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    Special characters in incoming openURLs

    • Product: Primo, Primo VE


    Incoming openURLs from third party vendors might include values that contain an ampersand (&). For example:


    Primo will then parse it by the '&' delimiter, causing a value word to be recognized as a parameter:

    Parameter Value
    title Food


    date 2018

    When an incoming URL includes unencoded characters, this could impact the metadata integrity.



    According to ANSI/NISO Z39.88-2004 (R2010), page 41:

    Values of KEV pairs must be URL- encoded to ensure that the KEV ContextObject Representation is ready to be transported over the HTTP(S) protocol. URL-encoding eliminates confusion that could occur when special characters, such as equals character (‘=’) and ampersand character (‘&’), are used within values of KEV pairs.
    Rules for URL-encoding values are:
    • The alphanumeric characters (letters and digits), the period character (‘.’), the hyphen character (‘-’), the asterisk character (‘*’), and the underscore character (‘_’) remain the same.
    • The space character (‘ ’) is converted into a plus sign (‘+’) or into the character string “%20”.
    • For all other characters, each byte of the character is converted into a three-character string “%XY” where “XY” is the two-digit hexadecimal representation of the byte.

    Therefore, to avoid values from being parsed as parameters, the special characters must be encoded before arriving to Primo. For example:


    Parameter Value
    title Food%26Beverages



    • Article last edited: 14-Aug-2018
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