Analytics Configuration - Other Settings
The following parameters can be configured on this page:
- analytics_display_local_params – When set to true, Alma Analytics displays the local parameters in analytics reports. This is possible for the local parameters under Physical Items > Bibliographic details and Physical Items > Holdings Details. The local parameter appears as a prefix to the current local parameter field name.
- enable_usage_tracking – When set to true, Alma collects usage of Alma Analytics in the institution. This is then reflected in the Analytics Usage Tracking subject area. This subject area becomes available a week after the parameter is set and the data included is from one week prior to the parameter's activation. For example, if the parameter was set to true on November 13th, the Usage Tracking subject area will be available by November 20th and will include data as of November 6th. For more information, see Analytics Usage Tracking.
- support_partial_analytics_designer – When set to true, the limited Alma Analytics design roles are available that give the user access to specific subject areas only. For more information, see User Roles – Descriptions and Accessible Components.