UI not accessible - Fail Login/pwd
- Article Type: General
- Product: Rosetta
- Product Version: 4.0.1
Problem Symptoms:
UI is not accessible
* No error in server.log
* User is not locked, nor expired and user and pwd are correct
* Apache running only on ONE server, ans was restarted as root
* All servers are up and have been restarted
* PDS seems ok but when try to login, it doesn't redirect and fails
Look at the pds_server.log :
cd ../log
tail -f pdsroot
See :
Warning : HTTP Error Message = Can't connect to preserve-staging.nlb.gov.sg:80 (connect: No route to host)
Try then from one server :
wget "preserve-staging.nlb.gov.sg:80"
It should fail as well
Load balancer
1. Check with System Administration Team to see what was changed and if can be rolled back
2. if nothing was changed, contact Support
Category: Infrastructure
Subject: PDS
- Article last edited: 11/20/2014