Why are there missing titles in the American Mathematical Society (AMS) eBook collections in the Ex Libris knowledgebases (KBs)?
The American Mathematical Society (AMS) eBook collections in the Ex Libris knowledgebases (KBs) may have missing titles for several reasons:
Publication or License Agreements: Some exclusions result from publication or license agreements. AMS provides no digital rights management and unlimited simultaneous access/perpetual access for all titles, which they cannot support for some titles.
A list of these exclusions are posted on AMS's ordering page under “Browse the current eBook Collections price list, including subsets and exclusion” found here: https://www.ams.org/publications/ebooks/hto-ebooks
Metadata Source: Ex Libris currently uses AMS's MARC records as a source of KB metadata. AMS only creates MARC records for electronic resources hosted on www.ams.org. Collections without existing MARC records are awaiting data from the Library of Congress. Once received, AMS will make the MARC records available for download. However, this process may take some time from when the records are available on AMS's website until we can add them to the KBs.