Add a Single Subscription (No Specific Target) in SFX and Primo
- Article Type: General
- Product: Primo
- Product Version: 4
Desired Outcome Goal:
Make articles from a new subscription discoverable via Primo and Primo Central (for example, The Wall Street Journal subscribed to directly from ProQuest).
1. Collect the required details:
- a. specific edition (prefer ISSN over journal title)
- b. threshold (coverage limitations)
2. In SFX, locate the most general package that applies. For example, in the above example, a good target is PROQUEST_NEWSSTAND_NATIONAL_NEWSPAPERS_NEW_PLATFORM which provides coverage back to 1984.
3. In SFX, activate the Object, Service, and Target, adjusting the Object threshold, if necessary.
4. In the SFX Target Service,
- a. turn off AutoActive
- b. turn on AutoUpdate
- c. if relevant, turn on Use Proxy
5. In Primo Central, activate a collection that provides searching for this title.
- If it is not known which collection provides access, send the question to the Primo Central team via a Case.
Additional Information
* Updates to SFX holdings entered by Thursday morning are generally synced with Primo Central over the weekend.
* There is not currently a Primo Central interface to search a specific journal and identify relevant Primo Central collections.
Category: Interoperability (SFX)
Subject: Primo
- Article last edited: 1/3/2014