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    The Delete PNX Extensions Tool

    This functionality is not relevant to to Primo VE.
    The Delete PNX Extensions tool allows users to remove enrich-indexing data (such as tables of contents and abstracts) from a source (such as Syndetics or LibraryThing).
    You must be an installation-level staff user to create and execute this tool.
    To remove enrichment content:
    1. On the Tools Monitoring page, select Delete PNX Extensions in the Create a Tool drop-down list.
      The Delete PNX Extensions page opens.
      Delete PNX Extensions Page
    2. Enter a name for the tool, which you can execute and monitor in the Tool Monitoring list.
    3. Select a source in the Source Name drop-down list.
    4. Choose the types of enrichment that you want to remove from the source by selecting items in the Content Type field.
    5. Specify the e-mail address to which the completion status is sent when this tool completes.
    6. Execute the tool when needed. For information on monitoring tools, see Tools Monitoring.
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