Hide the More(#) link within the Alma GetIt tab
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
Desired Outcome Goal:
Hide the More link which is displayed as "More(#) in the Getit tab in Alma.
1. Open a new or customized version of the .css file using a text editor (e.g. notepad)
2. Add the following line to the css.
.EXLTabHeaderContent em.EXLTabHeaderContentAdditionalDataLineMore { display:none }
3. Save the txt file with an .css extension (e.g. yourinstitution.css) as a local file
4. Upload the customized css file to the Primo server using the file-uploader tool: Primo Home > Primo Utilities > File Uploader
5. Clear browser cache.
6. Search the Primo view to retrieve a list of brief results
7. Click on the GetIt tab to verify that the "More (#)" is hidden
Additional Information
The More link is relevant in Alma centralized publishing for consortia.
One bibliographic record is created during central publishing, but multiple holdings may be attached.
When multiple holdings are associated with a shared bibliographic record, a link to the holdings appears in the Alma Getit tab.
The format of the link is "More (#) with the # being replaced by the number of holdings that are associated with the bibliographic record.
Some customers prefer to hide this the link and this css change will achieve that goal.
Category: Front End- Primo
Subject: Look and Feel - Primo
- Article last edited: 7/11/2014