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    Customizing the OvP Tabs/Services and My Account

    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. For more details on Primo VE configuration, see Primo VE.

    As noted above, Primo has defined a generic interface and terminology for OvP. The following sections describe OvP configuration options that you may be interested in modifying to customize OvP to your environment.
    The following areas can be customized:
    • Display of full library holdings in the Locations tab
    • Placing requests via the Request tab
    • Display of library card/My account in My Account
    Most of the configuration is done via the code and mapping tables under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.

    Using the OPAC via Primo Mapping Tables

    Many of the OPAC via Primo subsystem mapping tables (see Example View ID Field) can be configured per view. For this reason, the View ID field should be defined in these tables.
    Example View ID Field
    It is important to understand how the system works with these tables:
    • If the active view has no defined rows in the mapping table, the system uses the definitions of the default view.
    • If the active view has at least one row defined, the system uses only the lines defined for the view.
    In other words, the configuration for the default view and a specific view is not merged. If you want to have different settings per view, it may be simpler to use the Export to Excel function that displays below every mapping table in the Back Office. Once you export the file, you can copy the rows per view and modify the configuration as necessary. Do not delete the default view from the Excel file because the Import Excel File option replaces the existing mapping table.
    If the mapping table has a false/true column, Excel automatically changes a lower case false to an uppercase FALSE. Primo knows how to store the field correctly in the mapping table.

    Using the OPAC via Primo Code Tables

    The OPAC via Primo subsystem code tables allow you to define labels in different languages to display in the Front End. You can configure these labels per view.

    Using the OvP Functionality Mapping Table

    The OvP Funtionality table allows you to activate OvP functionality per institution. Currently, the following options are available:
    • Paging – This option enables Primo to fetch items in bulk from Aleph and Voyager so that all items can be fetched from the ILS.
    • Multiple locations – This option enables Primo to request items for multiple locations in a single request.
    To use these features, you must be using the following versions of Aleph and Voyager:
    • (Both options) Voyager version 7.2.5 or later version
    • (Paging) Aleph v.18 latest SP (2270), SP 20.2.3 (3488), or later version
    • (Multiple locations) Aleph v.18 latest SP (2270), SP 20.2.4 (3556), or later version
    The above options are not relevant to Alma.
    To activate an OvP option:
    1. Select the OPAC via Primo subsystem on the Primo Home > Advanced Configuration > All Mapping Tables page in the Back Office.
      The list of mapping tables in the OPAC via Primo subsystem display on the page.
    2. Click Edit next to the OvP Functionality mapping table in the list.
      The OvP Functionality mapping table page opens.
      OvP Functionality Mapping Table
    3. Create a new mapping row using the following fields:
      • Institution – Select an institution from the from-down list.
      • Functionality – Select an option to activate from the drop-down list.
    4. Click Create to add the new mapping row to the list.
      By default, the Enable check box is selected. To activate this option later, clear the Enable field.
    5. Click Save to save the changes to the table.

    Configuring the Locations Tab

    In the classic UI, the Locations tab displays a list of Primo locations, such as the Library Level Availability field. If OvP is active for the location, a plus sign displays next to the location and when it is selected, the system displays all holdings records and items that are linked to this Primo location. For the new UI, see Customizing the OvP Tabs/Services and My Account.
    Locations Tab - Classic UI only
    Next to every item the system displays available request options. When the user invokes one of these, the system displays the Request tab.
    • For Voyager, only items are included in the list since issues are generally included in the summary holdings statement.
    • For Voyager, in the ILS Adaptors mapping table, disable ID 73001, enable IDs 73001a and 73001b, and then deploy the mapping table to ensure that Voyager sends all items for each location. This allows Primo to send separate requests for holdings and items to Voyager.

    General Configuration of the Locations Tab

    This section describes the general configuration options that are relevant to the Locations tab and apply to both OvP and OvL configurations. The following settings apply to both configurations:
    • Locations tab label – The label of the Locations tab is defined with the default.brief.results.tabs.locations code in the GetIT! Tab1 code table under the Delivery subsystem.
      Locations Tab Display Label in GetIT! Tab1 Code Table
    • Tab order – By default, the GetIt1 (Request or View Online) tab displays as the first tab. You can change the display order of the Locations tab using the Views wizard to modify the Order of Tabs field on the Brief Display page’s Brief Results tile.
      If GetIt is a link to an online resource, this tab always displays first, overriding the order set in the Back Office.
    • Location sort options – It is possible to sort the locations into two separate groups:
      • locations from the user’s institution
      • locations from all other institutions
      It is also possible to display only locations that belong to the institution of the view. To configure these options, use the Views wizard to update the Locations tile on the Brief Display page.

    Locations Tab Labels for OPAC via Primo

    The Location Tab code table allows you to define all of the labels on the Locations tab for the brief and full results and the item expansion fields.
    The full results show additional columns.
    Location Tab Code Table (OPAC via Primo)

    Configuring the Display of Holdings Records

    The Locations tab displays up to three lines of holdings information, one line per holdings field. If the information is too long for a single line or if a field has more occurrences to display, an ellipsis is displayed at the end of the line to indicate that more information is available for a field.
    If a record contains more than three holdings fields or an ellipsis has been added to the end of a line, the More holdings information link will display below the holdings information on the Locations tab. This link opens the Holdings Information lightbox, which displays the full list of holdings information.
    Holdings Information Lightbox
    The holdings information that appears above the list of locations on the Locations tab is defined in the Holdings Record Configuration mapping table (see Holdings Record Configuration Mapping Table).
    Holdings Record Configuration Mapping Table

    Changes to this mapping table require you deploy the Views and OPAC Via Primo Mapping Tables options on the Deploy All page (Primo Home > Deploy All).

