Stop Words
If you are working with Primo VE and not Primo, see Linguistic Features for Primo VE.
Stop words are included in phrase searches and omitted from keyword searches. For example, if a user searches for the adventures of huckleberry finn, Primo performs the following searches:
Primo uses stop word lists during indexing and searching. The stop words are stored in files called stopwords_<language_code>.jsw, where <language_code> indicates the language. For example, stopwords_eng.jsw is the English stop words list. The file is located in the following directory, where <v> is the Primo version in which Primo was first installed and <y> is the Primo copy:
For users who do not have access to the server, see the following stop word files: stopwords_chi.jsw, stopwords_dan.jsw, stopwords_eng.jsw, stopwords_fre.jsw, stopwords_ger.jsw, stopwords_heb.jsw, stopwords_ita.jsw, stopwords_nor.jsw, and stopwords_spa.jsw.
Each stop word must be in the normalized form and cannot contain diacritics. For example, boök should be entered as booek in the stop word file.
Because stop words are indexed in Primo, you should re-index the database after making changes to the stop word files.
Changes to the stopword configuration files have no effect on the results returned from remote searches, CDI, or any other deep search adaptor.
Author Names
Primo treats words with O' apostrophe as a stop word in many Latin languages and indexes them as two separate words. This happens also for authors such as O'Leary, which is indexed as o and leary. As a result, a search for Oleary will not retrieve the same number of results as O'Leary. When users search for names that typically include apostrophes but do not include the apostrophe, Primo will also search for the name as if the users had included the apostrophe. For example, if the user's query is Oleary, Primo will change the query to search for oleary or o leary. The system uses the apostrophe_names.txt file to determine which common names start with an O' apostrophe. This file is located under the following directory:
No indexing is required to benefit from this capability.
Changes to the author configuration files have no effect on the results returned from remote searches, CDI, or any other deep search adaptor.