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    Primo Popular Searches

    Using the Primo Popular Searches subject area, you may create reports that help to answer the following types of business questions:
    • Which queries are most popular?
    • Are there any trends in popularity of certain topics over time?
    The Primo Popular Searches subject area contains many fields used to create reports associated with popular searches. Refer to the following sections for more information on each field.
    Primo Popular Search Usage
    The Popular Searches table is a fact table that stores information about the most popular basic and advanced searches. The top 100 searches are reported daily at midnight (based on your regional data center) and managed on a monthly basis in the Analytics server. A search is considered popular if it has been performed at least 10 times within a month. Up to 500 popular searches are saved per month, and at least 200 searches are saved even if they are not considered popular.
    Popular Searches Table
    The following table lists the fields provided in the Popular Searches fact table:
    Popular Searches Fields
    Field Description
    A measurement field that stores the number of searches for the query.

    A measurement field that stores the average number of results per search.

    The number of results may seem significantly lower than expected since this average is based on all search types (such as Basic Search, Advanced Search, and A-Z Search).

    First Page Results - Primo
    A measurement field that tracks the average percentage of local Primo records that appear on the first page of search results.
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    First Page Results - Primo Central
    A measurement field that tracks the average percentage of Primo Central records that display on the first page of search results.
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    First Page Results - EBSCO
    A measurement field that tracks the average percentage of EBSCO records that display on the first page of search results (using the EBSCO deep search adaptor).
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    First Page Results - WorldCat
    A measurement field that tracks the average percentage of WorldCat records that appear on the first page of search results (using the WorldCat deep search adaptor).
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    First Page Results - Other
    A measurement field that tracks the average percentage of records from other sources (such as locally-defined deep search adaptors or MetaLib) that display on the first page of search results.
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    The unique search string rank, which is based on the amount of repeating searches and the number of results. This field can be useful for sorting purposes.
    This field has a unique number sequence from 1 to 500 only when the User Group, Active Tab, and Primo View parameters are included. Otherwise, you may see more searches with the same ranking.
    The number of times an action was taken when the user was signed in.
    On Campus
    A measurement field that tracks the number of times an action was taken from a user who was on campus.
    This field is available with the November 2015 release.
    Users are considered on-campus if they are signed in and within the defined IP range for the institution. For more details, see Configuring IP Ranges for a Library.
    Primo View
    An attribute field that stores the view in which the action was performed.

    This attribute is available with the July 2015 release. Actions that predate this release do not have this attribute.

    Active Tab
    An attribute field that stores the tab in which the action was performed.

    This attribute is available with the November 2015 release. Actions that predate this release do not have this attribute.

    Search String
    The user’s query.
    Some characters in search strings may prevent you from exporting reports, which include these characters, to formats such as Excel. If you encounter issues, please try another format such as CSV.
    User Group

    A search attribute field that indicates the user group of the user.

    New UI:

    Reports display the User Group codes that were received from the authentication system, not the mapping table used for the Classic UI. For users who have not signed in, the report displays the Guest user group.

    Classic UI:

    The User Groups for Primo Analytics mapping table defines the user groups that display in the reports. A user's group is determined as follows:

    • If a user has signed in and belongs to a user group, the system will try to map the user group to one of eight user groups defined in the User Groups for Primo Analytics mapping table. If a match is not found, the Not Guest user group is used.

    • If a user has signed in and does not belong to a user group, the Not Guest user group is used.

    • If the user has not signed in, the Guest user group is used.

    For more details, see User Groups for Primo Analytics.

    • This attribute has been added in the May 2016 release. Actions that predate the installation of this release do not have this attribute.

    • User Group values may be affected by browser add-ons and extensions, such as the extension Ghostery in Chrome.

    Dates Table

    The Popular Searches Subject Area displays only the Year and Month date options because the Popular Searches Subject Area data is collected and aggregated once a month.

    The Dates dimension table enabless you to select different date ranges and formats. The date dimension is used to limit reports to specific date ranges (such as year and month).
    Dates Dimension Table

    The following table provides an example for each month format. 

    Date Option Example Format
    Year (date), Year, Year (desc) Displays the year: 2017
    Month (date), Month (short desc) Displays the month and year: Mar 2017
    Month (long desc) Displays the full month name and year: March 2017
    Month (number) Displays the month number: 3 (displays for March)
    Week (date), Week (short desc) Displays the month and first day of the week: Mar 13
    Week (long desc) Displays the month, first day of the week, and year: Mar 13, 2017
    Months Enables you to drill-down based on the following hierarchy: All Months, Year, and Month.


    Institutions Table

    The Institutions dimension table is a fact table that stores information about the institution from which the data was collected.
    Institutions Dimension Table

    The following table lists the fields provided by the Institutions fact table. 

    Field Description

    Primo Institution Code

    The institution's code.

    Institution Name

    The institution's name.

    Data Available As Of

    The date (UTC time zone) on which data became available.

    Data Updated As Of

    The date (UTC time zone) on which the data was last updated.

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