Material Flows
Material Flows
Material flows govern the deposit process. Producers can have as many material flows as needed. Likewise, each material flow may be associated with many Producers.
Staff users can configure the following material flow parameters:
- Metadata forms define the types of information the Producer Agents must provide about the content. This can include author, title, owner, creation date, and description.
- Access rights define the options the Producer Agents can select to control who can view the content.
- Retention policies allow Producer Agents to place date or duration limits on the storage of the material.
- Submission formats define how Producer Agents upload files and what limitations are applied to the files. Submission formats can be created for manual and automated deposits. (For more information, see Manual Deposit or Automated Deposit.)
- Content structure templates, which determine the XML framework for providing content metadata. The Rosetta system supports Dublin Core, METS, and comma-separated values (CSV) standards.