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    Cleaning PDS Log Files

    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. For more details on Primo VE configuration, see Primo VE.
    The backs up the active PDS log file to a compressed file, adding a time stamp to the file name (for example, pds_server.log.24Mar09.gz) and creates an empty pds_server.log file in the source directory ($LOGDIR). Ex Libris Support recommends that you run the script once a month.
    This script is located under the following directory (be_bin), where <r> is the Primo version in which Primo was first installed and <x> is the Primo instance:
    To execute the delete PDS log script:
    1. Log on to the server as the primo user.
    2. Enter the following command to move to the directory that contains the log script:
    3. Enter the following command to run the script: