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    5.3 Hands-On: Reviewing Content (The 3As)

    Reviewing Content (3A)

    Motivation: Familiarize yourself with Assessor, Approver and Arranger's main work.
    Scenario 1: Assessor corrects Access Rights policy and Title, and moves SIP to next stage (permanent)

    The Assessor views a SIP and changes the Access Rights policy. Then he edits the descriptive MD.


    Let's start:

    1. Open your Web browser and enter the URL of the Management area:


    1. Log in using your user. Be sure to select the Training institution.
    2. Select Submissions > Approval > Assess SIPs
    3. Find a SIP which is not assigned to any Assessor (denoted by having no name list within the "Assigned To" column).
    4. Click Work On

    Enter and view the four tabs: Content list, Metadata, Notes and History.

    1. Within the Content List tab, click Edit IE. This opens the Web Editor.

    Note that the IE is highlighted in yellow in the tree situated at the left part of the screen.

    1. In the IE level, Metadata tab, View the access rights. Change them, by clicking Assign AR. Choose a different one and click Add. Note that the Access Rights Mid (name) has been changed accordingly.
    2. Edit the descriptive metadata: in the IE level, Metadata tab, descriptive – DC click dcterms:alternative, update its value and Save Field.
    3. Go back to the SIP Content List by clicking on the Back link and move the SIP to permanent (in the drop down, choose Move To Next Stage and click Execute).




    Scenario 2: Assessor rejects an IE

    Assessor views the SIP and discovers that within the stream files there is a problem. Assessor Rejects the SIP and requests the Producer Agent to resubmit deposit activity.

    Producer Agent edits the deposit activity: he edits the metadata (adds a note), removes the problematic file, adds the correct one instead and re-submits the SIP. Assessor then moves the SIP to the arranger, who moves it to permanent.


    Let's start:

    1. Go to Submissions > Approval > Assess SIPs > Work On a different SIP. Preferably, use a SIP, YOU deposited.
    2. Edit the IE
    3. View all files. Then go back to the SIP content List, by clicking back down left.
    4. Go back one more time to the Assessor List and Check the box of the SIP you want to Reject (that is another way to Reject/Approve/Decline and can be multi-selective)
    5. Reject the SIP (in the drop down, choose Reject SIP and click Execute)
    6. Provide a reason and click Save.
    7. Review the email that will be sent to the Producer, and click Send.
    8. Login to the Deposit area. Enter the Approved folder. Here you see the SIP that you moved to permanent in the first scenario.
    9. Enter the Returned folder, and note that you are given the Problem Description you entered in Scenario 2.
    10. Click Edit the SIP.
      1. Enter the Descriptive Information tab and add a note.
      2. Enter the Upload Files tab, remove one of the files, and upload a new one. Click Re-submit.
    11. Enter the Back Office area, go to Submissions > Approval > Assess SIPs > Work On the same SIP.
    12. Move the SIP to Arranger's pool (in the drop down, choose Move To Arranger Pool and click Execute).
    13. Go to Submissions > Approval > Arrange SIPs > Work On this SIP.
    14. View the SIP from there. As the arranger, you decide to move it to permanent (in the drop down, choose Move To Next Stage and click Execute).



    Scenario 3: Assessor declines a SIP

    Assessor views a SIP and declines it as duplicated. (Already been deposited by another Producer Agent from the same organization)


    Let's start:

    1. Enter the Back Office area. Go to Submissions > Approval > Assess SIPs > Work On another SIP
    2. View the files. As the Assessor, you notice that the publication has already been deposited by another Producer Agent and therefore you Decline it (in the drop down, choose Decline SIP and click Execute)
    3. Login to the Deposit area. Enter the Declined folder. Here you see the SIP you declined in the last step. Note that within this folder you cannot re-submit the SIP.
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