    This mapping table is defined with the following out-of-the-box settings to account for variations between holdings information supplied by Aleph and Voyager.
    Out-of-the-Box Element Definitions
    Element AdaptorID Order Content Description
    866 ## az
    Summary holdings
    867 ## az
    Supplements summary holdings
    868 ## az
    Indexes summary holdings
    loc.notes (not enabled by default)
    505 ## #;841 15 abn
    866 ## az $$9=null
    Manually created summary holdings with no $$9.
    867 ## az $$9=null
    Manually created supplements summary holdings with no $$9.
    868 ## az $$9=null
    Manually created indexes summary holdings with no $$9.
    866 ## az $$9=1040
    Summary holdings with $$9=1040
    867 ## az $$9=1042
    Summary holdings with $$9=1042
    868 ## az $$9=1044
    Summary holdings with $$9=1044
    866 ## az $$9=1020
    Current issues with $$9=1020
    867 ## az $$9=1022
    Current supplement issues with $$9=1020
    868 ## az $$9=1024
    Current index issues with $$9=1020
    960 ## a $$9=1030
    Acquisitions status
    As with other mapping tables, you can provide a different configuration per view. This mapping table has the following fields:
    • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements that you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields that are defined for the active view.
    • Element – Allows you to specify how holdings fields are grouped in the display. The following elements are valid:
      • loc.summary – Summary holdings statement
      • loc.summary_supp – Supplementary summary holdings statement
      • loc.summary_index – Indexes summary holdings statement
      • loc.summarym – Manually created summary holdings
      • loc.summarym_supp – Manually created supplementary summary holdings
      • loc.summarym_index – Manually created indexes summary holdings
      • loc.current – Current issues
      • loc.current_supp – Current supplementary issues
      • loc.current_index – Current index issues
      • loc.acqstatus – Acquisitions status
      • loc.notes – Notes
      • loc.addnote1 - loc.addnote50 – Additional notes
    • AdaptorID – Differentiates the out-of-the-box settings for Voyager and Aleph. For Voyager 8.2 and later releases, this is necessary because holdings information is differentiated by the code supplied in the $$9 subfield:
      Subfield $$9 in Voyager
      Tag Description Code in $$9
      Recent Issues from serials (serials receipts)
      Supplemental issues from serials.
      Compressed/collapsed info from 853/863
      Compressed/collapsed info from 854/864
      Compressed/collapsed info from 855/865
    • Order – Specifies the order in which the fields display in the Locations tab.
    • Content – The MARC tags used by the element. Each element can contain up to five different MARC tags, separated by a comma. In the Front End, multiple tags are separated by a comma, indicators are separated from the tag by a space, and subfields are separated from the indicators by a space. The number sign (#) can be used as a wildcard.
      The following example indicates that the summary holdings are created from the 866 tag, any indicators, subfield a:
      default loc.summary 866 ## a
      The following example indicates that the notes display 505 tags, any indicators, and all subfields as well as 841 first indicator 1, second indicator 5, subfields a, b, and n.
      default loc.notes 505 ## #;841 15 abn
    • Fields that are grouped together will not print on separate lines.
    • $$9=null in the Content field indicates that the system will take the tag (for example, 866) if it does not have a $$9. Fields that are created manually will not have a $$9.
    Each element has a corresponding label in the Locations Tab code table (see Location Tab Code Table). As is true for all code tables, a different label can be configured per view.
    Location_Tab_Code Tbl.gif
    Location Tab Code Table

    Configuring the Columns and Rows of the Items List

    The Location Item Content mapping table (see Location Item Content Mapping Table) allows you to define which data elements display in each column’s list of items. In addition, you can define which fields display in the item’s expansion area.
    Location Item Content Mapping Table
    This mapping table contains the following columns:
    • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
    • Element – This field allows you to define the following aspects of the Locations tab:
      • Item columns – The following codes define the element’s column position (see Item Columns on Locations Tab (Brief Results)):
        • item.brief.column<n> – Where <n> indicates column positions 1 through 4 for the brief display.
        • item.full.column<n> – Where <n> indicates column positions 1 through 6 for the full display.
      • Additional columns – The brief and full results also display the Request Options column (see Item Columns on Locations Tab (Brief Results)).
        Item Columns on Locations Tab (Brief Results)
      • Item rows – The following codes define the order of additional elements listed in the item’s expansion area (see Item Expansion Area in Locations Tab):
        •<n> – Where <n> indicates the row positions 1 through 12 for the additional fields.
          Item Expansion Area in Locations Tab
        • Number of items to display – The item.brief.number_of_items element is an exception. (For more information, see Number of Items to Display in Brief Results).
    • Content – The data that should display.
      The content is expressed in the OvP uniform format fields. It is possible to define more than one field per column or row.
      Multiple fields can be separated by spaces or delimiters. If you define a column or row to display values from more than one data element, the values will display with no spaces between them unless you place a delimiter between each data element.
      • If the definition for the column in the mapping table contains the following elements:
        call_number call_number2
        The Call Number column on the Locations tab will display the values concatentated together:
        {call number value}}{call number 2 value}}
      • If the definition for the column in the mapping table contains the following elements:
        call_number ; call_number2
        The Call Number column on the Locations tab will display:
        {call number value}} ; {call number 2 value}}
      • If the definition for the column in the mapping table contains the following elements:
        The Call Number column on the Locations tab will display:
        {call number value}}
        {call number 2 value}}
        The delimiters can be used with any column definition in this mapping table. The following data elements can be displayed:
        OPAC via Primo Data Elements
        Field Description Aleph Voyager Default Column
        Call number of an item
        Call number
        Call number
        An additional call number of an item
        Second call number
        Not applicable
        The copy number of an item.
        Copy number
        Copy number
        Item barcode
        5 (in full)
        The code for the item category
        Item status code
        Item type code
        The item category determines its behavior in terms of circulation
        Item status name
        Item type
        Description of the item
        Item description
        Item description (caption)
        Item ID – ILS item ID
        Item ID
        Item ID
        Material type of item
        Material type
        Media type
        6 (in full)
        The circulation status of the item
        A textual description of the item’s circulation status. For example “In Transit,” “Expected on 03/01/2009”
        A textual description of the item’s circulation status, including the due date.
        The code for the main location of an item
        Sub-library code
        Location code
        The main location of an item
        Sub-library name
        OPAC note
        OPAC note
        Not applicable
        The number of pages
        Not applicable
        The number of hold requests placed for an item
        Not applicable
        The code for the secondary location of an item
        Collection code
        Not applicable
        A secondary location of an item
        Collection name
        Not applicable
        part of item enumeration
        part of item chronology

    Number of Items to Display in Brief Results

    The item.brief.number_of_items element in the Location Item Content mapping table defines the number of items that can display in the brief display. The default value is 5, which includes the Request Options column and four additional columns.

