- Product Documentation
- Access the latest documentation for Ex Libris products
- Release Notes
- Stay informed about the features and capabilities included in each product release
- Training
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- Community Knowledge
- Learn from other customers’ experience, access customer contributed articles and share your own expertise
- add URL links in 'More Information pane in the IIIF UV
- Create an ALTO xml file
- CSV ingest file - Allow Navigation on Collections
- DCReplacePlugin action
- DNX property normalisers - what are they?
- legacy FTP server for Format Library releases decommissioned (replaced by GitHub repository)
- Rosetta Format Library - few details about GitHub and FTP
- Edit and validate XSLT prior to OAI-Harvesting
- Knowledge Articles
- Search our extensive knowledge base for answers to commonly raised questions
- "You were disconnected due to inactivity. Please reconnect" message
- $TMPDIR filling up with ImageMagick files
- 3.2.2 Install overriding Linux LANG Setting
- 5.1 SP Upgrade- Workaround PDS Bug That Does not Allow Special Characters
- Access Rights Policy based on IP Range
- Adding metadata field order display logic to the viewer's " i " Information
- Update IE representation lock the IE and update never ends
- Add an IP Address to Access Ex Libris Products Through Hosted Server Firewall
- Add a new FL to a REP with descriptive metadata via API
- Add a New Metadata Field to an IE in Rosetta's Permanent Repository
- Adjusting local BIRT reports after upgrading to Rosetta SP 4.1
- Advanced Search with Solr in Rosetta failing after 3.2.2 upgrade
- After installation of new 'Format Library', format identification fails with errors during submission
- After upgrade to Voyager 9, renew results in "There was a problem communicating with the Library"
- Aleph-Rosetta synchronization problem with a long record
- Aleph/ARC discrepancy in order local price and number units
- Aleph 20 and end of Oracle support for
- Allowed file locations for ingests
- Allowing patrons to place holds on titles they already have on loan
- Alma / Primo Email synchronization
- ANA: Reports using Title_Details return no data if BIB_FORMAT_DISPLAY is empty
- An installed custom plugin is properly coded but behaves unexpectedly
- ARC 4.0 : Circ-Logger: Minimum date invalid in configuration file
- Are Virtual HyperV and Linux Containers environments supported?
- AssignCollectionByName in enrichment
- Assign Access Rights discrepancies between DB and METS
- Assign Collection by DC (Ingest Enrichment Routine)
- Assign Collection by Name (Post-ingest)
- Attempts to ingest a *.zip file ends up in the Deposit errors TA Workbench [DEPOSIT_WORK_QUEUE]
- Authenticating a group of SAML users
- Automatically Add Deposited Items to a Collection
- Block size in Storage configuration
- Bytestream Extraction / Decomposition Rule
- Can't create temporary directory ERROR AGENT=REG SA VC CLAMAV
- Getting "Cannot update the Logic Deposit Area General Parameter" error
- Can't update the logic deposit area parameter in General Parameters
- Cannot create derivative copies of a “multi-page” tiff
- Cannot upload files larger than 2GB using applet
- Cannot view certain IEs
- Cantaloupe Image Server adjustments (starting Rosetta SP 7.3)
- Can a closed SalesForce case be re-opened?
- Can extracted technical metadata from images be indexed?
- Can files be deposited without file extensions?
- Can Permanent Directory Location be Changed?
- Can there be different delivery rules for two different Institutions?
- Can user id belong to several user groups
- Case sensitivity of file extension / file names - Rosetta
- cgisess files accumulate under rm /exlibris/dps/d4_1/tmp/
- Change Number of Published Records in OAI
- Change the mouse-over text for the " i " button in the Viewer
- Changing the renewed General IE Viewer after 5.4 SP installation
- Changing to thumbnail view in the left-hand navigation in the General IE Viewer
- Check SIP that failed into TA Validation
- Chrome browser identifies connection as "Not Secure"
- Cleanup Job
- Collections tree in Collections Management and collections list on Search do not load
- Combinations of metadata type and metadata subtype values (all possible combinations)
- Configure Copyrights Boilerplate for Deposit Material Flows
- Configure Publishing Schedule Job
- Configure Universal Viewer to download original file
- convert_temp file too large
- Created users cannot be logged into their institutions
- Creating a Process to Change the Retention Policy for a Batch of IEs
- Customer ability to close Salesforce Cases
- Customize Report Templates in Rosetta
- Custom viewers deployed within JBoss after 4.1
- Decompose ZIP-archives during the ingest process
- Deleted Scheduled Processes Still Running
- Delete a Rosetta Collection with assigned IEs
- Delete Representation Task
- Delivery of objects for Staff User
- Deposit error but submission job successfull
- Deposit with custom fixity requires the Plug-In Name
- Detailed CSV" and "Detailed METS" submission formats can't be deleted?
- Determine Version of OpenSSL Software used by an Ex Libris Product
- Display Collection Metadata in Collection Viewer light box
- Does Ex Libris support require an exlibris user and Oracle SYSADM privileges?
- Does new Voyager location impact Primo Extracts?
- Does Rosetta support other descriptive metadata schemas besides Dublin Core?
- DPS: Preservation extract not checking EXISTS_IN_DPS flag
- Emailed Activity Status Change Notification should include the SIP ID
- emailed producer report is not working
- Email notifications
- Enhancement Process - Common Q&A
- Error "Invalid Directory" when running submission application
- Error while adding/updating representation
- Executing SQL Scripts gives warning on SP 5.0.1 installation
- Extracted significant properties - UI search
- Ex Libris Offices' IP Addresses
- Failed to get the operational shared during ssh login to Rosetta Application Server
- Files are not found after Resubmit SIP in TA To Permanent
- Files delivered using IIIF Universal Viewer are not ordered according to Logical Structure Map of delivered Representation
- Files with a md5 extension fail format identification during validation.
- Files with unusual characters in filename not moving across into Rosetta
- Find Duplicates system job scope
- Find SIP ID of an IE which is not in Permanent
- Fixity checks during Rosetta delivery
- Rosetta fails to 'Rollback' an IE that contains CMS metadata leaving it locked, following decommission of external CMS system
- Formats Breakdown VS Formats at Risk Preservation Reports
- Format Identification errors after applying SP 4.1
- Format identification failing after installation of Format Library 7.2106
- Format library GitHub connection error
- Full-text extraction in Rosetta 7.3
- Handles Publishing
- How Does Rosetta Handle Export Threads?
- How does Rosetta manage Derivative Copy representations?
- How does the Persistent Identifier work?
- How Do Files Move during the updateRepresentation Web Service
- How do I request a Support Portal Login for a new staff member?
- How making changes in Local Format Library impacts your Rosetta instance and Global Format Library
- How the mailing list works for a new scheduled job
- How to activate Captcha in Rosetta
- How to Add a New Institution to Rosetta
- How to add a Title to a customized Birt report
- How to add new Producer Group to the dropdown in Producer details
- How to add the producer password to the "New Password has been generated" email
- How to add/request to add new file format to Global Format Library
- How to allow bulk upload option using Aurigma uploader?
- How to assign an entity type to an object during deposit?
- How to change "logic_deposit_area" path
- How to Change a MD Extractor for a Format
- How to change the directory where Tomcat temporally saves a copy of the file for deposit (relevant for manual deposit only)
- How to change the log files location
- How to change the PDS that Rosetta uses?
- How to change values in the UI Labels code table?
- How to check Rosetta's Indexing Status
- How to check Rosetta System Checks?
- How to configure Rosetta access rights to use 2 user groups
- How to configure the date for the "Delivery Stats Report"?
