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    Primo PNX Records

    This area is not relevant to Primo VE environments since the source records are not normalized into PNX records for Primo VE.

    Using the Primo PNX subject area, you can create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • How many PNX records do I have from every data source, and how many records are added over time?
    • How many dedup and FRBR groups are there?

    PNX data is gathered on a weekly basis, which allows reports to display this information weekly, monthly, or yearly.

    The Primo PNX Records subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with PNX records. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Primo PNX Records Subject Area

    PNX Records Table

    The PNX Record table is the fact table that stores information about PNX records.
    PNX Records Fields
    The PNX Records fact table has four measurement fields and one attribute fields:
    PNX Record Fields
    Field Description
    The number of records.
    FRBR Groups
    The number of FRBR groups.
    Dedup Groups
    The number of dedup groups.
    Data source
    The data source to which the records belong.

    Dates Table

    The Dates dimension table enables you to select different date ranges and formats. The date dimension is used to limit reports to specific date ranges (such as year, month, week, and day).
    Dates Dimension Table

    The following table provides an example for each month format. 

    Date Option Example Format
    Year (date), Year, Year (desc) Displays the year: 2017
    Month (date), Month (short desc) Displays the month and year: Mar 2017
    Month (long desc) Displays the full month name and year: March 2017
    Month (number) Displays the month number: 3 (displays for March)
    Week (date), Week (short desc) Displays the month and first day of the week: Mar 13
    Week (long desc) Displays the month, first day of the week, and year: Mar 13, 2017
    Date Displays the date of occurrence: Mar 15
    Date (short desc) Displays the day and date of occurrence: Wed, Mar 15
    Date (long desc) Displays the day, date, and year of occurrence: Wed, Mar 15, 2017
    DOW (number) Displays the number of the week on which the event occurred: 4 (displays for Wednesday)
    Date Filter Displays information based on the following time periods:
    • Older than 30 days
    • Older than 60 days
    • Older than 90 days
    • Previous complete 24 months
    • Previous complete 2 years
    • Previous year
    • Two years ago
    Dates - Week Enables you to drill-down based on the following hierarchy: All Dates, Year, Week (long desc), and Date (long desc).
    Dates - Month Enables you to drill-down based on the following hierarchy: All Dates, Year, Month (date), and Date (long desc).

    Institutions Table

    The Institutions table is a dimension table with the following attributes: Primo Institution Code and Institution Name.
    Institutions Dimensions Table
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