11. Stop all Primo servers (be_stop, fe_stop and/or se_stop), as determined by the roles (BE, SE, and FE) supported on this server. For example, if the Primo server supports the BE, FE, and SE roles, enter the following commands:

      For sites using a multiple FE configuration, you must stop the BE server before stopping the FE servers.

    12. Enter the following command to return to the SP installation directory, where <v> is the Primo version in which Primo was first installed and <x> is the Primo copy:
      cd /exlibris/primo/p<v>_<x>/service_pack_install
    13. Enter the following command to install the SP:
      nohup ./sp.install

      For non-active BO servers in a multiple BO configuration, use the following command instead:

      nohup ./sp.install -i
      After the server checks some conditions (such as database access is available and Primo servers are down), the following message appears:
      You are about to install Primo Service Pack <v>.<r>.<u>
      Are you sure you want to continue? Y/[N]
    14. Enter Y to continue.
      The installation utility runs all mandatory implementation scripts automatically. They will take less than 5 minutes to complete. When complete, the following message displays:
      The Service Pack was installed successfully.
      The Service Pack utility - sp.utility - can be found on /exlibris/primo/p<v>_<x>/service_pack/sp.<v>.<r>.<u>
      Do you want to run it now? Y/[N]
    15. If you would like to run the manual implementation scripts now, enter Y. Otherwise, enter N and run them later using the sp.utility command. See Using the SP Utility.

      To determine which implementation scripts, if any, require you to run them manually, review the Release Notes and run the scripts that apply to your configuration. See Release Notes for more information.

    16. If you are skipping Primo version 4.5 (for example, if you are upgrading from v4.4.1 to v4.7), open a new shell session when the upgrade process has finished in order to execute the updated startup scripts that are used in the remaining steps. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
    17. Start all Primo servers (be_start, fe_start and/or se_start), as determined by the roles (BE, SE, and FE) supported on this server. For example, if the Primo server supports the BE, FE, and SE roles, enter the following commands:

      To prevent a startup failure, start the FE server before the SE server.

    18. If the Apache server was stopped in step 10, enter the following commands to restart the Primo Apache server:
      ./apachectl start

      When port 80 is configured, you must use the following commands as the root user to start the Apache server:

      cd /exlibris/primo/p<v>_<x>/primoe/apache/bin
    19. If you need to conserve disk space, you can remove files under the following directory, but you will need to download the SP if you decide to roll back the SP and re-install it:

      If you need additional space, you can remove old installation files under the /exlibris/primo/p<v>_<x>/service_pack directory.

    20. From the Primo Back Office home page, click Deploy All to complete the installation.