- How to create and load a CSV file into Rosetta
- How to create and run a process on a set of intellectual entities (IEs)
- How to create a PDS handle
- How to customize DC Elements in OAI Publishing output
- Customize the metadata labels in the “i” pop-up in the METS Viewer
- How to disable the self registration link in the Deposit Module's login screen
- How to deliver IEs with multiple viewers?
- How to deploy external viewers from JBoss to Tomcat
- How to Deposit a BagIt! bag into Rosetta
- How to determine if there are active Rosetta sessions
- How to Enable IIIF When Using a Proxy?
- How to export Format Auto Correction Rules - SQL query
- How to Export Sets of IEs?
- How to get Rosetta thread dump
- How to improve the performance of Rosetta thumbnail creation?
- How to include customized DC field values in Rosetta without adding a namespace?
- How to increase the heap size for Rosetta
- How to ingest more than one METS XML files in a single SIP?
- How to install a SAML tracer in Firefox?
- How to install ClamAV virus detection plugin for the Rosetta validation stack
- How to kill an Oracle database session
- How to make SIPs bypass Assessment and go straight into the Permanent repository?
- How to make the source record number display in Primo search results
- How to migrate derivative copy creation configuration to use the new transformation profile
- How to re-enable a StartUp-Check that was disabled via 'Ignore Permanently'
- How to reindex the repository
- How to remove a file from an IE that is in permanent
- How to remove a file from IE in TA
- How to remove Exlibris copyrights sign from the page footer for Delivery
- How to remove unused Java JDK from server ?
- How to save PDF files using the FlexPaper viewer?
- How to Set Up a Scheduled Task
- How to solve the error: Preservation Types not valid
- How to unassign a SIP or IE that is assigned to another user
- How to update dashboard for “at risk” formats after format Library update?
- How to update Rosetta certificates for SAML Authentication Profiles ?
- How to update the Format Registry ID
- How to update the Format Registry ID (PUID)?
- How to update the local IP in Rosetta
- How to validate our METS file against the Rosetta METS Profile?
- How to work with source metadata where MDTYPE = other
- IA Book Reader Deployment failed after 4.0 upgrade
- Identifying internal IP addresses
- IE's linked to collection not visible
- IEs failing to index due to a huge significant property
- Rosetta IE Viewer fails with incorrect StructMap
- IIIF and Universal Viewer METADATA customization
- IIIF Manifest Delivery Fails
- Implementing the New Rosetta Login Screen on Existing Installations
- Implement Location Sort Order for Voyager VPRIMO
- Incorrect DNX metadata after preservation plan execution
- Depositing and Exporting Files with Special Characters in the Filename
- Ingesting METS xml as a file fails validation with error: "Errors returned during metadata extraction; can't find the declaration of element 'mets:mets"
- Ingest XML files fails in some servers
- Institutions Codes
- Is it be possible to add 2 DNX events to the same IE via CSV deposit ?
- Is it possible to create submission format that doesn’t require any attached files?
- Is it possible to publish all DC fields from Rosetta?
- Is it possible to search Rosetta and look at content but not download any files?
- Is it possible to use the <area> tag inside of the <fptr> tag [mets:fptr]?
- Is there a list of all of the SOLR search fields in Rosetta?
- JHOVE's PDF-hul Module
- Job runs History - bad display
- JpegVPP parameters
- Jpeg Viewer is failing to view tiff files bigger than 1GB
- Known issues for SP 3.2.1
- DC metadata fields Language settings
- List of shortcuts (aliases) for Rosetta server locations; can they be updated?
