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    Primo Search API - how to get FRBR Group members after a search

    • Product: Primo
    • Product Version: all versions
    • Relevant for Installation Type: Multi-Tenant Direct, Dedicated-Direct, Local, TotalCare


    How can I get FBR group members after a Primo API Call? Primo only returns the preferred record.

    For example:

    https://api-eu.hosted.exlibrisgroup....ains%2CMedical Law%2C Text Cases and Materials&qInclude=facet_rtype%2Cinclude%2Cbooks&lang=eng&offset=0&limit=10&sort=rank&pcAvailability=false&getMore=0&conVoc=false&inst=[yourinst]&skipDelivery=false&disableSplitFacets=true&apikey=[yourapikey]

    Let's say this returns with two records. First has multiple versions, second is a standalone record. 

    In the answer we see this:

    facets" : {
            "frbrtype" : [ "5" ],
            "frbrgroupid" : [ "9080144695921541630" ]

    And for the second record:

       "facets" : {
            "frbrtype" : [ "6" ],
            "frbrgroupid" : [ "9044144993984635352" ]


    In order to present the relevant records (i.e. the frbr group), the API call should contain the frbr group ID.

    The frbrtype field in PNX can be used to determine is a record is part of a FRBR group or not. 5 means that it is part of a FRBR group, and 6 means that it is not.

    To get all the records in an FRBR group, you have to create another API call using the frbrgroupid above:


    https://api-eu.hosted.exlibrisgroup....ains%2CMedical Law%2C Text Cases and Materials&qInclude=facet_frbrgroupid,exact,9080144695921541630&lang=eng&offset=0&limit=10&sort=rank&pcAvailability=false&getMore=0&conVoc=false&inst=[yourinst]&skipDelivery=false&disableSplitFacets=true&apikey=[yourapikey]


    • Article last edited: 09-Sep-2020
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