How are availability statuses assigned for records retrieved with the EBSCO search plug-in for Primo?
- Product: Primo
- Product Version: All versions
- Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, Total Care
How are availability statuses assigned for records retrieved from the EBSCO search plug-in?
Availability for EBSCO search plug-in records is determined at the time of search. The availability check method is defined in the "Using 856 fields in remote search records" mapping table. By default, LR_linktorsrc will be used. This means that Primo will first check for a link resolver match and look for a link in the record sent by EBSCO if no match is found in the link resolver.
EBSCO API records will have one of two availability statuses:
Full text available
May be full text
Becuase full-text availability is determined "on the fly" all EBSCO search plug-in results will appear in the search regardless of institutional availability. Instead of showing the red indicator (no full text) they will display the yellow indicator (may be full text). It is not possible to exclude EBSCO search plug-in results that do not include full-text links.
- Article last edited: 31-01-2017