Is it possible to create submission format that doesn’t require any attached files?
- Article Type: Q&A
- Product: Rosetta
Is it possible to create submission format that doesn’t require any attached files (i.e. for uploading metadata only with no associated file_streams)?
This is more of a feature of a digital asset management system (adding metadata without associated files), not so much of a digital preservation system (i.e. Rosetta).
Rosetta requites a file of some sort (*.xml. *.pdf, *.mp3, etc.) in order to create an IE.
As per the Material Flows> Submission Formats section of the Rosetta Overview Guide: “Submission formats govern how Producer Agents upload files and what limitations are applied to the files…..”
Note that adding a ‘dummy’ file as a place holder (to 'fool' the system) with any extension except *.txt will likely fail validation because there would be no technical metadata to extract.
Category: Rosetta
Subject: SIP Loading - Rosetta
- Article last edited: 7/7/2014