    Configuring the Request Tab

    In general, it must be emphasized that the behavior of all requests is determined by the ILS, not by Primo. This includes defining who is allowed to perform requests, what can be requested, and which request parameters are needed to perform a request. The configuration options that are available in Primo are basically limited to the look and feel of the request.
    Although Primo has a common interface for Aleph and Voyager, each support different request types and work with each type of request differently. These differences are described in the following sections per ILS system and request type.

    Description of the Request Tab

    The Request tab has two main parts. At the top the system displays a list of the available requests that the ILS returned for the active record and patron. The main part of the tab is the request parameters. Because these parameters are different for each type of request, source system, as well as local ILS configuration, each configuration is described separately per request type and system.
    Request Tab
    In the Voyager OPAC (WebVoyage and VPrimo), the system checks the status of the patron only when displaying the link requests. If the patron is in good standing and can make requests, the link is displayed. Only when the patron invokes the request does Voyager check the item’s status and determine whether the request should be blocked. In OvP, Voyager checks both the status of the patron and the status of the item to reduce the possibility of the end user entering the request in Primo and then having Voyager reject it. Due to time constraints for UB requests, the system checks the item status only after the request has been placed.
    The following table lists the valid request types for OvP, their applicability to each ILS system, and the code defined in the Request Tab code table:
    OPAC via Primo Request Types
    Request Type Aleph Voyager
    Call Slip
    This request type is not used in Aleph. In Aleph, this is managed as a hold request.
    This is the Voyager Call slip.
    This is the basic Aleph request and includes both item- and title-level requests.
    This is the Voyager Hold request.
    This is the Aleph title-level ILL request. This is active for the integrated ILL.
    This request type has not been implemented for Voyager.
    Request (item-level only)
    Available with Aleph Version 22 and later releases.
    This request type has not been implemented for Voyager.
    This request type is not used in Aleph, as recalls are managed in Aleph as hold requests.
    This is the Voyager Recall.
    Short Loan
    This is the Aleph “Advanced booking” request (the older version).
    This request type has not been implemented for Voyager.
    UB (Universal Borrowing)
    This request type is not relevant to Aleph.
    This is the Voyager UB request.
    The request types that have not been implemented as OvP requests, but may be used by your ILS system, display as links in the Request tab if they are allowed for the user/record. When a user selects such a request, Primo links to the OPAC, where the user is able to enter the request. If SSO is enabled between Primo and the Aleph ILS, Aleph users do not have to sign in again.
    For Aleph, the following requests are included:
    Additional Request Types for Aleph
    Request Type Default Code in Request Tab
    AcquisitionRequest (title-level only)
    Acquisition Request:
    BookingRequest (title- and item-level)
    Booking Request:
    PhotocopyRequest (item-level only)
    Replaced link with an OvP request in Aleph Version 22 and later releases.
    For Voyager, the following requests are included:
    Additional Request Types for Voyager
    Request Type Default Code in Request Tab
    Course Reserve:
    Index New Zealand:
    Voyager customers can create additional local request types. The labels for such requests should be added to the Request Tab code table. The codes for such requests must be entered in uppercase letters, even if the request types are defined with lowercase letters in Voyager. For example, if Voyager sends a nobibdat (blank form) request, Primo will display NOBIBDAT. If you prefer to display Blank Form, create the following entry in the Request Tab code table:
    <view_name>.NOBIBDAT Blank Form
    Because Primo uses the default.ILL code specifically for OvP, Voyager customers may need to rename the ILL form code in the Voyager System Administration module and create a new entry in the Primo Request Tab code table. For example, if you change the form code to ill1 or ILL1, create the following entry in the Request Tab code table:
    <view_name>.ILL1 ILL
    ILL1 must be uppercase in Primo even if you have defined the form code with lower or mixed case letters in Voyager.

    General Configuration of the Request Tab

    This section describes the general configuration options that are relevant to the Requests tab and apply to both OvP and OvL configurations.
    • Request tab label – It is important to keep in mind that Request is the default label for physical items on the GetIt1 tab. The label for the Request tab is defined in the GetIt Tab1 code table in the Delivery subsystem.
    • Request tab labels – All labels that are common to all variations of the Request tab can be localized in the Request Tab and Request Tab Messages code tables. These labels include the list of possible request types and some general messages.
      In addition to the above general code tables, every request type has a separate code table.
    • Request tips – The upper-right corner of the Request tab has an area for tips. All tips are stored in the Request Tips code table. Two main types of tips are possible:
      • A default tip that lets users know that additional request options/locations may be available from the list of locations. This can happen if, for example, the PNX represents several ILS records. The Request tab offers request options for only one of these records, giving preference to records that belong to the user’s institution if the availability status is based on the user institution or the institution of the scope.
      • A locally defined tip can be defined per request type.
    For Voyager customers, locally defined tips in Primo replace the instructions defined in Voyager. If you have defined such instructions in Voyager, they should be redefined in Primo.

    Aleph Hold Requests

    A hold request can be initiated by selecting an item from the list of items in the Locations tab (if this option is enabled by the Aleph configuration). After the item is selected, the system displays the item in the Request tab, where the user can place a hold for the selected item. To place a request directly, users can select the Request tab. How the hold works in this case depends on the setup in Aleph. For more information, see the How to Configure Aleph - Primo Interoperability Guide.
    Within Primo, the following configuration options are available:
    • Hold request labels – All hold request labels are defined in the Hold Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. Note that the following labels are not used by Aleph hold requests:
      Labels Not Used by Aleph
      Code Value
      Select copy
    • Configuring optional parameters – Some of the hold request parameters are optional and can be displayed by enabling the parameter in the Hold Optional Request Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. This mapping table includes the following columns:
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Request parameter – This includes the following fields:
        • last_interest_date – The last interest date for the request. If the field does not display, the request is the default defined in Aleph.
        • request_author – An additional field that the user can use to indicate an interest for a specific author. This response is truncated to 50 characters in Aleph's z38 oracle table.
        • request_title – An additional field that the user can use to indicate an interest for a specific title. This response is truncated to 100 characters in Aleph's z38 oracle table.
        • request_pages – An additional field that the user can use to indicate an interest for specific pages. This response is truncated to 30 characters in Aleph's z38 oracle table.
        • patron_note_1, patron_note_2 – These notes are available in the Aleph hold request. This response is truncated to 50 characters in Aleph's z38 oracle table.
        • rush_request
      • Display – The valid values are Yes/No.
      By default, no optional fields display.

