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    Rialto rush status definitions for "In Stock" and "Out of Stock" items

    • Product: Rialto

    Requesting to rush an order will ensure an item is received is quickly as possible. At this time, rush is provided within North America. 


    • For in stock Items - We can offer a drop-ship service directly from a ProQuest (or partner's) warehouse to the library. Customers will be charged the actual freight charges incurred by the shipment regardless of other freight agreements, and no shelf-ready services will be applied. Turnaround time may be 2-4 business days, depending on the time of day when the order was placed, the volume of available stock, and the location of the shipper relative to the library.


    example of an in stock item, indicating the standard expected shipping time

    Rush is an opt-in service which requires additional account configuration to ensure proper order mapping.     


    • For everything else - Expedited ordering from the publisher. Once the publisher has confirmed that titles are available for shipping, turnaround time may take an additional two weeks to be received by the library. They will be given priority from sourcing through to shipping. Shelf-ready services may still be applied if desired. 


    example of an out of stock item, indicating the standard expected shipping time



    If you have any questions or would like to enable rush ordering, please contact us via live chat or submit a support ticket here.

    • Article last edited: 10-Jun-2021
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