Problems with eBook Search Go Button and Page
- Article Type: General
- Product: SFX
- Product Version: 4
Problem Symptoms:
* The "Go" button does not work or display on the azbook page
* Although ebook az search should be available, there is no link to it from the az search interface
* There is no header for ebook on the az ebook search interface page
The file that creates the header was customized resulting in a broken symbolic link.
When the az ebook option was added to SFX, the existing file was not updated because of the broken symbolic link.
1. Run server_admin_util
2. Select 2 Filesystem maintenance
3. Select 7 Check for broken symbolic links (except for sfxglb41). The display will be something like this:
Do you want to save the output in a file? [y/N] n
/exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/abc/templates/azlist_ver3/head.tmpl is a local file, but it should be a symbolic link.
/exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/abc/templates/img/sfxmenu/header.gif is a local file, but it should be a symbolic link.
/exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/abc/templates/img/azlist_ver3/header.gif is a local file, but it should be a symbolic link.
/exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/abc/templates/multiobject/head.tmpl is a local file, but it should be a symbolic link.
4. Respond with yes to the following questions:
Would you like to recreate broken symbolic link/s [y/N] y
Would you like to backup the local file/s [Y/n] y
Repair file /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/wpmstc/templates/azlist_ver3/head.tmpl ? [Y/n] y
Broken link to /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/sfxglb41/templates/azlist_ver3/head.tmpl was repaired successfully
Local file /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/wpmstc/templates/azlist_ver3/head.tmpl was backed up to
Note that there is no need to repair the broken symbolic links for the image files or for the multiobject header file.
Repair file /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/wpmstc/templates/img/sfxmenu/header.gif ? [Y/n] n
Repair file /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/wpmstc/templates/img/azlist_ver3/header.gif ? [Y/n] n
Repair file /exlibris/sfx_ver/sfx4_1/wpmstc/templates/multiobject/head.tmpl ? [Y/n] n
5. cd ../templates/azlist_ver3
6. Edit the head.tmpl file, breaking the symbolic link, to restore previous customizations (found in the back up file created above).
Additional Information
Issue 46697 (QC Defect 10809) was created to request that height and width attributes be removed from the header img tag in head.tmpl. It is common, during implementation, to customize the customer's logo and this usually requires removing those attributes.
<IMG SRC="/<TMPL_VAR INSTANCE>-<TMPL_VAR _SFX_INSTITUTE>/a-z_banner.gif" WIDTH="455" HEIGHT="48" BORDER="0" ALT="ExLibris header image" class="az_img">
This issue should be resolved in Service Pack 4.5.1. However, the reported problem in this article is not resolved by this change. This fix will only change this line in the default SFX version of the file, not in the customized version. If the problem exists in the customized file, it still needs to be fixed manually.
Once this fix is completed in Service Pack 4.5.1, customers should consider restoring the symbolic link to the default file. This can be done easily if the only difference between the default file and the customized file is the removal of the height and width attributes.
Category: A-Z List (SFX)
Subject: SFX
- Article last edited: 10/8/2013