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    Deleting and Re-Indexing the Database

    This information is not applicable to Primo VE environments. For more details on Primo VE configuration, see Primo VE.
    Because the database and indexes are deleted first, this procedure allows you to perform a full re-load of all data sources and re-index from scratch. Until the re-load and re-indexing has completed, the system will not be available. This procedure is mainly used during the implementation phase to test normalization rule sets to see how data displays in the FE. If you want to re-index from scratch only, see Re-Indexing the Database.
    • You can re-load an entire data source without first deleting the database by running an "update" pipe. This means that all of the records in the database for the relevant data source are updated and re-indexed. You can run an "update" pipe by using the following Pipe Type option on the Define Pipe page in the Primo Back Office:
    • No Harvesting - Update Data Source – This pipe uses the data from the already harvested records for the data source.
    This process is relevant only for local and dedicated Primo service level customers, which have access to the Primo server.
    To delete and re-index the database:
    1. Log on to the BE server as the primo user and enter the following command to stop the Back Office:
    2. Enter the following commands to clean the database and indexes. If you want to clean only the indexes, use the command instead of the command.
      Following the execution of the command, pipes can take longer to run.
      If you want to clean only the indexes, use the command.
    3. Enter the following command to restart the Back Office:
    4. Log on to the FE server as the primo user and enter the following commands to restart the server:
    5. Log on to each of the SE servers as the primo user and enter the following commands to restart each server:
    6. From a Web browser, enter the URL for the Back Office server. For example:
    7. From the Back Office home page, click Primo Home > Monitor Primo Status > Pipe Monitoring.
    8. For each relevant pipe, click Execute.
      Since only one pipe can run at a time, execute the next relevant pipe after the previous pipe completes.
    9. After all relevant pipes have completed, log on to the BE server as the primo user and enter the following command to connect old tags with PNX records:
    10. From the Back Office home page, click Primo Home > Monitor Primo Status > Process Monitoring.
    11. Click Execute for the Indexing_and_Didumean_and_Hotswapping process.
    12. Log on to the FE server as the primo user.
    13. Enter the following commands to monitor the job execution on the FE:
      tail -f library_server.log