- Local Authentication in Rosetta
- Login from Delivery doesn't work properly
- Logo on User Interface Collection Viewer
- Log of IEs Deleted via Rosetta's Metadata Editor
- m4a file not playing with JW Audio Player
- Make Rosetta use MXF Generic Thumbnail Rule instead of DEFAULT Generic Thumbnail Rule
- Making DC elements hyperlinkable in viewer metedata display
- Manage Processes is unreachable
- Manually add missing Date fields in Access Rights and Retention Policies
- Manually Delete All Ingested Rosetta Data
- Manual actions to be applied during Rosetta 5.0 installation to correct issue with derivative copies
- Manual update of the Format Library signature file
- Maximum ingest rate per day
- Maximum value of max_file_size_to_download
- Metadata Profile is not filtered by institution
- METS encoded UTF-8 with byte order mark may cause the ingest to fail
- ImageMagick Security Issue CVE-2016–3714 "ImageTragick"
- multiple tilde ( ~ ) and underscore in some NFS SF deposit directories
- NFSInPlaceStorage Rosetta plugin usage
- OAI-PMH Harvester best practices
- Deleted IEs aren't published in Rosetta version 8.0
- OAI Publishing: unexpected behavior when an IE being published by multiple OAI Publishing Configurations
- OAI publishing of the same Record in 2 Sets
- OpenSeadragon Viewer - OpenJpeg not supported in Solaris
- ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
- Out of memory error when indexing IE
- PDS doesn't work with Apache 2.2.32
- Permanent repository METS is not updated after Update MD Web Service
- Preformance when executing processes and worker level
- PrestoPrime results in Rosetta
- OAI Publishing Configuration: A Profile already exists with Metadata Format but with a different Converter Plugin
- Publishing an Entire Set Again
- Publishing using itemized set
- Red bar appears: "System Check(s) Failed and Requires the System Administrator Attention!"
- Replace invalid email address Rosetta uses when downloading SP
- Retaining Directory/File Structure for Exported Content
- RHEL 7 (CentOS 7) - Rosetta do not start after server reboot / startup
- RHEL 8 (CentOS 8) - Rosetta do not start after server reboot / startup
- Rollback from SP 5.0.1 or
- Rosetta 3.1.1 upgrade and libjpeg precheck on RH6
- Rosetta 3rd party products release schedules
- Rosetta 4.1 SDK
- Rosetta 5.4 Service Pack - Special instructions for Solr upgrade and rollback
- Rosetta 7.1 Service Pack - Special instructions for Solr upgrade and rollback
- Rosetta 7.2 Service Pack ends with WARNING related to rep DPS 20274.sql script
- Rosetta 8.0-8.2 - Unable to export REP or IE or view Itemize Set "Members"
- Rosetta 8.0 Service Pack - Special instructions for Solr upgrade and rollback
- Rosetta CSV migration
- dps_stop command does not work
- Rosetta login screen display issue after 5.2 upgrade
- Rosetta Out-of-the-Box Plug-ins and Tools
- Rosetta rollback procedure for 3.2
- Rosetta service pack 5.2 ends with warning related to the script rep_DPS_16142.sql
- Rosetta 7.1 Service Pack ends with WARNING related to rep_DPS_20123.sql script
- Rosetta SP 7.4 installation corrupts cantaloupe delivery
- Rosetta SP 8.1./HF Parameters Related to Handling of CDATA in Descriptive and DNX Fields
- Rosetta SP 8.2 third-party upgrade available
- Rosetta Terms of Use are not shown properly
- Rosetta Troubleshooting Guide
- Rosetta v3.1 Terms of Use configuration
- Rosetta will not start
- Sampling rate configuration
- Save/Mail from OPAC (or OPAC via Primo) not working: doc_number is not filled
- SDK3.0 Use Stubs Instead of WS Locator
- Search for specific sip returns more than one result
- Security vulnerability issues – Basic troubleshooter
- Setting the “Postal Code” field gives an error: “Field Postal Code must contain a valid postcode”
- Setup Email Preferences to Subscribe to Ex Libris Mailing Lists
- Update Date Format display in the Rosetta User Interface
- Should the 'copy' or 'move' handling method be used in the submission format?