    Voyager Hold Requests

    As noted previously, users can initiate requests using the following methods:
    • Directly from the Request tab – Initiating the request directly from the Request tab is very similar to the workflow that is used in Voyager. Based on the setup in Voyager, the user has the option to select any item or a specific item from a drop-down list.
    • Linking from the list of items in the Locations tab – The user can also place a request from the list of items in the Locations tab. In this case, the item is pre-selected when the Request tab displays.
    Within Primo the following request options are available:
    • Hold request labels – All hold request labels are defined in the Hold Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. The following labels are not used by the Voyager hold:
      Hold Request Labels for Voyager
      Code Value
      Select item category
      Select Issue
      Select material type
      Select item status
      Select main location
      Select secondary location
      Select Volume
      Select Year
      Item category
      Material type
      Item status
      Main location
      Rush request
      Secondary location
    • Configuring optional parameters – Some of the hold request parameters are optional and can be displayed by enabling the parameter in the Hold Optional Request Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      This mapping table includes the following columns:
      • View – This field specifies the code that is assigned to the view. The default value is default, which means that it is used by all views that do not have a specific mapping row defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create a new mapping row per view.
      • Request parameter – This includes the following fields for Voyager:
        • last_interest_date – The last interest date for the request. If the field does not display, the request is the default defined by Voyager.
        • patron_note_1 – The note the patron can enter when placing a request.
      • Display – The valid values are Yes and No.
        By default, no optional fields display.

    Voyager Recall Requests

    As with hold requests, recalls can be initiated from either the Request tab or the list of items.
    • Recall request labels – All hold request labels are defined in the Recall Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
    • Configuring optional parameters – Some of the recall parameters are optional and can be displayed by enabling the parameter in the Recall Optional Request Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. The table includes the following columns:
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Request parameter – This includes the following fields:
        • last_interest_date – The last interest date for the request. If the field does not display, the request is the default defined by Voyager.
        • patron_note_1 – The note the patron can enter when placing a request.
      • Display – The valid values are Yes and No.
        By default, no optional fields display.

    Voyager Callslip Requests

    As with hold requests and recalls, call slips can be initiated from either the Request tab or the list of items. If there are no items, a title-level call slip can be placed only from the Request tab (if allowed per Voyager configuration).
    The following rules apply to the configuration of the Call Slip Item Required check box in the Voyager System Administration module (OPAC Configuration - Miscellaneous):
    • If selected, Primo displays only the item drop-down list. If there are no items on this bib record, the callslip will not be given as an option.
    • If not selected and the title contains items, Primo displays the Item drop-down list and the Specify the Issue fields.
    • If not selected and the title contains no items, Primo displays only the Specify the Issue fields.
    The following aspects can be configured in Primo:
    • Callslip request labels – All hold request labels are defined in the Call Slip Requests code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
    • Configuring optional parameters – Some of the recall parameters are optional and can be displayed by enabling the parameter in the Callslip Optional Request Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. The table includes the following columns:
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Request parameter – This includes the following fields:
        • last_interest_date – The last interest date for the request. If the field does not display, the request is the default defined by Voyager.
        • patron_note_1 – The note the patron can enter when placing a request.
      • Display – The valid values are Yes and No.
        By default, no optional fields display.

    Aleph ILL Requests

    ILL requests can only be initiated from the Request tab to place an Aleph title-level ILL request. Currently, ILL title requests can be made only against records that are part of the Aleph database and are included in the extract to Primo.
    The following aspects can be configured in Primo:
    • ILL request labels – All ILL request labels are defined in the ILL Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
    • Copyright message – Primo, like Aleph, can optionally display a copyright message that the user must confirm before the ILL request can be placed. This is defined in the ILL Optional Request Parameters. Note that unlike Aleph, users cannot continue with the request unless they accept the copyright statement.
      The message is stored in an HTML file, which is defined in the default.illrequest.copyright_statement parameter in the ILL Request code table. The HTML file should be placed under the following directory:
      In Aleph, the COPYRIGHT-SIGN parameter has been added to the tab100 table of the ILL library, which defines the copyright policy to use in Primo for OvP configurations. If you have this parameter set to Y (which means that Aleph should check whether the copyright was signed), you must display the copyright statement in Primo.
    • Configuring ILL optional parameters – Many of the ILL request parameters are optional and can be displayed in the Primo Back Office. In many cases, it is also possible to define a default value when the field is mandatory. This is configured in the ILL Optional Request Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      This mapping table has the following columns:
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Request parameter – The following table lists the valid ILL request parameters:
        ILL Request Parameters
        Request Parameter Description Default
        Type of media, such as photocopy.
        A default value can be defined.
        Check Aleph for a list of the available codes.
        If the Display field is set to No, the first value in list sent from Aleph is used.
        The valid values are Yes or No.
        A default value can be defined.
        Check Aleph for a list of the available codes.
        If the Display field is set to No, the first value in the list sent from Aleph is used.
        The last interest date.
        It is possible to define the number of days (for example, 30) after the current date as the default last interest date.
        request_author, request_pages, request_title, request_volume
        Additional information about the request. May be relevant if the user is interested in only part.
        request_day, request_issue, request_month
        Additional fields that may be relevant for journal requests. If the item is a journal, the Year always displays.
        The valid values are Yes or No.
        The default value is No.
        A default value can be defined.
        For a list of the valid values, refer to the ./usm40/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.<lng/> table in the Aleph system.
        If the Display field is set to No, the first value in the list sent from Aleph is used.
        The valid values are Yes or No .
        The default value is No.
      • Default – This field enables you to define a default value for mandatory fields that have the Display parameter set to No.
      • Display – The valid values are Yes or No.

    Aleph Short Loan Requests

    Short loan requests (which are called Advanced Bookings in Aleph) can be initiated from the Request tab or the list of items in the Locations tab. If the item is multi-volume or your like-copy definitions include a sub-library, users are linked to the Locations list in which they must select a specific item.
    The following aspect can be configured in Primo:
    • Short loan request labels – All short loan labels are configured in the Short Loan Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.

