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Ex Libris Knowledge Center

Configuring Metadata Profiles

Configuring Metadata Profiles

A metadata profile defines:
  • Which metadata elements are mandatory for a given IE
  • Which validation routines should apply for each of the IE’s metadata elements
  • Whether a user can add elements or whether the list of elements that can be associated with the IE is restricted according to a predefined list
This section contains the following topics:

Accessing the List of Metadata Profiles Page

The List of Metadata Profiles page enables Deposit Managers to edit, duplicate, and delete existing Metadata Profiles. Deposit Managers can also use this page to add new metadata profiles.

To access the List of Metadata Profiles page:
From the Rosetta rollover menu, click Deposits > Deposit Arrangements > List of Metadata Profiles.
The List of Metadata Profiles page opens.
List of Metadata Profiles Page
You can search specifically for a profile using the Find/in search in the row below the breadcrumb. This searches the existing list for the term you enter.
The table itself displays the profile name and description (as entered by the staff who created the entry) and the creation and modification dates (system-generated).
From this page, you can perform the following actions:

Creating a New Metadata Profile

To create a new metadata profile:
  1. From the List of Metadata Profiles page (Deposits > Deposit Arrangements > List of Metadata Profiles), click the Add Metadata Profile button (above the Name column of the table).
    The Metadata Profile Editor page opens.
Metadata Profile Editor page
  1. Enter a name for the metadata profile and a brief description of it in the fields provided.
  2. Add elements to the profile by using the available add buttons and selecting items from the drop-down fields on the Element Editor pages that open.
  3. Click Apply to save the profile and remain on the page or Save to save it and return to the List of Metadata Profiles page.
    • Metadata Profiles for depositing structural IEs should not have the access rights configured in the profile in order to facilitate a smooth transfer of the IEs to the permanent storage.
    • If an access right is missing from a content IE in the deposited data, the access rights configured on the relevant Material Flow is added to that content IE.

Editing or Duplicating an Existing Metadata Profile

Staff Managers can make changes to an existing profile by editing it or by duplicating it. Duplicating an existing profile allows users to keep the original profile intact while creating a new profile based on the values entered in the original.
To edit or duplicate an existing metadata profile:
  1. Access the List of Metadata Profiles page (Deposits > Deposit Arrangements > List of Metadata Profiles) and find the profile you want to edit.
  2. In the row of the profile, click the Edit text link if you want to change the profile, click Duplicate if you want to keep a copy of the original profile and use its values as a starting point for a new profile.
  3. The Metadata Profile Editor page opens. Values for the profile selected appear on the form.
  4. Make changes to any of the editable fields, and add, edit, or delete any of the descriptive metadata or DNX elements.
  5. Click Apply to save, Save to save and return to the previous page (the Metadata Profile List page). To cancel changes you made and return to the previous page, click the Back button.

Deleting a Profile

To delete an existing profile
  1. To delete a metadata profile, access the List of Metadata Profiles page (Deposits > Deposit Arrangements > Metadata Profiles) and find the profile you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete text link of that row.
    A Deletion Confirmation page opens.
  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Confirm button.
    The system deletes the profile and returns you to the List of Metadata Profiles page.
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