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    Deposit Activity Management

    About Deposit Activities

    A deposit activity is a set of files that a Producer Agent deposits or saves for future deposit. A deposit activity, for example, can be 150 scanned pages of a book along with 150 thumbnail files that are used for previews.
    Producer Agents manage deposit activities using the Web-based interface. The interface provides information about each deposit activity, including deposit activity status, the reason for return or decline, or the description of a problem. In addition, the interface enables the Producer Agent to perform a number of actions on a deposit activity. For example, the Producer Agent can deposit draft deposit activities or resubmit returned deposit activities.
    The actions that Producer Agents can perform on a deposit activity depend on its status. The Rosetta system stores the deposit activities in folders according to their statuses. (For more information, see Deposit Activity Folders.)
    The Producer Agent is kept informed of the status of the submission through e-mails that are automatically generated by Rosetta at particular points in the review process, such as when the submission is received by the Rosetta system or when part or all of a submission has been rejected. Producer Agents may receive notice when their material is approved and placed in a permanent repository. This is configurable (see Adding an E-mail Confirmation in the Rosetta Configuration Guide).

    Deposit Activity Folders

    The deposit activity folders enable Producer Agents to manage content submitted to the Rosetta system.
    Producer Agents can work with the following folders:

    Drafts Folder

    The Drafts folder contains deposit activities that Producer Agents have saved but have not yet deposited. Deposit activities in the Drafts folder can be edited by a Producer Agent. For example, a Producer Agent can add files, remove files, or change descriptive information.
    Producer Agents can perform the following actions on deposit activities in the Drafts folder:

    Submitted Folder

    The Submitted folder contains deposit activities that have been deposited and are waiting for review by a Staff user. Deposit activities in the Submitted folder cannot be edited by a Producer Agent.
    Producer Agents can perform the following actions on deposit activities in the Submitted folder:

    Returned Folder

    The Returned folder contains deposit activities that Staff users have reviewed and returned to the Producer Agent due to technical or non-technical issues with the content. Staff users can either return the entire deposit activity or specific files only:
    • An entire deposit activity can be returned if the descriptive metadata is inaccurate, if some files are missing, or if the access rights are incorrectly defined. Producer Agents can replace and resubmit the individual returned files.
    • Individual files can be returned if the file is corrupt or the image quality is poor. Producer Agents can replace and resubmit the individual returned files.
    Producer Agents can perform the following actions on deposit activities in the Returned folder:

    Declined Folder

    The Declined folder contains deposit activities that have been declined by a Staff user. Producer Agents can view the declined deposit activities. In addition, Producer Agents can view the Staff user’s reason for, and explanatory notes concerning, the decline. Deposit activities in the Declined folder cannot be edited or deleted by a Producer Agent.
    Producer Agents can perform the following actions on deposit activities in the Declined folder:

    Approved Folder

    The Approved folder contains deposit activities that have been approved by a Staff user. Deposit activities in the Approved folder cannot be edited by a Producer Agent.
    Producer Agents can click the text link IE List to view the list of IEs in permanent storage created from the selected SIP, and to view each IE itself.
    Producer Agents can perform the following action on deposit activities in the Approved folder:

    Viewing Deposit Activity

    Producer Agents can view deposit activities in each folder. Some information is common to all the folders. For example, all deposit activities have a title, type, and date of creation. All activities also have a link to view a specific item’s submission history. See Activity History.
    In addition, some folders provide data that are specific to the deposit activity status. For example, deposit activities stored in the Returned folder contain a reason why the deposit activity was returned by the Staff user along with explanatory notes from the Staff user.
    To view deposit activities:
    1. Log on to the Rosetta Deposit system. The Deposit Activities page opens.

      Deposit Activities Page.png

      Deposit Activities Page (Partial)

      The page consists of the following:

      • Folders, the tabs on the top, present the names of the folders and the number of deposit activities stored for each kind.
      • The Deposit Activities list, under the folder tabs, display deposit activities that are stored in the selected folder along with information about each deposit activity.
        A problem description is displayed in the Returned and Declined folders only. This field contains the reason why the deposit activity was returned or declined by the Staff.
    2. Click the folder you want to view from the folders pane. The deposit activities in this folder are displayed in the Deposit Activities pane.

    Activity History

    Deposit activities from every folder contain a link to each item’s history. The history link appears in the row of the deposit activity, sometimes visible initially and sometimes only after you click the More text in the corresponding row.
    Click the History link for an item to display the History page for that item.
    History Page.png
    History Page for Submitted Folder Items
    Items will have different amounts and types of events depending on how much they have been processed in the system. Figure from the Submitted folder has two events so far.
    To see further details for a history event, click the text under the Event Type heading. The History Event Details page opens.
    History - Event Details Page.png
    History - Event Details Page
    The Event Details page provides information such as the date on which the event occurred, issues and problems that arose during processing, and impact to the system.