    Voyager UB Requests

    Consortium members that participate in Voyager Universal Borrowing are able to offer Universal Borrowing (UB) requests in OvP. If the specific user is authorized to place a UB request, it is possible to initiate UB requests from either the Request tab or the list of items in the Locations tab.
    At this stage only the user is checked, not the item. After the UB information is calculated and returned to Primo, the system may reject the user’s UB request.
    The following aspects can be configured in the Primo Back Office:
    • UB request labels – All UB request labels are defined in the UB Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
    • Optional UB request fields [currently not available] – The UB Requests Optional Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem allows you to configure the optional fields to display for UB requests.

    Aleph Photocopy Requests

    A photocopy request can be initiated by selecting an item from the list of items in the Locations tab (if this option is enabled by the Aleph configuration).
    Within Primo, the following configuration options are available:
    • Photocopy request labels – All photocopy request labels are defined in the Photocopy Request code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
    • Configuring optional parameters – Some of the photocopy request parameters are optional and can be displayed by enabling the parameter in the Photocopy Optional Request Parameters mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. This mapping table includes the following columns:
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Request parameter – For Aleph this includes the following fields:
        • request_author, request_title – These are additional fields that the user can place to indicate an interest in a specific section.
        • patron_note_1, patron_note_2 – These notes are available in the Aleph photocopy request.
        • requester_name – Includes the name of the requester in the Aleph photocopy request.
        • add_info – Includes additional information in the Aleph photocopy request.
      • Display – The valid values are Yes/No.
        By default, no optional fields display.

    Configuring My Account and My Library Card

    With the OvP delivery configuration, signed-in users can see their activities in the library on either My Account (classic UI) or My Library Card (new UI).
    My Account Tab (Classic UI)


    My Library Card (New UI)
    From both My Account and My Library Card, users can view the following details on their library activities:

    My Library Card also has an Overview view that summarizes the details from all of the above views. For details, see Configuring the Overview View.

    General Configuration

    The My Account Menu Configuration - OvP mapping table allows you specify the order of the menu items in My Account only and disable items from both My Account and My Library Card. To configure a menu item, specify the following fields:
    • Enabled – Select this check box to enable the mapping row.
    • View ID – Select the view in which this menu will appear. If you select default, it will appear in all views.
    • My Account function – Specify the position of each item in the My Account’s menu. The items display in the following order: myaccount1, myaccount2, myaccount3, myaccount4, and myaccount5.
    • Display – Specify the menu item to display at the position indicated by the My Account function field. The following values are valid: loans, requests, fines, blocks, and personal_settings.
    • Is Enabled – Select Yes to enable this menu item in My Account for the specified view.
    • Description – Specify optional text to describe this mapping row.

    Changes to this mapping table require you deploy the Views and OPAC Via Primo Mapping Tables options on the Primo Home > Deploy All page.

    Configuring the Overview View

    My Library Card (new UI only) has an additional view called Overview. It displays all of the borrowing activities in one view and presents the important items and actions for all views. For each view, the system displays up to three items, which are the first three items in the full view's list. In addition, the Overview page displays notifications, alerts, and actions (such as Renew All for loans). For more details, see My Library Card.


    Overview View (New UI Only)

    The following aspects are configurable for the Overview view:

    • Display labels – The Library Card Labels code table allows you to modify and translate labels, actions, and messages that appear in the Overview view.

    • View settings – The My Account Menu Configuration - OvP mapping table allows you to enable/disable views that appear in My Library Card and the Overview view.

    • Alert settings – The Library Card Alerts mapping table allows you to configure the alert that displays for loans when a loan is due soon or is overdue. You can specify the number of days before a loan is due to display the alert.


      Library Card Alerts Mapping Table

    Configuring the Loans View

    The Loans view contains the following tabs:
    • List of Active Loans
    • List of Historic Loans – Note that this tab is active only for Aleph and Alma because Voyager does not display historic loans.
    Active Loans View (Classic UI)


    Active Loans View (New UI)
    The following fields display in the loans list: title, author, due date and hour, fine amount, and renew action. The title link directs the user to the record's full display in Primo when selected. The list of loans can be sorted either by title or by due date.
    The following loan aspects are configurable:
    • Loans List – The Loans List Configuration mapping table allows you to configure the columns that display for the active and historical loans lists on the My Account > Loans page. This mapping table has the following columns:
      • Enabled – Select this check box to enable the mapping row.
      • View ID – Select the view in which this menu will appear. If you select default, it will appear in all views.
      • Column – This field is read-only. It indicates the column position of the field (defined in the Field Name field) in the active or historical list. The field’s column is determined as follows for each list:
        • Active list: through column7
        • Historical list: loans.brief.history.column1 through column8
        The associated labels for each of the above columns are defined in the Loans List Labels code table.
        The following columns are defined out of the box, but they are not in use. You may redefine them as needed.
        • loans.brief.history.column1
        • loans.brief.history.column8
        • request.brief.column5
      • Field Name – Specify the parameter (such as author and title) that you want to display in either the historical or active loans list. The valid fields are defined in the Loans Detailed Display mapping table.
        • The row number, selection box, and renew status columns are not configurable.
        • The title parameter is required and cannot be removed, but its column position can be changed.
        • Any column that includes the main_location_name parameter can also include the following parameters separated by a space: secondary_location_name, call_number, and call_number_2.
      • Description – Specify optional text to describe this mapping row.

        Changes to this mapping table require you deploy the All Code Tables and Mapping Tables (Front End labels and more) option on the Primo Home > Deploy All page.

