Primo to Primo Deep Searches
The PrimoThirdNode plugin allows you to create a deep search to another Primo's search index. This may be used between institutions in a consortium, of if you have loaded a local database separately from your institution.
On the All Mapping Tables page (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Mapping Tables), edit the Deep-Search Plugins mapping table.
In the Create a New Mapping Row section, specify the following fields and then click Create to define a new deep search index:
Enabled – Select this check box to enable the new deep search index.
Plugin ID – Specify a unique name for the new deep search index.
Plugin Class – Select PrimoThirdNode from the drop-down list.
Plugin Display Name – Specify the name that will display in the Views Wizard.
Click Save.
On the All Mapping Tables page (Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Mapping Tables), edit the Deep Search Plugin Parameters mapping table.
Use the Create a New Mapping Row section to create a new mapping row for each parameter that is listed in the following table. In the Plugin field, you must specify the plugin ID that you defined in the Deep-Search Plugins mapping table.
Primo to Primo Deep Search Parameters Param Name Param Value host
Specify the target FE's host name or IP.
Specify the target FE's host port.
Specifies the handling of local search scopes:
true – Both the local Primo search scopes and the search scopes defined in this mapping table are sent to the remote search engine.
false – Only the search scopes defined in this mapping table are sent to the remote search engine.
Specifies the handling of the character conversion:
true – The target institution's character conversions are used if the source's institution is found on the target Primo. Otherwise, the out-of-the-box character conversions are used.
false – The out-of-the-box character conversions are used.
Indicates whether results should be cached. The valid values are true or false. When set to false, every full display initiates a new search.
primo_rankThe valid values are true or false. If set to true, the ranking is created by Primo instead of the plugin. If set to false, the ranking is taken from the plugin's results. Be aware that if set to true, the ranking is is based only on the subset of results returned to Primo. For example, if the plugin returns 20 records, the ranking is based only on those 20 records. It is recommended to set this value to false in order to return the ranking from the original engine.
The valid values are true or false. If set to true, Primo sends a certain amount of queries to your plugin before adding it to Primo's search. This is in order to warm up your plugin. For example, you might be using some kind of a data type, that needs to get filled up.
primo facetsThe valid values are true or false. If set to true, the facets are built by Primo. If set to false, it is assumed that the results set includes a facets section. If set to true, it assumed that each returned PNX record includes a facet section, and the facets section returned in the results set is based on the facets section of the PNX.
Indicates the number of results to store in the cache. Do not configure a large number. 10 to 20 results is sufficient.
primo_highlightingThe valid values are true and false. If set to true, highlighting is performed on the results sets.
Click Save.
On the Deploy All page (Primo Home > Deploy All), select the Deep Search Configuration option and then click Deploy.
On the View List page of the Views Wizard (Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Views Wizard), edit your view.
Click Save & Continue.
The Search Scope List page opens.
In the Add Search Scope section, specify a name for the new deep search index's scope and then click Add.
The Edit Search Scope page opens.
In the General Attributes for Search Scope section, specify the display text, which will display to users in the Front End.
In the Deep Search Plugins section, select the new deep search plugin.
Click Save & Continue.
The Tabs Configuration page opens.
Edit the tab to which you want to add the search scope for the new search scope.
The Edit View Attributes page opens.
In the Add a New Scope section, select the new search scope and then click Add.
Click Save & Continue.
Continue to end of the Views Wizard and click Deploy Now.