- SIPs fail validation with mets rosetta.xsd
- SIPs in operational_shared/ not ingesting into Rosetta and now have underscore and tilde in front of them
- SIPs locked after updateRepresentation
- SIP fails to TA - Loading tab with "Unable to find stream" error while the file is in the directory
- SIP in validation cannot be declined
- SIP is failed in status "To Permanent"
- SIP is failing MD validation in Approver
- Sip status is missing in SIP report
- SIP Title for Mets deposit
- SOAP web services after Rosetta 7.1 SP
- SOAP / API Update calling updateRepresentation
- Solaris 11 env.:SP installation failed with wget error
- Solr Admin UI
- How to view SolrCloud server status
- Solr servers are down after 5.4 upgrade: “The following Solr servers are down <<server name>>. Search results may be partial. Please contact the System Administrator"
- Some SIPS in the submission job hang for several hours unprocessed
- Source metadata identifiers in Rosetta version 6
- Spring4Shell vulnerability in the Spring Framework
- SRU/SRW explain record gets no response
- SSL 3.0 Vulnerability ("POODLE")
- Submission fails to TA with error of "The maximum file upload size exceeded, current upload size"
- Submission Format handling methods limitations
- Submitting Rosetta Support Cases Best Practices
- Subscribing to Knowledge Center resources to get answers before questions arise
- Switch Between Matching Files of Different Representation Levels
- System Checks Error after Upgrade to SP 4.0.0
- The deposit directories are not deleted after delete job
- Thumbnails derived from tiffs and not from jpegs
- Thumbnails Quality
- Tips for Advanced Document Searching in the Customer Knowledge Center
- Tool for migrating older *.pdfs so that Rosetta accepts them as valid?
- UB/vPrimo: Cannot access UB request form from Requests tab when first item unavailable
- ui.alternative_list.errors.fileNotMatch" errors on import
- UI not accessible - Fail Login/pwd
- Unable to create Metadata Extraction/Format Validation/Virus Check Error Rule when "Error Message" is long
- Unable to ignore Format Validation Error from "Technical Issues" screen with Rosetta -
- Unbalanced status of Index instances
- UpdateMD web services
- Update file's property in Permanent
- Update IE: getIE API with flag 0 returns IE without derivative copy representation
- Updating JHOVE
- Upgrade to 3.2.1 failed with timeout on rep_DPS_10919.sql
- Upgrade FL version does not use correct DROID plugin
- User ID in Access Rights
- Use indexing exception feature to re-indexing IEs
- Using Aurigma bulk uploader with Internet Explorer browser
- Vertical scrollbar missing in IE viewer TOC (3.1.1)
- View link from IE editor Versions tab does not work after installation of SP 8.2
- Webservices SOAP in WSDL end point to the load balancer
- Web Access Logs
- What default DCMI Elements (properties) are pre-configured in Rosetta?
- What does "ETD" stand for?
- What is a jhove.conf file and how do you edit it in the JHOVE plugins?
- What is Rosetta's default audio/video player?
- What is the IE status used for (e.g. Active or Suppressed)?
- What is the Oracle DBA group name [Rosetta]?
- What is the Rosetta Dashboard refresh rate?
- What ports need to be opened for Rosetta?
- What procedure should be followed to alert Ex Libris of a system down?
- What types of structmaps Rosetta supports and how?
- When does code / mapping tables "Updated by" field gets updated
- When does Rosetta run fixity?
- Where are the Oracle passwords defined for Rosetta?
- Where is the file used to customize the Rosetta Login screen?
- Where to change the from email address that displays in the confirmation email depositors get when they register?
- Where to change the logo in the Terms of Use window (logo-main.png)?
- Where to remove automatic Format ID, File extention, and metadata extraction rules
- Which SIPs are counted in dashboard under SIPs In Process
- Which user role can create/edit collections in collection management
- Why can a user see Material Flows of an old institution after creating a new one
- Why can’t sets be deleted from Rosetta if they are attached to processes?
- Why is publishing not running at the scheduled times?
- Additional XML tags in Dublin Core (DC) fields
- Product Materials
- Learn more about our product offerings, and how they can serve your needs
- Implementation and Installation
- Understand methodology and requirements to facilitate successful implementations