    • Loan list labels – All loan list and loan detail labels are defined in the Loans List Labels code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      The Potential Fine column is not populated by Voyager but displays by default in My Account. To hide this column in My Account, change the following line in the code table:
    • Detailed loan display – It is possible to configure which fields from the loan display in the detailed display. This is configured in the Loans Detailed Display mapping table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. This mapping table has the following columns:
      • Enable – Select this check box to display the field.
      • Field Name – The field that should display. The field is expressed in the OvP uniform format fields. The following table lists the data elements that can be displayed, mapping the uniform Primo terms to Aleph and Voyager:
        Loans Detailed Display Fields
        Field Aleph Alma Voyager Default
        Author of item
        Author of item
        Author of item
        Call number
        Call number
        Call number
        2nd call number
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Due date of loan
        Due date of loan
        Due date of loan
        Due hour of loan
        Due hour of loan
        Due hour of loan
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Institution code
        Not applicable
        Does not display by default
        Not applicable
        Institution name
        Not applicable
        Item barcode
        Item barcode
        Item barcode
        Item status code
        Item policy code
        Not applicable
        Does not display by default
        Item status name
        Item policy
        Not applicable
        Description of item
        Description of item
        Description of item (enum + chron joined)
        ID of the item
        ID of the item
        ID of the item
        Does not display by default
        Item processing status
        Item processing status
        Item type
        Date of last renewal
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Date of loan
        Date of loan
        Not applicable
        Status of the loan
        Status of the loan
        Not applicable
        Sub-library code
        Library code
        Location code
        Does not display by default
        Sub-library name
        Library name
        Location name
        Number of overdue letters
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Number of renewals
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        ID of the proxy borrower
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Return date - relevant to historic loans
        Return date - relevant to historic loans
        Not applicable
        Return hour - relevant to historic loans
        Return hour - relevant to historic loans
        Not applicable
        Collection code
        Location code
        Not applicable
        Does not display by default
        Collection name
        Location name
        Not applicable
        Title of item
        Title of item. If item has a description, it will be added to the title inside parentheses.
        Title of item
        Does not display by default (since it displays at the top)
        Publication date of item
        Publication date of item
        Not applicable
      • Field Order – This field indicates the order in which the fields display in the detailed display (only one field displays per line). Field order numbering starts at 1.
      • View ID – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Tag Name – This field is not in use and should be ignored.
    • Paging – If your ILS supports the paging of loans, Primo will fetch loans in bulks. Currently, Voyager supports this functionality. If an end user has more loans than the configured bulk size, Primo will display the Show More Loans link at the bottom of the page, which allows the end user to fetch an additional bulk.
      If an end user invokes the Renew or Renew All option before all loans have been fetched from the ILS, Primo will replace the Show More Loans link with the Refresh List link, which allows the end user to display the updated loans list from the ILS.
      To configure the maximum number of loans fetched per bulk from the ILS, configure the OvP - Loans Paging parameter under the Front End subsystem in the Bulk Definition mapping table. The default value is 100.
      The out-of-the-box value for the OvP - Loans Paging parameter must be modified for Universal Borrowing (UB) sites. Customers should use the number of UB databases and circulation policies to determine the bulk size. Refer to the Voyager-Primo Integration User's Guide for more information.

    Configuring the Requests View

    The Requests view lists active requests, and each request includes the following information:
    • Type of request (see below for a list of types)
    • Title – the title link displays request details when selected
    • Author
    • Status
    • Pickup location
    • Actions – if permitted by the ILS requests, can be cancelled. Aleph ILL requests can also be renewed.
    Requests View (Classic UI)


    Requests View (New UI)
    The List of Requests can be sorted by title and by status.
    The following table lists the request types that can display in the list:
    Request Types
    Type Aleph Alma Voyager
    Acquisition request
    Not applicable
    Not applicable
    Both types of Aleph booking requests are included under bookings:
    • Short loan – the old advanced booking request, which is available as an OvP request.
    • Booking request – the new booking request, which is available as a link to the OPAC in the Requests tab.
    Booking request
    Media booking
    Not applicable
    Not applicable
    Call slip, UB requests (depending on where they are in the fulfillment process)
    Hold, General hold, and Resource Sharing requests
    Hold, Recall, UB requests (depending on where they are in the fulfillment process)
    ILL request
    Not applicable
    Not applicable
    Digitization, Document delivery
    Not applicable
    Not applicable
    Note that the Aleph short loan is called a booking request in My Account.
    Not applicable
    Short loan
    The following aspects can be configured in the Primo Back office:
    • Requests list – The Requests List Configuration mapping table allows you to configure the columns that display for the My Account > Requests page. This mapping table contains the following columns:
      • Enabled – Select this check box to enable the mapping row.
      • View ID – Select the view in which this menu will appear. If you select default, it will appear in all views.
      • Column – This field is read-only. It indicates the column position of the parameter (defined in the Field Name field) in the Requests list. The parameter’s position is determined by the column number:
        requests.brief.column1 - column7
        The associated labels for each of the above column numbers are defined in the Requests List Labels code table.
      • Field Name – Specify the parameter (such as author and title) that you want to display on the Requests page. The valid parameters are defined in the following mapping tables: Call Slip Request Detailed Display, Hold/Recall Request Detailed Display, ILL Request Detailed Display, Short Loan Display, Photocopy Request Detailed Display, Short Loan and Booking Request Detailed Display, and Acquisition Request Detailed Display.
        • Any column that includes the main_location_name parameter can also include the following parameters separated by a space: secondary_location_name, call_number, and call_number_2.
        • If you want a column to display parameters that are not available for all request types, separate the parameters with the OR boolean operator – for example, request_status OR hold_status.
      • Description – Specify optional text to describe this mapping row.

        Changes to this mapping table require you deploy the All Code Tables and Mapping Tables (Front End labels and more) option on the Primo Home > Deploy All page.

