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  • Ex Libris Knowledge Center

    Missing records after re-piping of data

    • Article Type: General
    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: 2

    In some rare cases de-duplicated records are not presented in the result set. It seems that the origin of the problem is in the way data was processed in past releases. In some cases, changes in de-duplication groups led to statuses that we did not originally predict and plan for. In previous releases these unpredicted statuses did not influence the result set. Starting from HF1 in SP 2.1.5, these cases began to prevent some de-duplicating records from appearing in the result set as they were extracted from a de-duplicated group that was canceled.

    The core of the problem is that some of the de-duplicated member records are marked with secontrol=3 (deleted), The de-duplicated member will ignore all delete records.

    The secontrol will get the value 3 (assuming this is not a deleted record) in the de-duplication process and only in the following cases:

    If it was already marked as deleted it will continue to be marked as deleted (to tell the indexer to delete this record if it was already indexed).
    If the previous-type is frbr_member or frbr_single (to tell the indexer to delete this record if it was already indexed)
    If the record is a new record and it is from a different pipe.

    We are working to release a Hot Fix for it and plan to release it on Monday 24-Aug-09.

    • Article last edited: 10/8/2013