    Editing and Depositing Draft Deposits

    Producer Agents can edit and deposit any deposit activity in the Drafts folder. For example, a Producer Agent can add files, remove files, or change descriptive information. In addition, the Producer Agent can deposit the deposit activity.
    To edit and deposit draft deposit activity:
    1. On the Deposit Activities page (see Viewing Deposit Activity), locate the deposit activity you want to modify and click Edit. The Edit Deposit Activity page opens.

      Edit Deposit Activity Page.png

      Edit Deposit Activity Page

      The Edit Deposit Activity page enables the Producer Agent to change the deposit activity information, as described in the following table:

      Edit Deposit Activity Tabs
      Tab Description
      Descriptive Information Enables the Producer Agent to edit the content metadata.
      Access Rights Enables the Producer Agent to edit who can view the content and when the content can be viewed.
      Upload Files Enables the Producer Agent to edit the list of files.
      Summary Enables the Producer Agent to view general information about the deposit activity.
    2. Click the appropriate tabs and make the necessary changes.
    3. To save the deposit activity and return to it later, click the Save button. The deposit activity shows in the Drafts folder.
      To send the deposit activity for review, click Submit. The deposit activity is moved from the Drafts folder to the Submitted folder.
    The deposit activity is submitted to a Staff user for review. Rosetta sends an automated e-mail confirming the submission by the Producer Agent. The e-mail contains
    • a time stamp of the Deposit Activity (date and time)
    • the Deposit Activity ID
    • the Producer ID
    • the Producer Name

    Resubmitting Returned Deposits

    Staff users can either return the entire deposit activity or specific files only. There are different procedures for

    Resubmitting an Entire Deposit

    A Producer Agent can resubmit an entire returned deposit activity.
    To resubmit an entire deposit:
    1. On the Deposit Activities page (see Viewing Deposit Activity), in the folders pane, click Returned.
    2. OPTIONAL: View any notes about why the item was returned.
      1. Locate the deposit activity you want to resubmit and click the corresponding Notes text link. The Deposit Notes page opens.

        Deposit Activity Notes Page.png

        Deposit Activity Notes Page
      2. Review the reason why the deposit activity was returned and click Back to return to the Deposit Activities page.
    3. Locate the deposit activity you want to resubmit and click the corresponding Edit text link. The Edit Deposit Activity page opens. For more information about the tabs on this page, see the table Edit Deposit Activity Tabs.
    4. Click the appropriate tabs and make the necessary changes.
    5. Click Submit.
    The deposit activity is resubmitted to a Staff user for review. The Producer Agent receives a confirmation e-mail.

    Resubmitting Individual Returned Files

    A Producer Agent can resubmit individual returned files that are stored in the Returned folder.
    To resubmit individual files:
    1. On the Deposit Activities page (see Viewing Deposit Activity), in the folders pane, click Returned.
    2. OPTIONAL: View any notes about why the items were returned. Partial or full notes may be viewable on the Deposit Activities page. To see the full note:
      1. Locate the deposit activity containing the files you want to resubmit and click the corresponding Notes text link. The Deposit Notes page opens.

        Deposit Activity Notes Page.png

        Deposit Activity Notes Page
      2. Review the reason why the deposit activity was returned and click Back to return to the Deposit Activities page.
    3. Locate the deposit activity containing files that need to be resubmitted and click the Edit text link in the corresponding row. The Resubmit Files page opens.


      Resubmit Files Page
    4. OPTIONAL: Click the Problem link to view details about why the file was returned, then click Back to return to the procedure.
    5. Click the Replace text link in the row of the file you want to replace.
      The page refreshes with an Upload File pane.
    6. Click the Browse button in the Upload File pane and, in the Open a File dialog box, select the file to replace the returned one.
    7. Click the Upload button.
    8. Enter information, as needed, in the Label or Notes fields.
    9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each file you want to resubmit.
    10. Click Submit.
    The deposit activity is resubmitted to a Staff user for review. The Producer Agent receives a confirmation e-mail.

    Managing Notes

    Staff users record notes to explain why content was returned or declined. In addition, Producer Agents can record explanatory notes for the Staff users when they submit a deposit activity.
    Producer Agents can view notes that are stored in all folders and can add and edit notes that are stored in the Drafts, Submitted, and Returned folders.
    To view, add, or edit notes:
    1. On the Deposit Activities page (see Viewing Deposit Activity), in the folders pane, click the folder containing the submission to which you want to add a note.
    2. Locate the deposit activity with which you want to work and click the Notes text in the same row. The Deposit Activity Notes page opens.

      Deposit Activity Notes Page.png

      Deposit Activity Notes Page
    3. To add a note, enter the information in the Add Note field and click the Add Note button.
    4. Click Save to save your changes.

    Deleting Deposit Activity

    A Producer Agent can delete deposit activities from the Drafts folder. Once a deposit activity is deleted, it cannot be restored.
    To delete a draft deposit activity:
    1. On the Deposit Activities page (see Viewing Deposit Activity), in the folders pane, click Drafts.
    2. Locate the deposit activity you want to delete and click More. Additional options are displayed.
    3. Click Delete.
    The deposit activity is deleted from the Rosetta system.
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