    • Request list labels – All request list labels are defined in the Request List Labels code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      In Primo version 3.1, the Location column was added to the My Account tab. To configure its label, update the following code:
    • Detailed request display – It is possible to configure which fields from the requests display in the detailed display. This is configured in a separate mapping table per request type under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. This table has the following columns:
      • Enable – Select this check box to display the field.
      • Field Name – Contains the name of the field to display. The field is expressed in the OvP uniform format fields. The following tables list the data elements that can be displayed per request type, mapping the common Primo term to the Aleph, Alma, and Voyager terms.
      • Field Order – This field indicates the order in which the fields display in the detailed display (only one field displays per line). Field order numbering starts at 1.
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Tag Name – This field is not used and should be ignored.
    • Hold/recall request – detailed display – The relevant mapping table is Hold/Recall Request Detailed Display under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      Hold/Recall Request - Detailed Display Fields
      Field Aleph Alma Voyager Default
      Author of item
      Author of item
      Not applicable
      Call number
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      2nd call number
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Last date by which item is saved for the user in the holds shelf
      Not applicable
      Last date by which item is saved for the user in the holds shelf
      Last interest date of request
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      ID of the request group
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Date item was placed on hold shelf
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Status of the request
      Request workflow status
      Status of the request
      Not applicable
      Institution code
      Voyager database code
      Does not display by default
      Not applicable
      Institution name
      Name of institution to which the request was made (relevant for UB requests)
      Item status code
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Item status name
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Description of item
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Item processing status
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Sub-library code
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Sub-library name
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Note entered by end user
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Additional note entered by end user
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Pickup location
      Pickup location
      Pickup location
      Additional information about the requested material entered by the end user
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Start date of request
      Create date of request
      Not applicable
      Additional information about the requested material entered by the end user
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Additional information about the requested material entered by the end user
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Type of request
      Type of request
      Type of request
      ID of the request
      ID of the request
      Not applicable
      ID of a proxy requester
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Collection code
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Collection name
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Title of item
      Title of item. If the item has a description, it will be added to the title inside parentheses.
      Title of item
      Does not display by default because it displays at the top
      Publication date of item
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
    • Bookings – detailed display – The relevant mapping table is Short Loan and Booking Request Detailed Display under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      Short Loan and Booking Request Detailed Display
      Field Aleph Alma Voyager Default
      Author of item
      Author of item
      Not applicable
      End date of slot
      End date of slot
      End date of slot
      End date of slot
      End time of slot
      End time of slot
      Start date of slot
      Start date of slot
      Start date of slot
      Start time of slot
      Start time of slot
      Start time of slot
      Call number
      Not applicable
      2nd call number
      Not applicable
      Delivery method
      Not applicable
      The time it takes to move the requested item to its requested pickup location
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      ID of the request group
      Not applicable
      The amount of time the library needs to prepare material by default
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Not applicable
      Institution code
      Voyager database code
      Does not display by default
      Not applicable
      Institution name
      Name of institution to which the request was made (relevant for UB requests)
      Barcode of the item
      Not applicable
      Item status code
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Item status name
      Not applicable
      Description of item
      Not applicable
      Not applicable
      Item type
      Item processing status
      Not applicable
      Sub-library code
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Sub-library name
      Not applicable
      Note entered by end user
      Not applicable
      Additional note entered by end user
      Not applicable
      Pickup location
      Pickup location
      Pickup location
      Status of the request
      Status of the request
      Type of request
      Type of request
      Type of request
      ID of the request
      ID of the request
      Not applicable
      ID of a proxy requester
      Not applicable
      Location in which item should be returned
      Not applicable
      Collection code
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Collection name
      Not applicable
      The amount of time the library needs to process the request after it is returned
      Not applicable
      Does not display by default
      Title of item
      Title of item
      Title of item
      Publication date of item
      Not applicable
    • ILL – detailed display – ILL requests are displayed only for Aleph.
      The relevant mapping table is ILL Request Detailed Display under the OvP subsystem.
      ILL Request Detailed Display
      Field Aleph Default
      Due date of fulfilled ILL request
      Last interest date for request
      Requested media
      Note entered by end user
      Additional note entered by end user
      Pickup location
      Additional data fields, where <n/> is 1 through 5.
      These fields can be used to display the volume, part, month, day, and issue. Note that you may need to configure tab22 in the ILL library for this to work. For example:
      USER-DEF-1 1 ISS## v
      USER-DEF-2 1 ISS## p
      USER-DEF-3 1 ISS## m
      USER-DEF-4 1 ISS## d
      USER-DEF-5 1 ISS## i
      It is important to keep the correct order of the fields, but they do not necessarily have to be user-defined field 1-5.
      Author of article or part
      Status of request
      Title of article or part
      Type of request
      ID of request
      Does not display by default.
      Note entered by staff
      Supplier status
      Imprint of title
      ILL request last update date
    • Photocopies – detailed display – Photocopy requests are displayed for Aleph and Alma. The relevant mapping table is Photocopy Request Detailed Display under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      Photocopy Request Detailed Display
      Field Aleph Alma Default
      Additional information
      Not applicable
      Call number
      Not applicable
      2nd call number
      Not applicable
      Description of item
      Not applicable
      Sub-library code
      Library code
      Does not display by default
      Sub-library name
      Library name
      Note entered by end user
      Not applicable
      Additional note entered by end user
      Not applicable
      Pickup location
      Pickup location
      Author of article or part
      Not applicable
      Date request was created
      Date request was created
      Pages of articles of part
      Not applicable
      Status of request
      Request workflow status
      Title of article or part
      Not applicable
      Type of request
      Type of request
      Requester name
      Not applicable
      Title of item. If the item has a description, it will be added to the title inside parentheses.
      Not applicable
    • Acquisition requests – detailed display – Acquisition requests display only for Aleph. The relevant mapping table is Acquisition Request Detailed Display under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      Acquisition Request Detailed Display
      Field Aleph Default
      Same as order number
      Does not display by default
      Does not display by default
      Does not display by default
      Date of status of order
      Library note
      Order number
      Author of article or part
      Pages of articles or part
      Status of request
      Title of article or part
      Type of request
    • Call slip – detailed display – Call slips display only for Voyager. The relevant mapping table is Callslip Request Detailed Display under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      Callslip Request Detailed Display
      Field Voyager Default
      Last date item is held in holds shelf
      Voyager database code
      Does not display by default
      Name of institution to which the request was made (relevant for UB requests)
      Pickup location
      Status of request
      Type of request
    • Short loan – detailed display – Short Loans display only for Voyager. The relevant mapping table is Short Loan Display under the OPAC via Primo subsystem.
      Short Loan Display
      Field Voyager Default
      Last date item is held in holds shelf
      Voyager database code
      Does not display by default
      Name of institution to which the request was made (relevant for UB requests)
      Pickup location
      Status of request
      Type of request

    Configuring the Fines and Fees View

    The Fines and Fees view displays a list of Aleph cash transactions, Voyager fines and demerits, and Alma fines and fees.
    Fines and Fees View (Classic UI)


