Analytics Usage Tracking
The Analytics Usage Tracking subject area allows you to create reports concerning the usage of Rapido Analytics and is able to answer the following types of business questions:
- Which Rapido user ran Analytics reports/dashboards? When were the reports/dashboards run? Which reports/dashboards were run (including a path to the reports)?
- How long did the reports take to run (total time in seconds)? How many times were the reports run (number of queries)?
- Which percent of reports ended successfully or failed?
- Which subject areas are used the most? How many times were the subject areas used? How many users use the subject areas? How long were queries run on each subject area?
- Which users use which specific subject areas?
- What is the analytics usage for a day of the week? an hour of the day? a week of the year? a month of the year?

Analytics Usage Tracking
- To use the Usage Tracking subject area, you must set the enable_usage_tracking parameter (see Analytics Configuration - Other Settings) to true
- Additionally, the Analytics Usage Tracking job must be enabled.
- This subject area becomes available a week after the parameter is set and the data included is from one week prior to the parameter's activation. For example, if the parameter was set to true on November 13th, the Usage Tracking subject area will be available by November 20th and will include data as of November 6th.
- Analytics Usage Tracking data is updated once a week. The nightly job which is run Monday night will extract to analytics all data from the previous week up to and including the previous Saturday. Thus, for example, the job run Monday January 21 will include all data up to and including Saturday January 19.
Field Descriptions

Analytics Usage Tracking - Field Descriptions
Usage Tracking Measures
The Usage Tracking Measures table is a measures table that stores details on usage tracking.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Number of Queries | The number of queries | Note that the usage tracking measure "Number of Queries" does not distinguish between reports run from a link on the Rapido dashboard (as an analytics object of type "Report") and reports created manually from the Design Analytics link. Therefore, you cannot create reports that display usage from just one of those sources. |
Total Time in Seconds | The total time the queries took in seconds | |
Average Time in Secs | The average time to run the report | |
Total Rows Retrieved |
The total number of rows retrieved by the report | |
Average Rows Retrieved | The average number of rows retrieved by the report |
Query Details
The Query Details table is a dimension table that stores details on queries.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Data updated as of | The last date the data was updated | |
Dashboard Name | The name of the dashboard | |
Dashboard Tab | The dashboard tab | |
Start Hour Min | The start hour | |
Start Time | The start time | |
Error Code | The code of the error | |
Error Text | The text of the error message | |
End Hour Min | The end hour | |
End Time | The end time | |
Number of Rows per Report | The number of rows in the report | When a large amount of data is returned from a query, this column is not populated until the user displays all of the data. |
Object Path | The object path | |
Object Type | The object type | Possible Values:
Query Type Group | Indicates the query type group | Possible values: Classic Reports and Dashboards and DV Projects |
Report Duration | The time the report took to run | |
Query Status | The query status | |
Subject Area | The subject area |
Query Date
The Query Date table is a dimension table that stores details on the query date.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
Query Date | The date that the query was run | |
Query Day Name | The query day name | |
Query Day of Week | The query day of the week | |
Query Week Number | The query week number | |
Query Month Key | The query month (for example 2 for February) | |
Query Month | The query month | |
Query Quarter | The query quarter | |
Query Year | The query year | |
Query Year Month | The query year and month | |
Query Year Month Key | The query year and month in format 2023-02 | |
Query Fullmonth | Stores the month and the year of the date in a display format such as Feb 12 | This field is useful when comparing data on a month basis between years. |
Query Date Filter | Used to filter reports by date | |
Query Year-Month | The year and the month in a format such as 2023-1 |
User Details
The User Details table is a dimension table that stores details on users.
Field | Description | Additional Information |
External Id | The external ID of the user | |
First Name | The first name of the user | |
Full Name | The full name of the user | If the report is system generated, Scheduled Reports is displayed for the user name. |
Gender | The gender of the user | |
Job Description | The job description of the user | |
Job Title | The job title of the user | |
Last Activity Date | The last date that a patron made a request or borrowed or returned an item | |
Last Name | The last name of the user | |
Middle Name | The middle name of the user | |
Preferred First Name | Stores the user’s preferred first name | See the field location in Rapido in the image below. |
Preferred Last Name | Stores the user’s preferred last name | See the field location in Rapido in the image below. |
Preferred Middle Name | Stores the user's preferred middle name | See the field location in Rapido in the image below. |
Primary Identifier | The primary identifier of the user | |
Status | The status of the user | |
Expiry Date | Stores the date on which the user is to expire and no longer be able to get service from the system | Changing the user expiry date is one way to control item due dates that extend beyond the end of a semester and must be shortened to the end of the semester. For more information, see How to Make Items Have Due Dates at the End of the Semester. |
Birth Date | Stores the birth date of the user | |
User Group | The user group of the user | |
User Id | The user ID of the user | |
IdP Service in Use | Indicates if an identity provider service is in use | |
User Record Type | The record type of the user | |
User Title | The user title of the user | |
User Type | The user type of the user |