Online Chat Support for Rialto - FAQ
- Product: Rialto
Q: What kinds of questions may we ask in chat?
A: Use chat to ask how-to questions, check on your orders, follow up on transactions, configuration questions, product design questions, and other inquiries.
Example: “I placed an order for an ebook a few days ago and it is still not activated. Could you please check on the status of the order?”
Q: Can I start an online chat with Support staff instead of opening a case in the Support Portal?
A: Yes. However, we encourage you to use the Support Portal for issues which probably require in-depth analysis or a lengthy reproduction effort. If you have multiple attachments ready, we opening a case through the Support Portal.
Q: What happens if the issue I report cannot be solved in online chat or needs to be transferred to another team?
A: Issues or questions which cannot be solved during an online chat session will be handled offline in a regular support case that is automatically created once a chat is answered. The support analyst will provide you with your case number.
Q: Who will answer the chats?
A: Chat requests are answered by Technical Support Analysts, who have the expertise to assist you with any Rialto issues or questions.
Q: What hours will chat support be available?
A: Rialto customers will be able to chat with our support analyst Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm US Eastern time, 9am to 5pm UK time and 9am to 5pm Australian Eastern Time.
Q: How long do I have to respond to an ongoing chat before it times out?
A: The chat will time out and close after 10 minutes of no response.
Q: What languages will be supported?
A: Online chat support will be available in English.
Q: How do I access the online chat?
A: Access chat through the Alma New UI Layout. A chat icon will be added to the Alma Persistent Main Menu Icons and will be visible to users with the relevant roles. If chat is not available, please reach out to your library Alma administrators.
Q: Can anyone use the online chat? Does it require registration to the Support Portal?
A: A dedicated ‘Chat with Support’ role is required to initiate an online chat. Institutional administrators will need to define and add this role to the relevant users. Although, user access to the support portal isn’t required to access chat support.
When a non-Support Portal user initiates a chat, the case that is automatically created will generate a contact in our system, and a Support Portal user account can be created if needed.
Q: How will online chat support work if we use a shared Support Portal user account?
A: Online chat support is enabled per user in the platform. Each relevant staff member will need the chat role enabled. The cases created by the chat session will have their personal user as a contact.
You can ask the Technical Support Analyst to change the contact of the case to the shared user for you. You can also do it yourself by editing the case in the Support Portal and changing the contact.
Please click here for more information on how to add the “Chat with Support” role to users.
Q: Where can I view and refer to the chat session and the case created by it?
A: You can download the chat transcript during the chat session, or immediately after ending it.
In addition, the case created by the chat session is available in the Support Portal.
Q: Can I rate my satisfaction and provide feedback regarding the chat service?
A: Yes. A satisfaction survey will be sent to you when the case is resolved.
- Article last edited: July 07, 2020