New Resource Type Facet Does Not Appear for Local Data in Primo Front End
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
- Product Version: 4
Problem Symptoms:
* New resource type added to Primo
* Facet values appear in the PNX record
* No new value appear the resource type facet in the Primo Front End (FE).
Mismatched codes between record's PNX and values in Static Facets Mapping Table > facet_rtype_values
1. In the Back Office, go to Mapping Table > Static Facets > facet_rtype_values and view the codes of the resource types
2. Go to the relevant Normalization Rule (NR) set and change the codes for Facets/Resource type, to match the codes in the Mapping Table
3. Deploy the NR set
4. Run an update pipe
5. Run indexing
Additional Information
1. In many cases, a record's resource type is built in the PNX based on the Mapping Table > Normalization > format_mean.
2. Out of the box, codes in the Mapping Table > Static Facets > facet_rtype_values are compatible to codes used in Primo Central. For this reason, it is recommended to change the NR codes instead of adjusting the codes used in the Mapping Table to match those in the NR.
Category: Front End
Subject: Facets
- Article last edited: 1/13/2014