DPS: Preservation extract not checking EXISTS_IN_DPS flag
- Article Type: General
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 8.2.2
Problem Symptoms:
When Preservation extract checks for DPS records changed since last extract, it does not check for BIB_MASTER.EXISTS_IN_DPS = Y, and non-DPS records that have been changed since last extract are also extracted.
This behavior is the result of Issue VYG-5538.
VYG-5538 is not reproducible in Voyager 9.1.0.
Additional Information
Replication steps:
1. Identify a record or records where BIB_MASTER.EXISTS_IN_DPS = Y
2. Identify a record or records where BIB_MASTER.EXISTS_IN_DPS = N
3. Update a record or records from step 1 and step 2.
4. Run the Preservation extract so that it uses PreservationExpChangedSince.txt and the date within PreservationExpChangedSince.txt will include the updated records.
5. Review the output file; note that records from step 2 are included, even though these should not be extracted by the Preservation extract
Workaround: Exporting by list of bib_ids DOES successfully check for and exclude any records where EXISTS_IN_DPS = N.
Category: Interoperability (Voy)
Subject: Preservation (Voy)
- Article last edited: 10/16/2014