    Fines and Fees View (New UI)
    This list includes the following information:
    • Title of the item linked to the fine or fee. If there is no title, no title displays. The title is a link to detailed information about the fine.
    • Author of the item linked to the fine or fee.
    • The date that the fine was accrued.
    • The type of fine. The following values are valid per system:
      • (Aleph and Alma) credit or debit
      • (Voyager) fine or demerit
    • The fine/demerit amount
    • An indication of whether the fine was transferred. This is relevant only to Aleph.
    • The balance summary.
    If you click a fine in the list, the system displays additional information on the Details of Fine page:
    Details of Fine View - My Account (Classic UI)


    Details of Fine - My Library Card (New UI)
    The following aspects can be configured in the Primo Back Office:
    • Fine and fee labels – The Fines List Labels code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem defines all fine and fee labels on the List of Fines and Details of Fine views.
      For Voyager demerits, the prefix of Demerit in the list comes directly from the Voyager configuration file (
    • Fines detailed display – The Fines Detailed Display mapping table configures which fields display on the Details of Fine view. This table has the following columns:
      • Enable – Select this check box to display the field.
      • Field Name – The name of the field to display. The field is expressed in the OvP uniform format fields. The following table lists the data elements that can be displayed per fee or fine type, mapping the common Primo term to the Aleph, Alma, and Voyager terms.
        Fines Detailed Display
        Field Aleph Alma Voyager Default
        Author of item
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Call number
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        2nd call number
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Date on which charge was created
        Date on which charge was created
        Textual description the charge
        Fine type
        ID of the fine
        ID of the fine
        Not applicable
        Sub-library of fine
        Library name
        Cash type – for example, overdue
        Fine status
        Amount of charge
        Amount of charge
        ADM code
        Institution code
        Voyager database code
        Does not display by default
        ADM name
        Institution name
        Name of institution to which the request was made (relevant for UB requests)
        Item barcode
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Item status code
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Does not display by default
        Item status name
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Item processing status
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Sub-library code
        Library code
        Not applicable
        Does not display by default
        Sub-library name
        Library name
        Not applicable
        Collection code
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Does not display by default
        Collection name
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Title of item
        Title of item
        Title of item
        Does not display by default (since it displays at the top)
        Transfer date
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Transfer department
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Transfer number
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Indicates whether or not the fine has been transferred
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Type of fine:
        Type of fine:
        Type of fine:
        Publication date of item
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
      • Field Order – This field indicates the order in which the fields display in the detailed display (only one field displays per line). Field order numbering starts at 1.
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Tag Name – This field is not used and should be ignored.

    Configuring the Blocks and Messages View

    The Blocks and Messages view displays a list of patron blocks (Aleph and Voyager) and library messages (Aleph only) to the user. Labels for blocks and messages are defined in the Blocks and Messages List Labels code table.

    Blocks and Messages View (Classic UI)


    Blocks and Messages View (New UI)

    Configuring the Personal Settings View

    The Personal Setting view combines Primo settings and patron information that comes from the ILS. The view has two main parts:

    • Personal settings – patron information, such as address and e-mail. Aleph users may update their address information in Primo if they are configured in Aleph to allow updates to address information.

    • Display settings – the number of results that can be saved per page and the default interface language.


    Personal Settings View (Classic UI)


    Personal Details View (New UI)

    On the Personal settings view, the e-mail and SMS settings are derived from Primo. If these fields are blank in the Primo personal settings table, they display from the ILS. When the user updates these fields, they are updated in Primo and pending ILS configuration (Aleph and Alma only), in the ILS patron database as well.

    The following aspects can be configured in the Primo Back Office:

    • Personal Settings Labels – Most of the personal setting labels are defined in the Personal Settings Labels code table under the OPAC via Primo subsystem. The remaining labels for the e-mail address and the SMS number are defined in the My Preferences Tile code table under the Front End subsystem.

    • Personal Setting Fields – In the Personal Setting Fields mapping table, it is possible to define which fields display and in which order.

      Changes to this mapping table require you deploy the All Code Tables and Mapping Tables (Front End labels and more) option on the Primo Home > Deploy All page.

      This table has the following columns:

      • Enable – Select this check box to display the field.

      • Field Name – The field that should display. The field is expressed in the OvP uniform format fields. The following table lists the data elements that can be updated in Primo, mapping the uniform Primo term to the corresponding Aleph, Alma, and Voyager terms.

        Personal Setting Fields
        Field Aleph Alma Voyager
        Address line 1
        Address line 1
        Address line 1
        Address line 2
        Address line 2
        Address line 2
        Address line 3
        Address line 3
        Address line 3
        Address line 4
        Address line 4
        Address line 4
        Address line 5
        Address line 5
        Address line 5
        Address valid date from.
        This field is required.
        Address valid date from.
        Not applicable
        Address valid date to.
        This field is required.
        Address valid date to.
        Not applicable
        Not applicable
        Type of attachment
        Preferred email
        Not applicable
        Email address
        Email address
        Email address
        The new password used to update the user’s login.
        The new password used to update the user’s login.
        Not applicable
        The original password to be updated by the update login credentials functionality.
        The original password to be updated by the update login credentials functionality.
        Not applicable
        (Classic UI only) contact.patron_expiry_
        Patron expiry date
        Patron expiry date
        Patron expiry date
        (Classic UI only) contact.patron_status_
        Patron status
        Patron status
        Patron Group Name
        Not applicable
        Pincode if required to update login credentials.
        Not applicable
        Indicates whether user wants to receive an SMS message from the library.
        Indicates whether user wants to receive an SMS message from the library.
        Not applicable
        SMS number
        SMS number
        SMS number
        Not applicable
        Telephone 1
        Preferred phone
        Telephone type=primary
        Telephone 2
        Not applicable
        Telephone type=mobile
        Telephone 3
        Not applicable
        Telephone type=fax
        Telephone 4
        Not applicable
        Telephone type=other
        Zip code
        Zip code
        Zip code
      • Field Order – This field indicates the order in which the fields display in the detailed display (only one field displays per line). Field order numbering starts at 1.
      • View – The code of the view. The default value is default, which means that this element is used by all views that do not have a specific line defined. If you want separate configurations per view, create new lines per view. You must include definitions for all the elements you want for the view. Once a specific view has been configured, the system takes only the fields defined for the active view.
      • Tag Name – This field is not used and should be ignored.
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